В конце XIX века в Викторианской Англии на улицах Лондона появилась но перевод - В конце XIX века в Викторианской Англии на улицах Лондона появилась но английский как сказать

В конце XIX века в Викторианской Ан

В конце XIX века в Викторианской Англии на улицах Лондона появилась новость о серийном убийце. До сих пор обсуждаемый, но так и не найденный Джек Потрошитель навел много шума в 1888 году среди СМИ, полиции и простых горожан. Существует целый список версий, причем самых разнообразных: от сумасшедшего русского и парикмахера-поляка до (внимание!) женщины… Все подозреваемы лишь косвенно и прямых доказательств нет. Также в разных источниках колеблется и количество жертв, а «почерк» преступлений всегда разный.
До сих пор дело Джека не закрыто, и это снова и снова порождает целый список версий и легенд.

Ядовитый сад Альнвика — это один из садов, расположенных во владеньях, относящихся к замку Альнвика в Нортамберленде, Великобритания. Он является вторым по величине в стране. Самой же главной отличительной чертой вышеупомянутого сада является то, что здесь произрастает целый ряд растений, которые могут без проблем убить человека. Иными словами, в саду можно найти огромное количество самых опасных на нашей планете растений. Они были привезены сюда из разных уголков земного шара.
Огромные черные ворота и стены этого сада скрывают порядка ста разновидностей запрещенных законодательством растений, из которых можно получить опиум и целый ряд других наркотических веществ. Тут также растет знаменитая Беладонна Атропа, больше известная, как смертельный паслен. В числе растений сада можно найти коку, из которой делают кокаин, коноплю (известна под названием каннабис, марихуана) чилибуху (сырье для стрихнина), клещевину (из нее получают касторовое масло) и другие интересные экземпляры.
Сад с ядовитыми растениями открылся относительно недавно, тогда как другие сады и парки данного замка имеют более длительную историю, которая берет свое начало еще в середине 18 века. Местные садоводческие традиции с тех пор серьезно укрепились и многие работники этих садов получили свои должности по наследству. Сами же сады были заложены при первых герцогах Нортамберленда, но во время Второй мировой войны представляли собой жалкое зрелище, так как ухаживать за ними было некому. Сейчас все площади привели в порядок, и сюда регулярно приезжают туристы, желающие приобщиться к экзотике.
Обновление садов случилось благодаря нынешней герцогине Нортамберленда. В начале XXI века она стала владелицей замка Альнвика и взяла курс на восстановление местных красот, так как очень хотела вернуть садам былое величие. Ядовитый сад был заложен только спустя пять лет после начала реконструкции, то есть в 2005 году. Источником вдохновения стал известный сад близ Падуи в Италии. Здесь Медичи выращивали ядовитые растения, которые позволяли избавляться от врагов хитрыми способами. В саду изначально были и другие растения, например, лекарственные, но потом их удалили, чтобы соответствовать статусу ядовитого сада.
Туристы могут посещать ядовитый сад Альнвика только в присутствии сопровождающего, который следит, чтобы люди не контактировали с ядовитыми растениями. Тут также установлено множество знаков, которые предупреждают о смертельной опасности. Сад находится под круглосуточным наблюдением, а часть участков обнесена колючей проволокой.

1-го августа в британском национальном парке Сноудония, Уэльс, было открыто искусственное озеро для любителей серфинга. Новый аттракцион стоимостью более 17,5 миллионов долларов подойдет, как для опытных серферов, так и для тех, кто первый раз стал на доску. Высота волны варьируется от 70 сантиметров до 2 метров, а ее длина может достигать 150 метров
Одновременно прокатиться по самой длинной искусственной волне смогут 36 человек.
Специальное устройство производит волну периодичностью раз в минуту.
Волна проходит сперва в одну сторону 300-метрового озера, а потом в другую.

Активисты организации Canal & River Trust из Лондона вышли с инициативой создания специальных пеших зон для уток в городах: Лондон, Бирмингем и Манчестер. Как отмечают активисты, эта акция проводится для того, чтобы люди обращали внимание на диких животных, живущих рядом. Единственное не ясно - будут ли соблюдать правила передвижения сами утки.

