Мы с другом обмениваемся разными вещами, типа крем для лица, резинка для волос, шоколадка, флаг страны, брелок и т.п. Всё, что можно отправить=) Это уже третья посылка=)
Friend and share different things, such as face cream, hair gum, chocolate, country flag, Keychain, etc., everything you can send =) this is the third shipment =)
My friend and I are exchanging different things, such as face cream, scrunchy, chocolate, country flag, keychain, etc. Everything that can be sent =) This is the third parcel =)
We are with one another sharing different things, type cream for persons, elastic for your hair, Choc bar, the flag of the country, key fob, etc.. All that you can send to=) This is already the third premise=)