Результаты (
английский) 2:
Hygiene is a medical concept related to most aspects of our living. It helps to prevent or reduce the spreading of disease.
Hygiene practices the include Medical: isolation or quarantine
of Infectious people or materials to Prevent spread of infection;
sterilization of instruments used by surgeons and dentists ; use
of protective clothing, such as with masks page, caps, gloves; ban- Proper
daging of Injuries; disinfection; hand-washing. May Antiseptics
the BE an applied to cuts and wounds to Prevent the entry of Harmful
bacteria CAN That a cause sepsis.
-To-Day day hygiene practices, OTHER than special medical HY-
giene Procedures are very Select Similar.
Helps to hygiene Home Prevent or minimize the disease and
the spreading of disease in home, the public transport This, the work
PLACE, OTHER places the public. It includes hand hygiene It, respira-
tory hygiene, food and water hygiene, general of home hygiene,
care of pets.
The spread of Preventing Infectious Diseases Means BREAK-
ing the chain of infection transmission. The chain is the If broken,
infection CAN not spread. Helps hygiene Procedures Applying to
break statement the chain of infection.
Main sources of of The infection in the home are people, foods,
water, and Leagues Domestic animals. Additionally, sinks, toilets, clea ning
tools, towels readily support Microbial growth. In-Potentially
fectious bacteria, viruses are everywhere. THUS, the when circum-
stances combine, people Become Exposed, an either Directly or
through food or water, and CAN the develop an infection. Main of The
"highways" for spread of bacteria in the home are the phone hands,
hand and food contact Surfaces, and cleaning cloths and uten-
sils. And wash Basins Toilets Were Invented for running safely are dealing
with human waste. They must be perfectly clean. Disposal the Safe
of human waste is a Fundamental need. Viruses Respiratory
spread through the air.
Home hygiene Means the Good regular hygiene Procedures to
break statement the chain of infection. CAN of result from Infection direct
transfer from Surfaces through phone hands or food to the mouth. HY-
gienic cleaning the BE done The CAN by cleaning with the soap or detergent.
The BE effective is the this the To process a must Followed by the BE Thorough rins-
ing under the running water. Hygiene is central the Hand to Preventing
spread of Infectious Diseases in home and everyday life: settings.
And hand hygiene Respiratory hygiene the when coughing and
sneezing Reduces the spread of germs particularly DURING the
cold and the flu season. Is very by important It to use to catch statement Tissues
coughs and sneezes and away the throw statement Them as with as with soon's Possible
and wash phone hands or use an alcohol hand the sanitizer.
Food hygiene helps to avoid food poisoning. Necessary to's It
is separate the raw and cooked foods; foods for the cook Appropriate
the length of time and the AT Appropriate temperature; AT food store
the Proper temperature; use safe water. Water quality Drinking
is very by important. Different Methods are There to protect drink-
ing water, such as with boiling, using the the filters and MANY: others.
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