Деревня Лавенхэм, что находится в Великобритании, выстроена кривыми домами. На самом деле история деревни очень интересна, когда-то в средние века Лавенхэм был богатым по тем временам городом. В город съезжались купцы и торговцы со всей Англии, так как город быстро развивался, ему требовались быстрые постройки.
Дома начали в скором порядке из влажной древесины, поэтому, со временем, материалы деформировались и большинство домов наклонились в бок. Сейчас же город обанкротился и превратился в провинциальную деревню, у жителей которой нет средств на ремонт средневековых построек.

До 19 века не было никакого деления на часовые пояса, везде определяли время по Солнцу. Необходимости во временных зонах не было, так как не было скоростного транспорта. Унификацию обусловило развитие железных дорог в Англии, потому что из-за различий во времени в каждом городе было очень трудно составить нормальное расписание. Именно железнодорожные компании добились того, чтобы на всей территории страны был один часовой пояс по Гринвичу. А затем постепенно система часовых поясов начала распространяться по миру.

Театр «Глобус»: дань истории и великому искусству (Великобритания)
История старейшего лондонского театра «Глобус» берет свое начало в 1599 году. Именно в этот период в Лондоне наблюдался большой интерес к театральному искусству, что естественно вызывало потребность в строительстве общедоступных театров.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In the late 19th century in Victorian England in the streets of London News appeared about serial killer. Still debated, but never found Jack the Ripper has made a lot of noise in 1888 year among the MEDIA, police and ordinary citizens. There is a list of versions and a wide variety of: from the crazy Russian and barber-pole up to (attention!) women. All are suspect only indirectly and there is no direct evidence. Also varies in different sources and the number of victims, but "pocherk" crimes are always different. So far, the case is not closed, and Jack is again and again raised a list of versions and legends.Poison garden Alnwick is one of the gardens, located in vladen′âh belonging to Alnwick Castle in Northumberland, United Kingdom. It is the second largest in the country. The main feature of the aforementioned garden is that there are a number of plants that can kill a person. In other words, in the garden you can find a huge amount of our planet's most dangerous plants. They were brought here from different parts of the globe.Huge black gates and walls of this garden hide some 100 varieties prohibited by the law of the plants from which opium can be obtained and a variety of other drugs. There is also growing famous Atropa Belladonna, better known as deadly nightshade. Among garden plants you can find coca, from which cocaine is doing, hemp (known as cannabis, marijuana) čilibuhu (raw material for strychnine), kleŝevinu (from it get castor oil) and other notable instances.Garden with poisonous plants opened relatively recently, while other parks and gardens of the Castle have a long history, which dates back to the mid-18 century. Local horticultural tradition since seriously strengthened and many workers these gardens got their positions hereditary. The gardens were laid out at the first gercogah Nortamberlenda, but during the second world war were a sorry sight, because there was no one to care for them. Now all the square resulted in the order, and come here regularly for tourists wishing to explore the exotic.Update the current Duchess happened gardens Nortamberlenda. At the beginning of the 21st century, she became owner of Alnwick Castle and took a course on restoration of local beauties, because wanted to reclaim the gardens of former greatness. Poison Garden was founded only five years after the start of the reconstruction, i.e. in the year 2005. The inspiration was a famous garden near Padua in Italy. Here the Medici cultivated poisonous plants that allowed you to get rid of enemies, clever ways. In the garden were originally and other plants, such as medicines, but later removed them to match the status of the poison garden.Tourists can visit the poison Alnwick Garden only in the presence of escorting, which ensures that people do not come into contact with poisonous plants. Here also found many signs that warn of danger. The garden is under 24-hour surveillance, and part of the plots fenced with barbed wire. on August 1 at the British National Park Snowdonia, Wales, was opened by the artificial lake for the lovers of surfing. New attractions costing more than 17.5 million dollars will suite both for experienced surfers as well as for those who are first time was on board. Wave height ranges from 70 cm to 2 meters and its length can reach up to 150 metersAt the same time ride on the longest artificial wave can 36 people. A special device produces a wave once per minute. Wave passes first in one side of the 300-meter Lake, and then to another. Activists of Canal and River Trust from London came out with an initiative to create a special hiking areas for ducks in the cities of London, Birmingham and Manchester. According to activists, this action is performed to ensure that people paid attention to wild animals, living close by. The only thing not clear-whether to abide by the rules of movement of the ducks themselves.Lavenhèm village that is located in the uk, built crooked houses. In fact the history of the village is very interesting when something in the middle ages Lavenhèm was a wealthy city in those days. In the city of merchants and traders from all over England, as the City developed rapidly, it required quick construction.The House began in the near from damp wood, so, over time, materials and distorted most houses will on his side. Now the city is bankrupt and has evolved into a provincial village, whose residents have no means to repair the medieval buildings.Until the 19th century there was no Division by the time zones defined on time everywhere. The need for time zones was not, as was not a high-speed transport. Unification resulted in the development of railways in England, because of differences in time in each city was very difficult to make a normal schedule. It is the railway companies have made the entire country was one timezone GMT. Then gradually the system time zones began to spread around the world.Globe Theatre: a tribute to the history and great art (United Kingdom)The oldest history of the Globe Theatre in London has its origins in the year 1599. It was during this period that in London there has been great interest in Theater Arts that naturally caused the need for the construction of public theatres.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
