форма религиозного либерализма, выражение, классифицирующее веру людей, которые, с одной стороны, считают, что есть что-то или кто-то «высшее, между небесами и землёй», но, с другой стороны, не принимают и не поддерживают установленную систему верований, доктрин, догм и существующих объяснений природы бога какой бы то ни было отдельно взятой религии.
Общая характеристика итсизма
Социологические исследования позволяют выявить определённую тенденцию в эволюции религии, а именно — замену традиционного представления об антропоморфном Боге на абстрактное и чисто интуитивное представление о некой сущности, влияющей на судьбы людей. В современной социологии религии подобные абстрактные и аморфные представления объединяются общим термином «итсизм». Иначе, итсизм — это неопределённая вера в то, что либо в земном мире, либо где-то в другом измерении есть некая Высшая Воля, от которой люди могут как-то зависеть. Можно сказать, что итсизм — это вера во что-то глобальное и высокое, но даже самому верующему неясно, во что.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Ietsisma form of religious liberalism, expression, klassificiruûŝee people's faith, which, on the one hand, believe that there is something or someone higher, between heaven and Earth ", but, on the other hand, do not accept or support the installed system of beliefs, doctrines, dogmas and existing explanations of the nature of God of any particular religion. General characteristics of itsizmaSociological studies reveal a certain trend in the evolution of religion, namely, the replacement of the traditional view of antropomorfnom God in the abstract and purely intuitive idea about some entity that affects people's lives. In modern sociology of religion such as abstract and amorphous presentation combines the generic term "ietsism». Otherwise, is the infinite ietsism belief that either in the world or somewhere in another dimension there is a Supreme will, from which people can somehow depend. It can be said that ietsism is faith in something global and high, but even the most faithful, it was not clear what.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
form of religious liberalism, expression, classifying the faith of people who, on the one hand, believe that there is something or someone "higher, between heaven and earth," but, on the other hand, do not accept and do not support the installed system beliefs, doctrines, dogmas and existing explanations of the nature of God whatever was single religion. General characteristics ietsism Sociological studies can detect certain trends in the evolution of religion - namely the replacement of the traditional understanding of the anthropomorphic God in the abstract and purely intuitive understanding of certain entities It is affecting people's lives. In modern sociology of religion like abstract and amorphous representations is the general term "ietsism." Otherwise, ietsism - is undefined belief that either in this world or somewhere in another dimension there is some Supreme Will, from which people can somehow dependent. We can say that ietsism - a belief in something global and high, but even the believer is not clear what.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
form of religious liberalism, expression, classifying the faith of the people, which, on the one hand, believe that there is something or someone "higher, between heaven and землёй», but, on the other hand,do not accept and support the system of beliefs, dogmas and doctrines, existing explanations for the nature of god, any given religion.
the итсизмаsociological studies identify a trend in the evolution of religion.namely, the replacement of the traditional idea of антропоморфном god in the abstract and purely intuitive perception of a fact, affect people's lives.in contemporary sociology of religion such as the abstract and amorphous form of the generic term "итсизм». otherwise, ietsism is ambiguous the belief that either in this worldor somewhere in another dimension. there is a higher will, from which people can somehow depend. we can say that ietsism is the belief in something, global and high, but it is not clear, even to what. "
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