1.заставляло. Когда Джордж бежал от своего хозяина и пробирался в Кана перевод - 1.заставляло. Когда Джордж бежал от своего хозяина и пробирался в Кана английский как сказать

1.заставляло. Когда Джордж бежал от

1.заставляло. Когда Джордж бежал от своего хозяина и пробирался в Канаду, он случайно встретил мистера Вильсона, владельца фабрики, где он раньше работал, и рассказал ему всю историю своей жизни. 2. Говорили, что покойный отец Джорджа был богатый знатный джентльмен. 3. Казалось, он любил своих детей, но он был слишком легкомысленным человеком, чтобы подумать об их будущем, и после его смерти все его дети были проданы, чтобы уплатить его долги. 4. Джордж слышал, как кричала и плакала его мать, когда его забирали от нее. 5. Джордж и его старшая сестра были случайно куплены одним и тем же рабовладельцем, и первое время ребенок не чувствовал себя очень одиноким. 6. Но он часто видел, как хозяин бьет его сестру, и от этого ребенок жестоко страдал (и это заставляло ребенка жестоко страдать). 7. Он не мог не плакать, когда слышал стоны и рыдания несчастной девушки. 8. Вскоре хозяин приказал отвезти сестру Джорджа Новый Орлеан и продать ее там, на рынке. 9. Мальчик остался один: не было никого, кто мог бы позаботиться о нем, кто мог бы сказать ему ласковое слово. 10. Когда Джордж вырос, его послали работать на фабрику мистера Вильсона, который оказался очень добрым человеком и хорошо обращался со своими рабочими. 11. Джордж изобрел очень ценную машину, которая, как было известно, приносила его хозяину большую прибыль. 12. Вскоре Джордж встретил Элизу и женился на ней. Она была очень красивая и добрая, и Джордж считал себя самым счастливым человеком на земле. 13. Но счастье его было недолговечно (to be of short duration): его хозяин был не такой человек, который мог бы допустить, чтобы его негр был счастлив. 14. Джорджа заставили уйти с фабрики, бросить работу, которую он так любил, и вернуться к хозяину. 15. Чтобы унизить Джорджа еще больше, хозяин приказал ему бросить Элизу и жениться на другой женщине. Этого Джордж уже вынести не мог, и он решил бежать в Канаду.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. forced. When George escaped from his master and drove to Canada, he accidentally met Mr Wilson, the owner of the factory where he worked, and told him the whole story of his life. 2. Saying that the late father George was a rich noble gentleman. 3. Thought he loved his children, but he was too flippant by man, to think about their future, and after his death, all his children were sold to pay his debts. 4. George heard his mother screaming and crying when it took away from her. 5. George and his older sister were accidentally bought the same slave owner, and the first time a child has not felt very lonely. 6. But it is often seen as the boss beats his sister and child severely suffered (and it made the child severely suffer). 7. He couldn't help but cry when heard moans and sobs of the unfortunate girl. 8. soon the owner ordered to take Sister George New Orleans and sell it out there on the market. 9. The boy is left alone: there was no one who could take care of him who would tell him affectionate Word. 10. When George grew up, he was sent to work at a factory of Mr Wilson, who turned out to be a very kind person and well addressed with their workers. 11. George invented a machine that is very valuable, as it was known, brought its owner a big profit. 12. George Soon met Eliza and married her. She was very beautiful and kind, and George considered himself the happiest man on Earth. 13. But his happiness was short-lived (to be of short duration): his boss was not the kind of person who would allow his Negro was happy. 14. George was forced to withdraw from the factory, quit the job, which he loved so much, and return to the owner. 15. To humiliate George even bigger boss ordered him to throw Eliza and marry another woman. This George already make could not, and he decided to flee to Canada.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1.zastavlyalo. When George escaped from his master and made his way to Canada, he accidentally met Mr. Wilson, owner of the factory where he had worked, and told him the whole story of his life. 2. They said late father George was a rich noble gentleman. 3. He seemed to love their children, but it was too frivolous person to think about their future, and after his death, all his children were sold to pay his debts. 4. George heard the screaming and crying of his mother when he was taken from her. 5. George and his older sister were accidentally purchased the same slave owner, and the first time the child is not feeling very lonely. 6. But it is often seen as the master beats his sister, and this child was suffering severely (and it makes the child suffer cruelly). 7. He could not help crying when he heard moaning and crying poor girl. 8. Soon, the owner told his sister to take George to New Orleans and sell it there in the market. 9. The boy was left alone: ​​there was no one who could take care of it, who could say a kind word to him. 10. When George grew up, he was sent to work in a factory of Mr. Wilson, who was a very good man and well treated his workers. 11. George invented a very valuable car, which has been known to bring its owner a large profit. 12. Soon George Eliza met and married her. She was very nice and kind, and George considered himself the happiest man on earth. 13. But his happiness was short-lived (to be of short duration): his master was not a man who would allow his negro was happy. 14. George was forced to leave the factory, quit a job he loved so much, and go back to the owner. 15. To further humiliate George, the owner told him to throw Eliza and marry another woman. That George had to endure could not, and he decided to flee to Canada.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1.заставляло. when george ran away from his master and went to canada, he accidentally met mr. wilson, the owner of the factory where he used to work, and told him the story of his life. 2. saidthat my late father george was a noble gentleman. 3. he seemed to love their children, but he was too careless person to think about their future, and after his death, all of his children were sold.in order to pay his debts. 4. george heard the screaming and crying to his mother, when he took from her. 5. george and his older sister had been accidentally bought the same рабовладельцем,and the first time a child doesn't feel very lonely. 6. but he is often seen as the master beats his sister and the baby was suffering (and that was a child brutally suffer). 7. he couldn't crywhen heard the moans and screams of unhappy girl. 8. soon the boss ordered him to take her sister's new orleans and sell it in the market. 9. the boy was left alone, there was no one who could take care of him.who could tell him a tender word. 10. when george grew up, he was sent to work in the factory of mr. wilson, who was a very kind person and well treated by their workers. 11.george invented a special car, which, as it was known, was the master of profits. 12. soon george met eliza and married her. she was very beautiful and kindgeorge thought i was the happiest man on earth. 13. but the happiness of his was the last to be of short duration), his master was not the sort of man who would let him a happy. 14.george was forced to leave the factory, quit his job, which he loved, and back to the master. 15. to humiliate george more, the boss ordered him to drop the elisa and marry another woman.the george already couldn't bear, and he decided to flee to canada.
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