Этот фильм, думаю, оставит след у каждого после просмотра. Фильмы о ме перевод - Этот фильм, думаю, оставит след у каждого после просмотра. Фильмы о ме английский как сказать

Этот фильм, думаю, оставит след у к

Этот фильм, думаю, оставит след у каждого после просмотра.
Фильмы о мечтах, желаниях, всегда нужны и актуальны. Люди сейчас взрослея перестают мечтать, перестают идти к своей мечте, перестают верить в неё.
После просмотра этой картины остается какое-то странное, неоднозначное чувство. Герои, каждый по-своему, оставляют особое впечатление, хочется пересмотреть фильм еще раз, чтобы лучше понять их. И вот, когда кино уже закончилось, а ты остаешься один на один с собой, голова, кажется, так и разорвется от мыслей.
Первое, что хотел сказать режиссер — это нехватка и нужда в нашем мире мечтателей. Начнется …, уже началась деградация общества, потому что никому не хочется переделывать мир.
Второе — это идея того, что у каждого свой путь, на котором встречаются разные люди, хорошие и не очень, случаются беды, несчастья, но вместе с ними также и много хорошего; это путь, идя по которому мы становимся мудрее.
Один раз заглянув внутрь себя, ты рискуешь пропасть навсегда. Запутаться и искать выход... Выходы есть разные. Можно заучивать наизусть старые фильмы, наглотаться таблеток, уехать на Аляску или надеть белое платье и застрелиться.
Да, здесь есть над чем поломать голову! Мечта - это воздушный шарик, ты можешь его отпустить, или же он сам улетит. Жизнь наша - мечта, поэтому нам следует жить и мечтать! Жизнь, такая штука, в ней надо что-то потерять, что бы получить что-то взамен!
Да, фильм про мечту... Но про чью??? Половину кина Аксель строит летательный аппарат, при этом сам мечтает оказаться на Аляске... Полететь же мечтает его возлюбленная-истеричка... Она для своей мечты не сделала ничего. По-моему, Аксель - заплутавший молодой человек, почти полностью живущий в своем выдуманном мире....
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
This movie, I think, will leave a trail of everyone after watching. Movies about dreams, desires, always needed and relevant. People are now growing up stop dreaming, stop going to his dream, cease to believe in it. After seeing this picture remains some strange, ambiguous feeling. Heroes, each in his own way, leave a special impression, it would be desirable to review the movie again to better understand them. And that's when the movie is over and you're left alone with a head, it seems, and broken off from thinking. The first thing I wanted to say Director is a shortage and poverty in our world of dreamers. Begin ... already began the degradation of society, because nobody wants to change the world. The second is the idea that everyone has their own path, which meet different people, good and not-so-happen woes, unhappiness, but also along with them much good; This way, going on that we become wiser. Once looking inside yourself, you risk the abyss forever. Confused and looking for an exit. The outputs are different. You can memorize the old movies, swallow the pill, go to Alaska or to wear a white dress and shoot yourself. Yes, there is something to smash his head! Dream is a balloon, you can release it, or fly it himself. Our life is a dream, so we should live and dream! Life, such a thing, it must be something to lose, that would get something in return! Yes, the film is about a dream. But whose? Half Keane Axel builds aircraft, when it wants to be in Alaska. Fly the same dreams of his beloved-what ... It is for their dreams did nothing. In my opinion, Axel-zaplutavšij young man, almost totally living in his fictional world ...
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
This movie, I think, leave a mark after each viewing.
Movies about dreams, desires, needs, and always relevant. People are no longer dream of growing up, no longer go for their dreams, no longer believe in it.
After seeing this picture is a strange, mixed feeling. Heroes, each in its own way, leave a special impression, it would be desirable to revise the film again, in order to better understand them. And then, when the movie is over, and you are left alone with a head, it seems, and will break from thinking.
First, I wanted to tell the director - is the lack of and need for our world of dreamers. Starts ... has already begun the degradation of society, because nobody wants to remake the world.
Second - this is the idea that everyone has a way in which there are different people, good and bad, happen misfortune, misery, but together with them as well and a lot of good; It is the path along which we become wiser.
Once you look inside yourself, you risk the abyss forever. Get confused and find a way out ... the output is different. You can memorize old movies, swallow tablets, go to Alaska or to wear a white dress and shoot.
Yes, there is something to smash his head! Dream - a balloon, you can let him go, or he will fly. Our life - a dream, so we need to live and to dream! Life is such a thing, it is necessary to lose something that would get something in return!
Yes, a film about a dream ... But about someone ??? Half of kin Axel builds aircraft at the same time he wants to be in Alaska ... Fly same dreams his beloved-hysteric ... She did not do anything for their dream. In my opinion, Axel - easily get lost young man, almost living in a fantasy world ....
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
this movie, i think, leave a trail of each after viewing.films about dreams, wishes, needs and valid. people are growing up stop to stop to go to his dream, stop believing in it.after viewing this painting is a strange, mixed feeling. heroes, each in his own way, leave the impression you want to film again to better understand them. and when the movie"s over, and you still get to be alone with you, i think i just burst from thoughts.first, i wanted to tell the director is the lack of and need in our world of dreams. begins, already started the degradation of society, because no one wants to remake the world.the second is the idea that everyone has his own way, which meet different kinds of people, good and bad, have trouble, distress, but also a lot of good things with them; this is the way in which we become wiser.one time looking inside yourself, you will disappear forever. confused and looking for a way out. the exits are different. we can learn by heart the old movies on pills, to go to alaska or wear a white dress and shoot.yes, here a while. dream is a balloon, you can let him go, and he goes. our life is a dream, so we should live and dream! life, such a thing, it"s got something to lose, what would get something in return.a movie about the dream. but whose? ?? the half axel is keene aircraft, when it wants to be in alaska. fly"s dreams of his girlfriend"s hysterical. it"s for your dreams didn"t do anything. in my opinion, axel заплутавший young man, almost completely stuck in your fantasy world.
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