Послушай, какая интересная статья о покойном мультимиллионере Генри Ма перевод - Послушай, какая интересная статья о покойном мультимиллионере Генри Ма английский как сказать

Послушай, какая интересная статья о

Послушай, какая интересная статья о покойном мультимиллионере Генри Мадде.
B: Какие-нибудь любопытные факты из его частной жизни? СМИ любят такие вещи!
A: Да, довольно сенсационная статья. У него была "семья" подружек-возлюбленных. Целых семь!
B: Да, он не мог умереть естественной смертью. Так много претенденток на его сердце!
A: он умер в возрасте 77 лет. Не сказано от чего он умер. Кто же унаследовал его миллионы долларов? У него много наследниц...
B: Его вдова. У него была также и законная жена.
A: Они все жили в одном (и том же) доме?
B: Нет, как свидетельствуют его жена и одна из возлюбленных (любовниц), Мадд обычно встречался с каждой из них дважды в неделю.
A: Какая мораль! И долго он был женат?
B: Неизвестно, сколько раз он был женат. В последний раз произошло это за год до его смерти. Его последней женой была некая Ванесса, сейчас она его вдова.
A: Я думаю, Генри и Ванесса поженились по секрету от его подружек.
B: Ни в коем случае! Мадд всех их пригласил на свою свадьбу.
A: Что могла сказать Ванесса? Она выходила замуж за миллионы Мадда, а не по любви.
B: Да, и она единственная наследница.
A: Ну, она получила то, чего хотела.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Listen, what an interesting article about the late Henry mul′timillionere Madde. Q: are there any interesting facts from his private life? The MEDIA love these things! A: Yes, quite sensational article. He had a "family" of girlfriends-sweethearts. As many as seven! B: Yes, he could not die a natural death. So many pretenders to his heart! A: he died at the age of 77 years. It does not say from which he died. Who inherited his millions of dollars? He has a lot of heiresses. B: his widow. He was also a lawful wife. A: They all lived in one (and the same)? B: no, as evidenced by his wife and one of the sweethearts (mistresses), Mudd is usually met with each of them twice a week. A: what kind of morals! And for a long time he was married? B: you don't know how many times he was married. The last time it happened a year before his death. His last wife was a kind of Vanessa, she is now his widow. A: I think Henry and Vanessa married in secret from his friends. B: no way! Mudd invited them all to her wedding. A: That could tell Vanessa? She married the millions Got, not love. B: Yes, and she is the only heir. A: well, she got what wanted.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Look, what an interesting article about the late multi-millionaire Henry Madde.
B: What are some interesting facts about his private life? The media loves these things!
A: Yes, quite a sensational article. He had a "family" girlfriends lovers. As many as seven!
B: Yes, he could not die a natural death. So many contenders for his heart!
A: He died at the age of 77 years. It does not say what he died of. Who inherited his millions of dollars? He has many heiresses ...
B: His widow. He was also the wife.
A: They all lived in one (and the same) house?
B: No, as evidenced by his wife and one of the lovers (lovers), Mudd is usually met with each of them twice a week.
A : What morals! For a long time he was married?
B: It is not known how many times he had been married. The last time this happened a year before his death. His last wife was certain Vanessa, now it is his widow.
A: I think Henry and Vanessa were married in secret on his girlfriends.
B: No way! Mudd has invited them all to the wedding.
A: What could tell Vanessa? She was married for millions of Mudd, and not for love.
B: Yes, and she only heir.
A: Well, she got what she wanted.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
look, what an interesting article about the late мультимиллионере henry мадде.
b: some interesting facts about his private life? the media loves these things.
a: yes, a sensational article.he had a "family" of friends and loved ones. seven!
b: yes, he could not die a natural death. so many candidates in his heart!
a: he died at the age of 77 years. don't say how he died.who inherited his millions of dollars? he's got a lot of heiresses.
b: his widow. he was also a lawful wife.
a: they all lived in the same house (and the same).
b: no.as demonstrated by his wife and one of the lovers (lovers), mudd usually met with each of them twice a week.
a: what kind of morality. how long was he married?
b: don't know how many times he was married.the last time that happened a year before his death. his last wife was a vanessa, now she's a widow.
a: i think, henry and vanessa got married in secret from his friends.
b: no way!mudd all invited to my wedding.
a: i could tell vanessa? she married a millions of мадда, not for love.
b: yes, and she's only heir.
a: well, she got what she wanted.
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