8. Mr. Barkis, the carrier, (должен был заехать) for me in the morning перевод - 8. Mr. Barkis, the carrier, (должен был заехать) for me in the morning английский как сказать

8. Mr. Barkis, the carrier, (должен

8. Mr. Barkis, the carrier, (должен был заехать) for me in the morning at nine o'clock. 9. That book was one of those that one (должен был бы прочитать). 10. Somebody has been talking; (кто бы это мог быть)? 11. (Незачем было волноваться), everything has turned out all right. 12. Frequently he (можно было застать) in the garden bent over his flowers. 13. I believe he was always afraid they (могут посмеяться) at him. 14. She protested but he (не хотел и слушать) to her protests. 15. It had been arranged between them that whichever woke up first, before six (должен был позвать) the other by knocking on the wall. 16. Lanny opened his eyes and looked at the smiling young woman who leaned over him. (Это, вероятно, Мейбл), he thought. 17. I think he (мог бы подождать) till I came back.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
8. Mr. Barkis, the carrier, (had come) for me in the morning at nine o'clock. 9. That book was one of those that one (should read). 10. Somebody has been talking; (whoever it may be)? 11. (Don't worry), everything has turned out all right. 12. Frequently he (you can catch) in the garden bent over his flowers. 13. I believe he was always afraid they (laugh) at him. 14. She protested but he (not wanted and listen) to her protests. 15. It had been pre-arranged between them that whichever woke up first, before six (had to call) the other by knocking on the wall. 16. Lanny opened his eyes and looked at the smiling young woman who leaned over him. (This probably Mabel), he thought. 17. I think he (could wait) till I came back.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
8. Mr. Barkis, the carrier, (had to call) for me in the morning at nine o'clock. 9. That book was one of those that one (had to read). 10. Somebody has been talking; (Who could it be)? 11. (There is no need to worry), everything has turned out all right. 12. Frequently he (could catch) in the garden bent over his flowers. 13. I believe he was always afraid they (can laugh) at him. 14. She protested but he (did not want to listen) to her protests. 15. It had been arranged between them that whichever woke up first, before six (had to call) the other by knocking on the wall. 16. Lanny opened his eyes and looked at the smiling young woman who leaned over him. (This is probably Mabel), he thought. 17. I think he (could wait) till I came back.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
8. mr. Barkis, the carrier (should stop) for me in the morning at nine o 'clock. 9. that book was one of those that one (to be read). 10. somebody has been talking, who could it be? 11. (don't worry), everything has turned out all right. 12.for he (to catch) in the garden bent over his flowers. 13. i believe he was always afraid they can laugh) at him. 14. she be (but he didn't want to listen to her protests. 15. it had been arranged between them that whichever one first, before six (had to) the other by knocking on the wall.16. Lanny opened his eyes and looked at the smiling young woman who leaned over him. (this is probably mabel), he thought. 17. i think he (could wait) till i came back.
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