Было это не так давно. В одном городе жил мальчик. Звали его Тим. Он б перевод - Было это не так давно. В одном городе жил мальчик. Звали его Тим. Он б английский как сказать

Было это не так давно. В одном горо

Было это не так давно. В одном городе жил мальчик. Звали его Тим. Он был обычным мальчиком, которому было десять лет. Он любил играть в прядки и футбол с другими детьми. Но однажды его жизнь изменилась раз и навсегда.
Однажды у Тима появились новые соседи. Это была небольшая семья., которая состояла из мамы, папы и девочки Ани. Ане было 10 лет тоже. Это была невероятно красивая девочка. Фактично, когда Тим увидел ее первый раз он подумал, что она самая красивая девочка, которую он когда-либо видел. У нее были длинные темные волосы и большие темные глаза.
Так вот, их первая встреча произошла на следующий день после приезда девочки. Тим, как обычно, гулял на улице, а Аня вышла на прогулку тоже. Она сразу понравилась Тиму и он почувствовал, что влюбился. Но так и не подошел к ней. Так каждый день Тим ждал с нетерпением момент, когда он сможет увидеть девочку.

Спустя неделю мальчик все же решился. Они познакомились. Тиму казалось, что это лучший день в его жизни. После их знакомства прошло около пяти лет... И все это время Аня и Тим дружили и гуляли вместе. Оба чувствовали что-то необычное. Они чувствовали тоску, когда долго не виделись. Это была больше., чем дружба.Но однажды Аня вышла на улицу очень расстроенной. Когда Тим спросил, что случилось, то она рассказала ему, что она уезжает и они должны расстаться. Мальчик был полон грусти. Но он сказал Ане, что все хорошо и он будет ее ждать.

Прошло больше пяти лет. Тим уже имел работу, хоть и временную. Он не был уже маленьким мальчиком. Он был настоящим мужчиной. Так однажды, когда Тим возвращался домой, возле своего подъезда он увидел знакомые длинные темные волосы. Этобыла она. Это была его Аня!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
It was not so long ago. In one town lived a boy. His name was Tim. He was just a boy, who was 10 years old. He loved playing soccer and locks with the other children. But one day his life changed once and for all.Once Tim have new neighbors. It was a small family, which consisted of a mom, dad and Anya. Ana was 10 years too. It was an incredibly beautiful girl. Factual, when Tim saw it the first time he thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She had long dark hair and big dark eyes.So, their first meeting took place the day after the arrival of the girl. Tim, as usual, was walking on the street, and Anya came out for a walk too. She immediately liked the Tim and he felt in love with. But never approached her. So every day, Tim waited impatiently the moment when he will be able to see the girl.A week later, the boy still ventured. They met. Tim thought it was the best day of his life. After they have been dating for about five years ... And all this time Anna and Tim were friends and strolled together. Both felt something unusual. They felt a longing, when long time no see. It was more than friendship. But one day Anja came outside very upset. When Tim asked what happened, she told him that she is leaving and they must part ways. The boy was full of sadness. But he told Ana that everything is good and he will wait.It took more than five years. Tim had the job, albeit temporary. He was a little boy. He was a real man. So one day, when Tim came home, near his house, he saw the familiar long dark hair. Ètobyla it. It was his Anya!
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
It is not so long ago. In one town lived a boy. His name was Tim. He was an ordinary boy, who was ten years old. He loved to play football with locks and other children. But one day his life changed forever.
One day, Tim had new neighbors. It was a small family., Which consisted of mom, dad and the girls Ani. Ana was 10 years too. It was an incredibly beautiful girl. Factuality, when Tim saw her the first time he thought she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She had long dark hair and big dark eyes.
So, their first meeting took place the day after the arrival of the girl. Tim, as usual, was walking on the street, and Anya went for a walk too. She immediately liked Tim and he felt that he fell in love. But he never approached her. So every day, Tim waited impatiently when he can see the girl. A week later, the boy decided yet. They met. Tim thought it was the best day of his life. After their meeting took place about five years ... And all this time, Anna and Tim and friends were walking together. Both felt something unusual. They felt anguish when a long time no see. It was more. Than once druzhba.No Anya went out very upset. When Tim asked what had happened, she told him that she was leaving and they have to leave. The boy was full of sadness. But he told Anya that everything is fine and he will wait for her. It was more than five years. Tim already had a job, at least temporarily. He was no longer a little boy. He was a real man. So one day, when Tim got home near his entrance, he saw the familiar long, dark hair. Etobyla it. It was his Anya!

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
It was not so long ago. In the same city lived a boy. His father Tim. He was a normal boy, who was ten years old. He loved to play in the air menacingly and football with other children. But one day his life changed once and for all.
Once the Tim new neighbors. This was a small family., which consisted of mom, the Pope and girls Ani. Ana was 10 years old. This was an incredibly beautiful girl. Songs about unhappy girlish love,When Tim saw her the first time when he thought that it was the most beautiful girl, that he ever saw. It had long dark hair and large dark eyes.
so,Their first meeting took place on the next day after his arrival girls. Tim, as usual, chess board on the street, and Anh is out for a walk, too. She immediately liked Tim didn't just need any and he felt that love with her. But this has not come to it.So each day Tim was waiting eagerly, when it will be able to see girl.lord after a week boy all same audacity. They met. Tim didn't just need any thought that this is the best day in his life.After their explore passed about five years ... And all this time, Anh and Tim treachery and walked together. Both feel that is something different. They feel that they have political populism, when long is not forgotten. It was more., than friendship.But once Anh went out on the street is very upset. When Tim asked, what happened, it told him that it was leaving and they must leave. The boy was sadness. But he said Ana,That all is well and it will be her to wait.Lord has passed more than five years. Tim has already had the work, albeit a temporary. It has not already been a small boy. He was a true man. So once, when Tim was returning home,Near his driveway he saw familiar long dark hair. Этобыла it. This was his Anh!
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