Да, здесь тоже считается, что разница в возрасте не проблема, но для м перевод - Да, здесь тоже считается, что разница в возрасте не проблема, но для м английский как сказать

Да, здесь тоже считается, что разни

Да, здесь тоже считается, что разница в возрасте не проблема, но для многих до сих пор остаётся проблема. Я тоже отношусь к этому без восторга, извините, я молодая красивая девушка, почему я должна быть с кем-то, кто через 20 лет будет уже старым, а я всё ещё буду красивой? (это не про тебя, просто общий пример). Все мужчины хотят видеть с собой красивую девушку, а девушки не должны хотеть быть с кем-то таким же? Мне кажется мы тоже заслуживаем=) И я верю, что в отношениях люди должны поддерживать друг друга и пройти через многое вместе. Если человек старше меня намного, то у него уже всё есть. Как я буду переживать за него, когда он сдаёт экзамены? Или когда он получает повышение на работе? Или как пойду с ним покупать его первый деловой костюм? Мужчины старше уже готовый товар, это не вариант. Я хочу быть рядом в самые важные моменты жизни, но они уже были в его жизни без меня, просто отлично, и что я должна делать с ним вообще
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Yes, here, too, it is considered that the age difference is not a problem, but for many there is still a problem. I too take this without enthusiasm, sorry, I am a young beautiful girl, why should I be with someone who through 20 years old already, and I am still going to be beautiful? (it's not about you, just a general example). All men want to see with a beautiful girl, and girls shouldn't want to be with someone else the same? I think we too deserve =) and I believe that people should support each other and go through a lot together. If a man much older than me, he's already there. How am I going to worry about him when he passes exams? Or when he gets promoted at work? Or how to go with him to buy his first business suit? Men over a ready-made product is not an option. I want to be close to the most important moments of life, but they were already in his life without me just fine, and that I should do with it at all
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Yes, it is also considered that the age difference is not a problem, but for many still remains a problem. I also take it without enthusiasm, I am sorry, I am a young beautiful girl, why I should be with someone who is 20 years old already, but I'll still be beautiful? (This is not for you, just a common example). All men want to see with a beautiful girl, and girls do not have to want to be with someone in the same? I think we deserve it too =) And I believe that the relationship people have to support each other and go through a lot together. If a man much older than me, he has already all there. How am I going to worry about him when he hands over the exams? Or when he gets a promotion at work? Or I go with him to buy his first business suit? Men over the finished product is not an option. I want to be close to the most important moments of life, but they've been in his life without me just fine, and that I should do with it at all
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Yes, here too it is considered that the difference in age is not a problem, but for many still remains a problem. I am to this without melancholic, i'm sorry, I have a beautiful young girl, why I should be with someone else,Who are 20 years of age will be already old, and I am still i beautiful? (This is not about you, just a common example). All the men want to see a beautiful girl, and the girls should not desire to be with someone in the same?I think we deserve=) and I believe that in the relations people should support each other and to go through a lot together. If the person is much older than me, he is already all there is. As soon as I will suffer for it,When he shall deliver exams? Or when it receives an increase at work? Or as i won't interfere with him to buy his first business suit? Men over the age is already a finished product, this is not an option.I want to be close to the most important moments of life, but they have already been in his life without me, simply great, and that i should do with him at all
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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