1. Он великий путешественник. Как раз сейчас он путешествует по Востоку. 2. Я не понимаю, что ты говоришь. Говори медленно, пожалуйста. 3. Он считает, что она чудесная девушка. Он постоянно думает о ней. 4. Моя мама часто печёт пироги. Сегодня она делает торт, потому что вечером приезжают наши друзья. 5. Я внимательно вас слушаю. Что вы планируете делать? 6. — Где дети? — Они в гостиной. — Опять смотрят мультики? — Нет, они играют в какую-то игру. 7. Идёт сильный дождь, хотя в декабре дождь никогда не идёт. 8. — Кто эти люди и что они здесь делают? — Никто не знает этого. 9. — Какая сегодня погода? — Морозно, и ярко светит солнце. 10. Приближается Новый год. Люди готовятся к нему и по¬купают подарки. 11. Этой зимой часто идёт снег. Вот и сейчас идёт снег. 12. — Кого ты ждешь? — Жду подругу. Уже 7 часов. Боюсь, что она опаздывает. 13. Сейчас я сижу за столом в своём офисе. Мой менеджер работает на компьютере. Секретарша просматривает электронную почту. 14. Мы слушаем концерт сейчас. Многие известные певцы принимают в нём участие. 15. В настоящее время он работает в книжном магазине. 16. Он уличный музыкант. Он поёт в Лондонском метро.
17. — Какую книгу ты читаешь? — Новый детектив. Он очень интересный. А ты любишь детективные романы? - Иногда да. 18. Почему ты всегда критикуешь людей? Это плохо. 19. Не могу поверить, что в данный момент мы идем по улицам Лондона и наслаждаемся всеми знаменитыми местами. 20. Он подумывает о том, чтобы купить новую машину, и поэтому работает с утра до ночи, чтобы заработать деньги.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. He was a great traveler. Just now he travels East. 2. I don't understand what you're saying. Speak slowly, please. 3. He thinks that she is a wonderful girl. He constantly thinks about her. 4. my mom often bakes pies. Today she is making a cake, because in the evening come our friends. 5. I carefully you listen to. What do you plan to do? 6. — where children? Is It in the living room. Is Again watching cartoons? No, they are playing some game. 7. Is the heavy rain in December, though the rain never goes. 8. who are these people and what they are doing here? — Nobody knows this. 9.-What's the weather today? -Freezing and the sun shines brightly. 10. new year is coming. People are getting ready for it and on ¬ bathe gifts. 11. frequently this winter snows. And now comes snow. 12. whom are you expecting? — I am waiting for a friend. Already 7:0. I am afraid that it is late. 13. right now I'm sitting at a table in his Office. My Manager is running on your computer. A Secretary at scans email. 14. we listen to a concert now. Many famous singers are in it. 15. He currently works in the bookstore. 16. He is a street musician. He sings in the London underground.17. — What book you read? A new detective. It is very interesting. And do you like detective stories? -Sometimes, Yes. 18. Why do you always kritikueš′ people? This is a bad thing. 19. can't believe that at the moment we are on the streets of London and enjoy the all famous places. 20. He is considering whether to buy a new car, and therefore works from morning to night, to make money.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. He is a great traveler. Right now, he travels in the East. 2. I do not understand what you're saying. Speak slowly, please. 3. He believes that it is a wonderful girl. He is always thinking about her. 4. My mother often bakes pies. Today it makes the cake, because come the evening our friends. 5. I listen carefully to you. What are you planning to do? 6 - Where are the children? - They're in the living room. - Again, watch cartoons? - No, they're playing some kind of game. 7. There is a heavy rain, although in December rain never goes. 8 - Who are these people and what are they doing here? - No one knows this. 9 - What is the weather like today? - Frosty, and the sun shines brightly. 10. New Year is approaching. People preparing for it and po¬kupayut gifts. 11. This winter it snows often. And now it's snowing. 12 - Who are you waiting for? - Waiting for a friend. For 7 hours. I am afraid that it is late. 13. Now I'm sitting at the table in his office. My manager working on the computer. The secretary looks email. 14. We listen to the concert now. Many famous singers take part in it. 15. He currently works in the bookstore. 16. He busker. He sings in the London Underground.
17. - What book are you reading? - A new detective. He is very interesting. Do you love detective novels? - Sometimes, yes. 18. Why do you always criticize people? This is bad. 19. I can not believe that at this moment we are on the streets of London and enjoy all the famous places. 20. He is thinking about how to buy a new car, so from morning to night to earn money.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. He was a great, United Kingdom. Both times he now travels on East. 2. I do not understand that you are talking about. Speak slowly, please. 3. He believed that it was a nice girl. He is constantly thinking about it. 4.My mother often specially pies. Today, it makes cake, because that evening come our friends. 5. I have listened carefully to what I'm listening to you. What do you plan to do? 6. - Where the children? - They are in the living room. - Again - watch cartoons? - No,They have played in a game. 7. It's raining hard, while in December rain has never is. 8. - Who are these people and that they are here are doing? - No one knows this. 9. - What is the weather like today? - Is Frosty, and bright sun. 10.The New Year is approaching. People who are prepared to be circulated and the underscoring купают gifts. 11. This winter it often snows. Now it is snowing. 12. - What are you waiting? - I'm his girlfriend. Already 7 hours. I am afraid that it is late. 13.Now I am sitting at the table in his office. My manager is running on the computer. Boy close looks at e-mail. 14. We listen concert now. Many well-known singers take part in it. 15.
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