Одна из самых востребованных химических специализаций — «химическая те перевод - Одна из самых востребованных химических специализаций — «химическая те английский как сказать

Одна из самых востребованных химиче

Одна из самых востребованных химических специализаций — «химическая технология неорганических веществ». Именно этой специальности я и обучаюсь в нашем колледже.Химическая технология — это наука о процессах и методах химической переработки сырья и промежуточных продуктов.Химические технологии используются в большинстве отраслей промышленности и областей техники, в первую очередь, химическое и нефтяное машиностроение, нефтеперерабатывающая промышленность, нефтехимическая промышленность, энергетика, транспорт, военная техника и многие другие.Специалистов по химии можно разделить на теоретиков и практиков. Теоретики развивают науку химию, изобретают новые материалы, а практики внедряют новые производственные технологии, следят за их соблюдением.

На производстве химик может выступать как инженер, технолог, специалист по контролю качества.
Химик-технолог налаживает технологический процесс, определяет стандарты работы. Разрабатывает инструкции и нормативы, следит за соблюдением технологии.

Учиться на химика-технолога по силам только тем, кто искренне увлечен этой наукой.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
One of the most popular chemical specialties — "chemical technology of inorganic substances". It is this specialization I and studying at our College. chemical technology is the science about the processes and methods of chemical raw materials and Chemical intermediates. technologies are used in many industries and areas of technology, in particular, chemical and petroleum engineering, oil-refining industry, petrochemical industry, energy, transport, military and many other experts in chemistry can be divided into theoreticians and practitioners. Theorists have developed the science of chemistry, invent new materials, practices and introduce new production technologies, monitoring their compliance.The chemist can act as an engineer, technologist, quality assurance specialist.Chemist-technologist develops technological process, defines the standards of work. Develops regulations and standards, monitors compliance with technology. Learn from chemist-technologist only those who genuinely passionate about this science.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
One of the most popular chemical specialties - "Chemical technology of inorganic substances". That this specialty and I am trained in our kolledzhe.Himicheskaya technology - the science of processes and methods of chemical processing of raw materials and intermediate produktov.Himicheskie technologies are used in most industries and fields of technology, primarily chemical and petroleum engineering, oil refining industry, petrochemical industry, energy, transportation, military, and many drugie.Spetsialistov in chemistry can be divided into theoreticians and practitioners. Theorists develop science chemistry, inventing new materials and practices are introducing new production technologies, monitor their compliance. In the production of a chemical can act as an engineer, technician, quality control specialists. chemical engineer forging process, defines the standards of work. Develops guidelines and standards, monitors compliance technology. Learn from chemical engineer afford only those who are genuinely passionate about this science.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
One of the most selling chemical specialization - "chemical technology inorganic substances". It is precisely this specialty and I improve my interpersonal skills in our college.Chemical Engineering is a science about the processes and methods chemical processing of raw materials and intermediate products.chemical technologies are used in most industries and areas technology,In the first instance, chemical and petroleum engineering, petroleum refining industry, petrochemical industry, energy, transport, military technology and many others.Specialists in chemistry can be divided into thinkers and practitioners. Theorists develop science chemistry, invent new materials, and practices are implementing new production technologies, monitor their compliance.

The production Antoshka can serve as an engineer, technologist, technician for quality control.
Antoshka-technologist develops technological process, defines standards of work. Developing instructions and regulations,The monitoring technology. Lord learn on the CTIS Chair for forces only to those who sincerely westerners this science.
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