На мой взгляд новые технологии помогли в не армии, а миру в борьбе меж перевод - На мой взгляд новые технологии помогли в не армии, а миру в борьбе меж английский как сказать

На мой взгляд новые технологии помо

На мой взгляд новые технологии помогли в не армии, а миру в борьбе между разными странами, которым так и хочется захватить территорию. У многих стран в настоящий момент есть ядерная бомба, именно из-за нее многие страны сейчас сидят дома, а не ходят со своей армией в гос

Войн без потерь не бывает, и иногда победа приносит столько потерь, что больше похоже на поражение. Война всегда непредсказуема — твой противник может стать твоим союзником, если у вас двоих появляются общие интересы. Больше всего от войны страдают невинные, которые оказались втянуты в сражение против своей воли. Война — это путь обмана. И порой обманутым оказываешься ты сам.

Отечественными называются войны, в которых борьба с врагом идет не за что иное, а за САМОЁ СУЩЕСТВОВАНИЕ страны, Отечества. Враг угрожает уничтожить страну, лишить ее государственности, ликвидировать Отечество у народа, проживающего на территории страны. Вот такие войны называются Отечественными. Таких в России было две - Отечественная война 1812 года с Наполеоном, и Великая Отечественная война 1941-1945 гг.

Гражданская война и военная интервенция 1917-1922 годов в России - вооруженная борьба за власть между представителями различных классов, социальных слоев и групп бывшей Российской империи при участии войск Четверного союза и Антанты.

Основными причинами Гражданской войны и военной интервенции явились: н

Холокост во второй мировой войне
торможение в развитии или же резкий скачёк в верх, как СССР и США,хаос, Потеря в численности мирного населения

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In my opinion the new technology has helped in the army, and not the world in the struggle between different countries, which want to seize territory. Many countries currently have a nuclear bomb, it is because of her many countries now sit at home rather than go with his army in the StateWars without losses do not happen, and sometimes the victory brings so much loss that looks more like a defeat. War is always unpredictable — your enemy can become your ally if you two appear common interests. The most innocent of the war, which proved to be drawn into battle against their will. War is a way of cheating. And sometimes you find yourself deceived himself.Domestic called war, where fighting with the enemy is not for nothing, but for the EXISTENCE of the country ABOUT the fatherland. Enemy threatens to destroy the country, deny its statehood, eliminate the Fatherland, the people living in the territory of the country. These wars are called domestic. Such in Russia was two-year 1812 patriotic war against Napoleon, and the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945 Gg.Civil war and military intervention 1917-1922 famine in Russia-armed struggle for power between the representatives of the various classes, social strata and groups of the former Russian Empire, with the participation of troops of the quadruple Alliance and the Entente.The main causes of the civil war and military intervention were: nThe Holocaust in the second world warstagnation in development or sharp made their progress to the top as the Soviet Union and the United States, chaos, loss in the number of civilian population
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In my opinion, new technology has helped in no army, and the world in the struggle between the different countries, which just wanted to seize territory. Many countries currently have a nuclear bomb, because of her many countries now sit at home and do not go with his army in a state

of war without loss does not happen, and sometimes the victory brings so much loss, that's more like a defeat. War is always unpredictable - Your opponent can be your ally if you two appear common interests. Most of the war affected innocent, who were involved in a battle against his will. War - is a way of cheating. And sometimes you find yourself deceived yourself.

Fatherland called war, in which the struggle with the enemy is not for nothing, but for SAMOЁ EXISTENCE country, the Fatherland. The enemy threatens to destroy the country, depriving it of statehood, to eliminate the Fatherland of the people living in the country. These are called Fatherland War. There were two in Russia - The War of 1812 against Napoleon, and the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

Civil War and military intervention of 1917-1922 in Russia - the armed struggle for power between different classes, social strata and groups of the former Russian Empire . with the participation of troops of the Quadruple alliance and the Entente

main causes of the Civil war and military intervention were: n

the Holocaust in world war II
inhibition in development, or a sharp leap upwards, as the USSR and the USA, chaos, loss in the number of civilians

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in my opinion, the new technology has helped in the army, and the world in the fight between different countries that you want to capture territory. many countries currently have a nuclear bomb, it is because of her many countries now sitting at home rather than go with his army in the statewar is not without losses, and sometimes the victory brings so much loss, that"s more like a defeat. war is always uncertain, your opponent can be your ally, if you two have common interests. the innocent suffer most from the war, who were involved in the battle against their will. the war is deception. and sometimes you cheated you.domestic called war in which the enemy is not the other, and for the country itself, the country. enemy threatens to destroy the country, deprived of its statehood, to our country the people living in the territory of the country. this war is domestic. such in russia was a patriotic war of 1812, napoleon, and the great patriotic war 1941-1945.the civil war and military intervention in russia 1917 - 1922, armed struggle for power between different classes, social strata and groups of the former russian empire, with the participation of troops and the war of the quadruple alliance.the main causes of the civil war and military intervention were: nthe holocaust in the second world warbraking in development or a sharp shift in the top, both the u.s. and the ussr, chaos, loss in the number of civilians
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