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В первую очередь мне хотелось бы ск

В первую очередь мне хотелось бы сказать об авторе этой книги: Дженни Даунхэм – современная писательница, в прошлом – актриса лондонской любительской труппы, ставившей спектакли для трудных подростков.

Книга «Пока я жива» была написана и выпущена в 2007 году и была номинирована на получение нескольких наград; получила премию Branford Boase Award в 2008.
Главная героиня – молодая девушка «со славным именем в три слога» — Тесса Скотт – так любил говорить ее отец. Казалось бы, у этой девушки вся жизнь еще впереди, но у Тессы лейкемия. Отчаявшаяся и уставшая бороться с болезнью в течение уже четырех лет Тесса составляет список желаний, которые ей хотелось бы исполнить до того, как болезнь убьет ее. В список входят желания самых обыкновенных подростков: найти свою любовь, совершить безбашенный поступок и многое другое. Помогает Тессе осуществить этот план ее единственная подруга Зои.

Прочитав эту книгу, я поставила себя на место Тессы и задумалась: а как бы я поступила в той или иной ситуации? Меня посещало множество вопросов: что будет с родными и близкими, когда меня не станет? Каков был бы мой список желаний? Было бы мне страшно или я бы смирилась с недугом?

Отец Тессы, несмотря ни на что, не опускал руки. Он продолжал бороться. Даже когда Тесса отказалась от лечения, отец верил – все будет хорошо, она поправится. Думаю, любой родитель верил бы до последнего. Мать Тессы была далека от своих детей. Она жалела Тессу, но не заботилась о ней так, как это делал отец. У Тессы был брат Кэл, с которым она достаточно часто ссорилась. Он вредный и беспардонный. Но, несмотря на их враждебные отношения, они очень любят друг друга.

Зои – единственная подруга Тессы. Вместе они воплощали желания из списка Тессы в жизнь. Зои во всем поддерживала Тессу, что бы ни случилось.

Нельзя не сказать о том, что Тесса нашла свою любовь. Адам до последнего был с ней. Их трогательная история любви заставляет проникнуться каждого читателя.

После прочтения этой книги Вы невольно взгляните на жизнь с иной стороны и, возможно, измените ее в лучшую сторону.

Я советую каждому человеку прочитать произведение «Пока я жива» и тоже задуматься над поставленными выше вопросами.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
First of all, I would like to say about this Book: Jenny Daunhèm-contemporary writer and former actress London amateur troupe performances model for troubled teens. The book "while I'm alive" was written and released in year 2007 and has been nominated to receive multiple awards; Branford Boase Award was awarded in 2008. The main character is a young girl with a nice name in three syllable "— Tessa Scott-so her father liked to say. Seemingly, this girl a whole life still ahead, but Tessa leukemia. Desperate and tired to fight the disease for four years, Tessa compiles a wish list that she would perform before the disease will kill her. The list includes the most common desires of adolescents: find love, make a crazy Act and much more. Helping implement this plan Tesse her only friend Zoe. After reading this book, I have put themselves in the place of Tessa and wondered: how would I have acted in a given situation? I visited a lot of questions: what will happen with family and friends, when I will not? What would be my wish list? It would be terrible to me or I would be just fine with affliction? Tessa's father, in spite of everything, not lowered hands. He continued to fight. Even when Tessa refused treatment, the father believed-everything will be good, she will recover. I think any parent would have believed until the last. Tessa's mother was far from their children. She spared no Tessu but not cared for her as her father did. Tessas had a brother Cal, with whom she quarreled often enough. It is harmful and unpardonable. But, despite their hostile relations, they really love each other. Zoe is the only girlfriend Tessa. Together, they embody the desire of Tessa's list in life. Zoe throughout supported Tessu, whatever happens. One cannot say that Tessa has found love. Adam until the last was with her. Their touching love story makes feel each and every reader. After reading this book you unwittingly look at life differently and may change it for the better. I advise everyone to read the piece "as long as I'm alive" and also ponder the supplied the above issues.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
First of all I would like to say about the author of the book: Jenny Downham - a modern writer, in the past - Actress London amateur troupe staged performances for troubled teens.

The book "As long as I am alive," was written and released in 2007 and was nominated for several awards; He won Branford Boase Award in 2008.
The main character - a young girl "with a glorious name in three syllables" - Tessa Scott - so fond of saying her father. It would seem that this girl's whole life is still ahead, but Tessa leukemia. Desperate and tired of fighting the disease for four years already Tessa compiles a list of desires that she would like to perform before the disease would kill her. The list includes the most common adolescent desire: to find love, to commit an act Bezbashenny and more. Tessa helps to implement this plan for its only friend Zoe.

After reading this book, I put myself in the place Tessa and wondered how would I have acted in a given situation? I visited a lot of questions: what will happen to family and friends when I'm gone? What would be my wish list? It would be terrible to me or I would have come to terms with the illness?

Father Tessa, no matter what, do not give up. He continued to fight. Even when the Tessa refused treatment, the father of faith - all will be well, she will recover. I think any parent would have believed until recently. Tessa's mother was far away from their children. She felt sorry for Tessa, but did not care about her as did his father. Tess had a brother Cal, with whom she had quarreled often enough. It is harmful and shameless. But, in spite of their hostile relations, they are very fond of each other.

Zoe - only friend Tessa. Together they embody the desire from the list of Tessa in life. Zoe around Tessa supported, no matter what happens.

We can not say that Tessa found love. Adam until recently was with her. Their touching love story makes imbued with every reader.

After reading this book, you can not help take a look at life from a different angle and maybe change it for the better.

I encourage each person to read the work "While I'm alive," and also to reflect on the set by the above questions.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
first of all, i would like to say about the author of the book: jenny даунхэм is a modern writer, in the past, is an actress in london, an amateur troupe, ставившей performances for troubled teens.the book "until i жива» was written and released in 2007 and was nominated for several awards; she won the Branford Boase award in 2008.the main character is a young girl "with the name of three слога» tessa scott, liked to talk to her father. seemingly, this one"s whole life is still ahead, but tessa has leukemia. desperate and tired to fight for four years, tessa is a wish list that she would like to perform before it kills her. the list includes desire the most ordinary adolescents: find your love to crazy thing to do, and much more. tessa to implement this plan helps her only friend zoe.after reading this book, i put myself in the place of tessa and i thought: what would i do in a given situation? i attended a lot of questions: what will happen to family and friends, when i"m gone? what would be my wish list? it would be for me or i"d have a disease?tessa"s father, no matter what, don"t give it up. he continued to fight. even when tessa refused treatment, father believe, everything will be fine, she"s fine. i think any parent would last. mother tessa was far from their children. she pitied tessa, but didn"t care about her like that, dad. tessa had brother cal, with whom she often quarrel. he is mean and беспардонный. but despite their hostile relationship, they love each other very much.zoe is the only friend of tess". together they embody the wishes of tessa"s list in the life. zoe in all supported tessa, whatever happens.we cannot say that tessa found my love. adam until the last was with her. it is a touching love story makes to each reader.after reading this book you will look at life from different sides and may change it for the better.i advise everyone to read the piece, "while i жива» and also to reflect on the issues raised above.
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