я не думал прерывать ее. я не предполагал, что меня прервут.мне не ловко, что я причинил вам столько беспокойства. он будет счастлив повидаться с вами. он был счастлив, что повидался с вами.
I have not thought interrupted. I didn't imagine that I will. I don't smartly, that I caused you so much trouble. He will be happy to see you. He was happy that I've met you.
I did not think to interrupt her. I never imagined that I prervut.mne not clever, that I caused you so much trouble. he will be happy to see you. He was happy to see you.
I did not think to interrupt it. I do not think that I am sustain unity.me is not something that I have caused you so much concern. He will be happy daughters with you. He was happy that повидался with you.