Для меня самый любимый день недели – это пятница. Я думаю, это потому, что в этот день я прихожу из школы и знаю: впереди у меня два дня выходных. поэтому у меня будет много свободного времени
For me the favorite day of the week is Friday. I think it's because I come from the school and I know I have two days ahead of the weekend. Therefore, I will have a lot of free time
It is Friday - the most favorite day of the week for me. I think it's because that day I come home from school and I know that I have in front of the two-day weekend. so I will have plenty of free time
my favourite day is friday. i think it's because that's the day i get out of school, and i know i have two days off. therefore, i willa lot of free time