я живу в Крыму. В Крыму есть много достопримечательностей. Например Во перевод - я живу в Крыму. В Крыму есть много достопримечательностей. Например Во английский как сказать

я живу в Крыму. В Крыму есть много

я живу в Крыму. В Крыму есть много достопримечательностей. Например Воронцовский дворец,горы: Аю-даг,Ай-петри и еще много всего...
Существует легенда о горе Аю-даг. В ней повествуется о том как горные медведи однажды нашли на берегу среди обломков корабля маленькую девочку и взяли ее на воспитание. Однажды, когда медведей не было дома, море прибило к берегу лодку в которой был прекрасный парень. Молодые люди проводили вместе очень много времени: он рассказывал ей о разных странах и людях, а она ему пела. Эти двое настолько полюбили друг друга, что вскоре решили сбежать с медвежьего логова вместе. Звери вернулись в горы и не обнаружили там своей воспитанницы.вожак припал к воде и стал ее неистово хлебать.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I live in Crimea. There are many attractions in Crimea. For example, the vorontsovsky Palace, mountains: Ayu-Dag, Ai-Petri and much more ...There is a legend about mount Ayu-Dag. It focuses on how the mountain bears once found on the shore among the debris of the ship a little girl and took her to foster care. Once, when the bears were not at home, the sea had washed ashore to shore boat which was a wonderful guy. The young people spent a lot of time together: he told her about different countries and people, and it sang. The two loved each other so much that they decided to elope with bear dens together. The beasts are back into the mountains and found its students. the leader fell to water and became her furiously sup.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I live in Crimea. In Crimea, there are many attractions. For example Vorontsov Palace, mountains: the Ayu-Dag, Ai-Petri, and much more ...
There is a legend about the mountain Ayu-Dag. It tells the story of how the mountain bears once found on the banks of the little girl and took her to the education among the wreckage. Once, when the bears were not at home, the sea washed ashore in a boat which was a lovely guy. Young people spent a lot of time together: he told her about the different countries and people, and she sang it. These two are so in love with each other that soon decided to escape from the lair of the bear together. Animals returned to the mountains and found there his vospitannitsy.vozhak fell to the water and began to frantically gulping.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i live in crimea. in crimea have many attractions. for example, the vorontsov palace, the mountains: ayu dag, the ai petri and many more.there is a legend about the mount ayu dag. she recounted how the firm bears once found on the beach in the wreckage of the ship a little girl and took her to the education. one day, when the bears was not at home, the sea washed up on shore the boat which was a great guy. young people spend so much time together. he told her about the different countries and people, and she sang. these two were so love each other, soon decided to escape from the bear"s den. the animals back in the mountains and found its воспитанницы.вожак has dropped to the water and became her hard drinking.
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