Любая книга замечательная вещь! Только представьте себе - это может показаться, что это просто бумажные страницы с крышкой и буквы внутри, иногда с картинками. Но в тот момент вы начинаете читать книгу весь новый мир открывает для вас!
Недавно прочитала книгу «Над пропастью во ржи», по своему замечательная книга, но на любителя.
Главный герой книги - Холден Колфилд. И в этой книге он просто ищет себя. Ни больше, ни меньше. Но в этих 3 словах - "просто ищет себя" - скрыто многое. Я не хочу сейчас приводить цитаты из книги или рассказывать вкратце сюжет - это лишнее. Все равно это будет то, что именно я вынесла из этой книги. Но "Над пропастью во ржи" - одна из книг, в которой важно не то, что ты прочитал, а то, что ты понял, осознал и вынес из нее. Каждый сам решил, кто Холден - герой или антигерой, хороший парень или плохой. Каждый по своему оценит его поступки. В этом и есть прелесть книги.
Новые персонажи, сцены, жизнь, события. Это похоже на реальную жизнь в миниатюре. Таким образом, книга является поистине одним из величайших изобретений человека. Мы узнаем так много вещей, читая книги. Книги учат нас жить. Книга может быть верным другом и учителем. Чтение книги вы открыть новые горизонты для себя. Книга может формировать наши ценности и наши характеры. Это дает нам возможность представить будущее и заглянуть в прошлое. Можно многому научиться, читая книги. И я уверен, что время, проведенное на хорошую книгу никогда не пропадает даром. И это на самом деле жаль, что люди стали меньше читать. Но это, конечно, зависит от автора очень тоже, и на его или ее таланта.
Недавно прочитала книгу «Над пропастью во ржи», по своему замечательная книга, но на любителя.
Главный герой книги - Холден Колфилд. И в этой книге он просто ищет себя. Ни больше, ни меньше. Но в этих 3 словах - "просто ищет себя" - скрыто многое. Я не хочу сейчас приводить цитаты из книги или рассказывать вкратце сюжет - это лишнее. Все равно это будет то, что именно я вынес из этой книги. Но "Над пропастью во ржи" - одна из книг, в которой важно не то, что ты прочитал, а то, что ты понял, осознал и вынес из нее. Каждый сам решил, кто Холден - герой или антигерой, хороший парень или плохой. Каждый по своему оценит его поступки. В этом и есть прелесть книги
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Any book is a wonderful thing! Just imagine-it may seem like it's just paper with a cover page and the letter inside, sometimes with pictures. But the moment you start reading the book a whole new world opens up to you! Recently read the book "the catcher in the rye" for his remarkable book, but for the amateur.The protagonist of the book is Holden Caulfield. And in this book he just looking for yourself. No more, no less. But in those 3 words-"just looking for yourself"-hidden lot. I don't want to now lead quotes from books or telling briefly the plot is superfluous. Anyway it will be what I made from this book. But "the catcher in the rye"-one of the book, in which the important thing is not what you read and what you realized, realized and made out of it. Every man decided who Holden-the hero or anti-hero, the good guy or bad. Each of his actions will appreciate it. This is the beauty of the book.New characters, scenes, life, events. This is similar to real life in miniature. Thus, the book is truly one of the greatest inventions of man. We learn so many things by reading books. Books teach us to live. The book can be a true friend and teacher. Reading the book you open new horizons for yourself. The book can form our values and our characters. This gives us the opportunity to present future and glimpse into the past. You can learn a lot by reading books. And I am sure that the time spent on a good book never wasted. And it's really unfortunate that people become less read. But this, of course, depends on the author very too, and on his or her talent.Recently read the book "the catcher in the rye" for his remarkable book, but for the amateur.The protagonist of the book is Holden Caulfield. And in this book he just looking for yourself. No more, no less. But in those 3 words-"just looking for yourself"-hidden lot. I don't want to now lead quotes from books or telling briefly the plot is superfluous. Anyway it will be what I made from this book. But "the catcher in the rye"-one of the book, in which the important thing is not what you read and what you realized, realized and made out of it. Every man decided who Holden-the hero or anti-hero, the good guy or bad. Each of his actions will appreciate it. This is the beauty of the book
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Any book is a wonderful thing! Just imagine - it may seem that this is just paper with a cover page and the letters inside, sometimes with pictures. But the moment you start to read the book a whole new world opens up for you!
I recently read the book "The Catcher in the Rye" by his wonderful book, but not for everybody.
The main hero of the book - Holden Caulfield. And in this book, he is just looking for you. No more, no less. But in these three words - "just looking for myself" - is hidden a lot. I do not want to quote from a book or tell a brief story - it's too much. All the same, this will be what I have learned from this book. But "The Catcher in the Rye" - one of the books in which it is not important that you read and what you learned and made aware of it. Everyone decided who Holden - hero or anti-hero, a good guy or a bad one. Each of their appreciate his actions. This is the charm of the book. New characters, scenes, life events. This is similar to real life in miniature. Thus, the book is truly one of the greatest inventions of man. We learn so many things, reading books. Books teach us to live. The book can be a true friend and a teacher. Reading the book you will discover new horizons. The book can shape our values and our characters. This allows us to imagine the future and into the past. You can learn a lot by reading books. And I am sure that the time spent on a good book is never wasted. And it's really unfortunate that people have less to read. But this, of course, depends on the very same author and his or her talent. I recently read the book "The Catcher in the Rye" by his wonderful book, but not for everybody. The main hero of the book - Holden Caulfield. And in this book, he is just looking for you. No more, no less. But in these three words - "just looking for myself" - is hidden a lot. I do not want to quote from a book or tell a brief story - it's too much. All the same, this will be what I took away from this book. But "The Catcher in the Rye" - one of the books in which it is not important that you read and what you learned and made aware of it. Everyone decided who Holden - hero or anti-hero, a good guy or a bad one. Each of their appreciate his actions. This is the charm of the book
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
a book is a wonderful thing! just imagine - it may seem that it"s just a paper page with the lid and the letter inside, sometimes with pictures. but the moment you begin reading the book the new world opens up for you!recently, i read the book "the catcher in the ржи», in his great book, but for the amateur.the main character of the book - holden caulfield. and in this book he"s just looking out for you. no more, no less. but in those 3 words - "just looking" is a lot. i don"t want to be able to quote from a book or a story to tell in brief is unnecessary. anyway, this is what i learned from this book. but "the catcher in the rye" is one of the books in which it does not matter what you read, but what you"re actually realized and delivered from it. every chose who holden is a hero and antihero, a good guy or a bad guy. to each his own appreciate his work. this is the beauty of the books.new characters, scenes of life events. it looks like a real life in miniature. thus, the book is truly one of the greatest inventions of man. we know so many things, reading books. the book teaches us to live. the book can be a good friend and teacher. reading the book you open new horizons for yourself. the book can shape our values and our personalities. this gives us an opportunity to look into the future and the past. you can learn a lot by reading books. and i"m sure that the time spent on a good book never gone to waste. and it"s really too bad that people have become less read. but that, of course, depends on the author"s too, and on his or her talent.recently, i read the book "the catcher in the ржи», in his great book, but for the amateur.the main character of the book - holden caulfield. and in this book he"s just looking out for you. no more, no less. but in those 3 words - "just looking" is a lot. i don"t want to be able to quote from a book or a story to tell in brief is unnecessary. anyway, this is what i got from this book. but "the catcher in the rye" is one of the books in which it does not matter what you read, but what you"re actually realized and delivered from it. every chose who holden is a hero and antihero, a good guy or a bad guy. to each his own appreciate his work. this is the beauty of the books
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