At the end of the XIX century in Victorian England in the streets of London, there was news about a serial killer. It is still being discussed, but never found Jack the Ripper have brought a lot of noise in 1888, among the media, police and ordinary citizens. There is a list of versions, with the most diverse: from the crazy Russian and Barber Pole-up (note!) ... All the women another suspect only indirectly and no direct evidence. Also, in different sources varies, and the number of victims, and "handwriting" of crime is always different.
So far, the case of Jack is not closed, and again and again gives rise to a list of versions and legends. Poison Garden Alnwick - is one of the gardens located in the possession of, relating to Alnwick Castle in Northumberland, UK. It is the second largest in the country. The most distinctive feature of the main garden of the above is the fact that there grows a variety of plants that can kill a man without problems. In other words, in the garden you can find a huge number of the most dangerous on the planet Plant. They were brought here from all corners of the globe. The huge black gates and walls of this garden hide about a hundred species of plants prohibited by law from which we can obtain a number of opium and other narcotic substances. There is also growing famous Belladonna Atropos, better known as deadly nightshade. Among the garden plants can be found coca, used to make cocaine, cannabis (known as cannabis, marijuana) chilibuha (raw material for strychnine), castor (from it obtained castor oil) and other interesting items. Garden with poisonous plants opened recently, while other parks and gardens of the castle has a long history, which dates back to the mid-18th century. Local gardening tradition since seriously strengthened and many workers in these gardens have received their inherited positions. Themselves gardens were laid during the first Duke of Northumberland, but during the Second World War were a pitiful sight, so how to care for them there was no one. Now all of the area put in order, and tourists come here on a regular basis, wishing to join the exotic. Updating the gardens happened through the present Duchess of Northumberland. At the beginning of the XXI century it became the owner of Alnwick Castle and headed for the restoration of local beauties, as very much like to return the gardens grandeur. Poison Garden was founded only five years after the beginning of reconstruction, ie in 2005. The inspiration was the famous garden near Padua in Italy. There Medici grew poisonous plants that are allowed to get rid of the enemies clever way. The garden was originally and other plants, such as drugs, but then they were removed to comply with the status of poisonous garden. Tourists can visit Alnwick Garden toxic only in the presence of a companion, who sees to it that people are not in contact with poisonous plants. Here also found many signs that warn of the danger of death. The garden is under surveillance around the clock, and some areas surrounded by barbed wire. On August 1st in the UK Snowdonia National Park, Wales, was opened by an artificial lake for surfers. New attraction worth more than $ 17.5 million suit for both experienced surfers and for those who first began on the board. Wave height ranges from 70 centimeters to 2 meters, the length can reach 150 meters at the same time ride for the longest artificial wave can 36 people. A special device produces a wave of once per minute. The wave goes first to one side of a 300-meter lake, and then to another. The activists Canal & River Trust in London came up with the initiative to create special zones for ducks walking in the cities of London, Birmingham and Manchester. According to the activists, this event is held for people to pay attention to the wild animals living nearby. The only thing not clear - whether to follow the rules of movement for yourself ducks. The village Lavenham, it is in the UK, built a crooked houses. In fact, the history of the village is very interesting, sometime in the Middle Ages, Lavenham was a rich town at the time. The city gathered merchants and traders from all over England, as the city grew rapidly, it required quick construction. House began shortly procedure of wet wood, so, over time, the materials deform and most of the houses leaned to the side. Now the city is bankrupt and became a provincial village, where residents have no means to repair the medieval buildings. Until the 19th century, there was no division into time zones, all measured time by the sun. Necessities in time zones were not, as there was no high-speed transport. Unification resulted in the development of railways in England, because of the differences in time in each city was very difficult to make a normal schedule. This railway companies have achieved that throughout the country there was one time zone to GMT. And then gradually the system of time zones began to spread around the world. The theater "Globe": a tribute to the history and great art (UK) History of the oldest London theater "Globe" has its origins in 1599. During this period, London saw great interest in the theater arts, which naturally led to the need to build public theaters.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in the late nineteenth century victorian england on the streets of london came the news about a serial killer. still discussed but never found jack the ripper made a lot of noise in 1888 in the mediathe police and the citizens. there is a list of versions, with a variety of crazy russian and polish to a barber - (attention.) women... all the suspects only indirect and direct evidence of no.also in different sources varies and the number of victims, and the m.o. crimes are always different.
still is not jack's closed, and this again and again generates a list of versions and legends.

