Около 18% граждан Украины поддерживают идею выхода из состава страны области, в которой они проживают, или превращение ее в автономную республику. Об этом свидетельствуют результаты социологического исследования, проведенного Центром Разумкова.
Согласно данным исследования, 18,4% опрошенных граждан Украины разделяют сепаратистские настроения. 14,2% из них хотели бы, чтобы их область существовала в составе Украины на правах автономии, 4,2% – видят свою область независимым государством.
Сторонников создания новых автономий больше на юге (25,7%) и востоке (22,5%), а вот желающих выхода из состава Украины здесь меньше: на юге таковых 8,1%, на востоке 4,8%. Примечательно, что сторонники полного отделения от Украины нашлись и в западных областях, таковых здесь насчитали 4,6%.
Кстати, 6,3% граждан признались, что согласны и на вхождение их областей в состав другого государства. Таковых 11,6% на юге и 10,4% на востоке.
В ходе исследования было опрошено 10956 граждан Украины во всех областях страны, погрешность не превышает 1%.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
About 18% of Ukrainian citizens support the idea of secession from the country area in which they reside, or its transformation into an autonomous republic. This is evidenced by the results of the survey,conducted Razumkov Center.
According to the survey, 18.4% of citizens of Ukraine share separatist sentiment. 14.2% of them would liketo their region existed within Ukraine as autonomy, 4.2% - see their region as an independent state.
Promoters of new autonomies more in the South (25.7%) and East (22.5%),but wanting to secede from Ukraine here less: in the south such 8.1%, 4.8% in the east. It is noteworthy that advocates complete separation from Ukraine and were found in the western regions, those here averaged 4.6%.
By the way, 6,3% of respondents admitted that they agree on the occurrence of their domains in another state. 11.6% of those in the South and 10.4% in the east.
The study surveyed 10,956 Ukrainian citizens in all regions of the country,error does not exceed 1%.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
About 18% of the citizens support the idea of secession from the country where they live, or turning it into an Autonomous Republic. According to the results of sociological research, conducted by the Razumkov Centre.
According to studies, 18.4% of citizens of Ukraine shared the separatist sentiment. 14.2% of them would like to the area was in the Ukraine in autonomy, 4.2%-see their region an independent country.
new autonomies more Supporters in the South (25.7%) and East (22.5%), and here's wishing to secede from Ukraine here in the South are smaller: 8.1%, 4.8% in the East. It is noteworthy that the advocates of secession from Ukraine and were found in the western regions, they are here counted 4.6%.
by the way, 6,3% of the admitted that agree and the occurrence of their areas in the other State. Such 11.6% in the South and 10.4% in the East.
in the study were interviewed 10956 Ukrainian citizens in all regions of the country, error does not exceed 1%.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
About 18% of Ukrainian citizens support the idea of the country, in which they live, or make it into an autonomous republic. This is demonstrated by sociological research,Conducted by the Center for Euro-atlantic democracies.
according to a study, 18.4 % of the respondents of citizens of Ukraine shared separatist sentiment. 14.2 per cent of them would like toTo ensure that their area has existed in the Ukraine at the rights autonomy, 4.2 per cent - see their area an independent state.
supporters create a new autonomy more than in the south (25.7 %) and the east (22.5 % ),And here's wishing to exit the whole Ukraine here is less than: in the south such 8.1 %, in the east 4.8 %. It is noteworthy, that the supporters of the offices of Ukraine didn't vanish and in the western areas, such here counted 4.6 % .
i, 6,3% of citizens confessed that agree and the occurrence of areas in the composition of the other State. Such 11.6 per cent in the south and 10.4% in the east.
in the course of the study were interviewed 10956 citizens of Ukraine in all areas of the country,Error does not exceed 1 %.
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