Прежде чем переходить на конкретные примеры, каждый человек должен опр перевод - Прежде чем переходить на конкретные примеры, каждый человек должен опр английский как сказать

Прежде чем переходить на конкретные

Прежде чем переходить на конкретные примеры, каждый человек должен определить для себя верит ли он в существование любви. Также нельзя забывать что существует разные формы любви: любовь матери к детям, братская любовь и т.д. Мы рассмотрим любовь мужчины к женщине.
Итак Аристотель предложил так определить понятие любви: «любить значит желать кому-нибудь того, что считаешь благом, ради него , а не ради самого себя, и стараться по мере сил доставлять ему эти блага». Я полностью согласен с этим высказыванием. Но это определение с философской точки зрения. К примеру с точки зрения медицины любовь рассматривается как одна из форм психологических заболеваний.
"True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen":
Francois de La Rochefoucauld. Суть данного высказывания заключается в том, что настоящую любовь испытывали не многие, также как и не многие видели призраков, но и о том и о другом говорят все.
Я считаю что настоящая любовь дается не многим. Все люди прежде всего говорят о доверии, понимании, уважении и т.д., но забывают о недостатках любимого человека. Любимый человек самый лучший, но нужно быть реалистами. Также я не понимаю когда говорят о любви с первого взгляда, я считаю что с первого взгляда можно максимум влюбиться, но не любить. Это смешно. Нельзя любить человека из-за внешности. На самом деле у меня существует свое определение понятия "любовь", хотя возможно что кто-то уже до этого додумался: "Любовь начинается там, где заканчивается влюбленность. я верю, что если отношения закончились - значит это была влюбленность, а если нет, то это любовь. Это самый простой способ определить. Настоящая любовь не заканчивается и длится до конца жизни.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Before moving on to specific examples, each individual must determine for themselves whether he believes in the existence of love. Also we should not forget that there are different forms of love: a mother's love to children, brotherly love, etc. we consider love a man to a woman. So Aristotle suggested so define love: "love means wanting to someone that you think is good for him, not for the sake of himself, and try as best to deliver these benefits. I completely agree with this statement. But this definition from a philosophical point of view. For example in terms of medicine love is seen as a form of psychological diseases."True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen":Francois de La Rochefoucauld. The essence of this utterance is that true love felt not many, as well as not many have seen ghosts, but another saying all.I believe that true love is not given to many. All people primarily speak of trust, understanding, respect, etc., but forget about the shortcomings of a loved one. Loved one the best, but we need to be realistic. Also I don't understand when people talk about love at first sight, I believe that at first glance can be a maximum fall in love, but not love. It's funny. You cannot love a person because of appearance. Actually I have there is its definition of "love", although it is possible that someone already guessed: "love begins where ends with love. I believe that if the relationship ended-so it was love, and if not, it's love. This is the easiest way to determine. True love never ends and lasts until the end of his life.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Before turning to specific examples, each person must define for himself if he believes in the existence of love. Also, we must not forget that there are different forms of love: love of a mother to the children, brotherly love, etc. We will look at a man's love for a woman.
So, Aristotle proposed the so-define the concept of love: "love means to wish someone of what is considered a blessing for him, not for his own sake, and try as much as they give him good." I totally agree with this statement. But this definition from a philosophical point of view. For example, a medical point of view love is seen as a form of psychological diseases.
"True love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen":
Francois de La Rochefoucauld. The essence of this statement is that true love is not experienced by many as not many people have seen ghosts, but that and the other says it all.
I believe that true love is not given to many. All people are primarily talking about trust, understanding, respect and so on, but forget about the shortcomings of your loved one. Someone I love the best, but we need to be realistic. Also I do not understand when they talk about love at first sight, I think that at first glance can be a maximum of love, but not love. That's funny. You can not love someone because of appearance. In fact I have there your definition of "love", although it is possible that someone has already thought of this before, "Love begins where ends up falling in love. I believe that if the relationship ended - then it was love, and if not, it is love. This is the easiest way to determine. True love does not end, and lasts until the end of life.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
before turning to the specific examples, the individual must determine for themselves whether he believes in the existence of love. also, we must not forget that there are many forms of love, a mother's love for childrenbrotherly love, and so on. we consider the love of a man to a woman. so aristotle suggested that define love: "love means wanting someone that you think is good for him, not for himself.and try as best as i can deliver the goods ". i fully agree with this statement. but this definition from the philosophical point of view.for example, in terms of medicine, love is seen as one of the forms of psychological diseases.
"true love is like ghosts, which everyone talks about and few have seen":
francois de la Rochefoucauld. the essence of this speech iswhat true love were not many, and not many people have seen ghosts, but also both say it. - i think that true love is not many. all the people first of all talk about trust, understandingrespect and etc., but forget about the shortcomings of the beloved. love is the best, but we have to be realistic. i also don't know when talking about love at first sight.i think at first sight is the maximum fall in love, but not love. it's funny. you can't love a man because of her looks. in fact, i have is your definition of "love"although it is possible that someone has come up with this: "love begins where it ends up falling in love. i believe that if the relationship ended, it was being in love, but if not, it's love.this is the simplest way to determine. true love never ends and lasts until the end of life.
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