альнвика poison garden is a garden located in владеньях belonging to the castle альнвика in northumberland, uk. it is the second largest in the country.the main feature of the garden is that there is a number of plants that can easily kill a person. in other words,in the garden you can find a great number of the most dangerous in the world of plants. they were brought here from different parts of the globe.huge black gate and walls of the garden (about 100 varieties of prohibited plants from which you can get a number of opium and other drugs.there was also a famous atropa belladonna, better known as deadly slipped deadly nightshade. among the plants in the garden you can find coke, of which doing cocaine, cannabis (known as cannabismarijuana) чилибуху (raw material for strychnine), клещевину (she received castor oil) and other interesting specimens.
garden with poisonous plants opened recently.while other gardens and parks of the castle has a long history, which began in the middle of the 18th century.local садоводческие tradition since seriously strengthened and many employees of these gardens have their position in the family. it is the first герцогах gardens were laid нортамберленда,but during the second world war were a pathetic, so as to take care of them was right. now all the led in order, and the tourists come here regularly to taste for the exotic.the gardens was the current duchess of нортамберленда. at the beginning of the twenty-first century, she became the owner of the castle альнвика and has embarked on rebuilding local beauty.so how much will want to return to its former glory. a garden was laid only five years after the start of reconstruction, in 2005. the source of inspiration was the famous garden at padua in italy.here the medicis were poisonous plants to get rid of enemies are crafty ways. in the garden were originally and other plants, for example, medicinal, but then had them removed.to be consistent with the status of poison garden.
tourists may attend the poison garden альнвика only in the presence of a maintainer who is that people don't have any contact with poisonous plants.we also found many signs that warn about danger. the garden was under 24-hour surveillance, and some sites surrounded by barbed wire.

august 1st in the british national park snowdonia, wales, an artificial lake for lovers of surfing. new ride worth more than 17.5 million dollars comes for experienced surfersand for those who are first time to be on the board. wave height varies from 70 cm to 2 m, and its length can reach 150 meters. at the same time to ride on the longest artificial wave to 36 people.
a device produces a wave of every minute.
wave passes first in one side of 300 meters of the lake, and then in the other.

activists of the canal & river trust of london took initiative to create a special quiet zones for the ducks in cities: london, birmingham and manchester. according to activists, this action is to ensurepeople to see the wild animals living there. the only thing not clear whether to comply with the rules of movement for the ducks.

лавенхэм village that is located in great britain, the head of the crooked house.in fact the history of the village is very interesting, sometime in the middle ages лавенхэм was rich in those days the city. in the city - merchants and traders from all over england, as the city quickly grew.he needs a rapid construction.
home started soon right of wet wood, however, over time, and most of the houses, materials badly deformed in lean to the side.now the city went bankrupt, and became the provincial village, the inhabitants of which no funds to repair the medieval buildings.

to the 19th century, there was no division by time zones.everywhere defined time by the sun. the need for time zones was not, as was the speed of transport. unification led to the development of the railways in englandbecause of the differences in time in every city was very difficult to establish a normal schedule. the railway companies have made.so throughout the country was a single timezone gmt. then gradually the system time zones began to spread around the world.

"globe theatre: a history and the arts (uk).the history of the oldest london globe theatre "dates back to 1599 year. it was during this time in london, there has been great interest in the theatre.this has been the need for the construction of publicly available theaters.
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