Самый экономичный и быстрый способ добраться до Англии – самолет. Прям перевод - Самый экономичный и быстрый способ добраться до Англии – самолет. Прям английский как сказать

Самый экономичный и быстрый способ

Самый экономичный и быстрый способ добраться до Англии – самолет. Прямые перелеты осуществляются из Москвы (несколько раз в день), Санкт-Петербурга(5 дней в неделю)и столицы Урала Екатеринбурга (3 дня в неделю). British Airways и Аэрофлот доставят вас прямиком в столицу Великобритании. Поездка в Лондон займет 3-4 часа. У других компаний-перевозчиков есть варианты перелета с пересадками в Германии, Варшаве, Праге или Франции. Времени, конечно, уйдет больше, но можно сэкономить на билетах.
Отправиться в Лондон на поезде из Москвы могут те, кто готов провести в вагоне 40 часов своей бесценной жизни. Многочисленные пересадки и таможенные проверки подъему настроения не поспособствуют. Стоить такое путешествие будет значительно дороже, чем перелет, к тому же обязательно наличие транзитной шенгенской визы.
Из стран Старого Света (Франция, Бельгия, Нидерланды, Норвегия, и др) можно добраться на пароме. Время пути и цены зависят от пункта отправления. Если вы турист, а не резидент страны, для проезда на пароме нужна английская виза.
Если у вас есть не только британская, но и шенгеская визы, международные водительские права и техпаспорт, вы можете совершить автомобильный вояж в Англию. Всего-то 3100 км от Москвы, таможенный досмотр в Белоруссии, Польше, Германии, Голландии, Бельгии и Франции, преодоление тоннеля через Ла-Манш – и вы на месте. Правда, такая поездка потребует не только много денежных затрат, но и выносливости, в том числе психологической. Не забудьте купить медицинскую и автомобильную страховки.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The most economical and fastest way to get to England. Direct flights are available from Moscow (several times a day), St. Petersburg (5 days a week) and the capital of Ural Ekaterinburg (3 days per week). British Airways and Aeroflot will take you straight to the capital of the uk. A trip to London will take 3-4 hours. Other shipping companies have flight options operate in Warsaw, Prague, Germany or France. Time, of course, will take longer, but you can save on tickets.Travel to London by train from Moscow can those who are willing to spend 40 hours in the car its precious life. Numerous transplant and customs inspections will sentiment does not rise. Cost of such a journey will be considerably more expensive than a flight to the same transit required a Schengen visa. From the countries of the old world (France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, etc) can be reached by ferry. Travel time and prices vary depending on point of departure. If you are a tourist, not a resident of the country, to travel on the ferry needs English visa.If you have not only British but also šengeskaâ visa, international driving licence and registration certificate, you can go on a car trip to England. Only 3100 km from Moscow, customs inspection in Belarus, Poland, Germany, Holland, Belgium and France, to overcome cross-channel tunnel-and you are spot on. The truth is that such a trip would require not only a lot of money, but also endurance, including psychological. Do not forget to buy medical and car insurance.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The most economical and fastest way to get to England - the plane. Direct flights from Moscow carried out (several times a day), St. Petersburg (5 days per week) and the Ural capital of Yekaterinburg (3 days a week). British Airways and Aeroflot will take you straight to the UK capital. A trip to London takes 3-4 hours. Other shipping companies have flight options with transfers in Germany, Warsaw, Prague or France. Time, of course, take longer, but you can save money on tickets.
Travel to London by train from Moscow may be those who are willing to spend 40 hours in the car of his precious life. Numerous transplant and customs checks will not help lift the mood. Worth a journey will be much more expensive than a flight to the same necessary to have a transit Schengen visa.
Among the countries of the Old World (France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, etc.) can be reached by ferry. Travel time and the prices depend on the point of departure. If you are a tourist and not a resident of the country for travel on the ferry need English visa.
If you have not only British but also shengeskaya visas, international driver's license and registration card, you can take a car trip to England. In total some 3,100 kilometers from Moscow, customs clearance in Belarus, Poland, Germany, Holland, Belgium and France, to overcome the tunnel across the English Channel - and you are there. However, such a trip would require not only a lot of money costs, but also endurance, including psychological. Do not forget to buy a car and medical insurance.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
the most efficient and fastest way to get to england - plane. direct flights are from moscow (several times a day), st. petersburg (5 days a week) and the capital of ural yekaterinburg (3 days a week).british airways and aeroflot will take you straight to the capital of great britain. the trip to london will take 3 to 4 hours. other companies are carriers, there are options to flight with changes in germany, warsaw, prague, or france. timeof course, it will be more, but you can save money on tickets.
go to london by train from moscow to those who are willing to train 40 hours of your precious life.multiple rearrangements and customs inspection recovery mood don't encourage. this trip will cost considerably more than the flight, plus have a transit schengen visa.
from the countries of the old world (france, belgium, the netherlands, norway, etc.) can be reached by ferry. the prices depend on the way and time of departure. if you are a tourist, not a resident of the countryto travel by boat need a visa. if you have not only the british, but шенгеская visas, international driver's license and registration, you can make the voyage to england.just 3100 km from moscow, customs clearance in belarus, poland, germany, holland, belgium and france, the tunnel across the english channel and you have arrived. true,such a visit would require not only a lot of cost, but the endurance, including psychological. don't forget to buy medical and car insurance.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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