Когда мы были детьми, нам говорили, что без прошлого нет настоящего, а без настоящего будущего. Однако, будущее невозможно создать только из настоящего. Только совокупность прошлого и настоящего является той основой, на которой вырастает будущее.
When we were children, we were told that without the past there is no present, and without the present for the future. However, the future is created only in the present. Only the combination of past and present is the foundation upon which future grows.
When we were children, we were told that there is no present without a past and without a real future. However, only the future can not be created from this. Only the combination of past and present is the foundation on which the future grows.
when we were children, we were told that no past no present and no real future. however, the future is impossible to create a just from this. only the combination of the past and present is the basiswhich grows in the future.