. С тех пор как им мне клпелькп дплн... Митя спит хорошо. (Тургенев) 2 перевод - . С тех пор как им мне клпелькп дплн... Митя спит хорошо. (Тургенев) 2 английский как сказать

. С тех пор как им мне клпелькп дпл

. С тех пор как им мне клпелькп дплн... Митя спит хорошо. (Тургенев) 2. Как только Нежданов вошел в переднюю, Сипягин, который уже искал его..., представил его жене. ('Тур¬генев) 3. Базаров вдруг раскрыл глаза. «Что ты сказал?» — «Я говорю, что Анна Сергеевна Одинцова здесь и привезла к тебе доктора». (Тургенев) 4. А от нее он узнал, что она выросла в Петербурге, но вышла замуж в С., где живет уже два года... (Чехов) 5. «А где же Аркадий Николаевич?» — спросила хозяйка и. узнав, что он не показывался уже более часа, послала за ним. (^Тургенев) 6. ... дядя Саша куда-то уехал как раз в то время,
/когда она [Таня] сдавала экзамены ... (Слепухин) 7. Горячие слезы закапали на подбородок Александрова... «О чем вы пла¬чете, Зина?» — «От счастья, Алеша». (Куприн) 8. «А с бароном вы давно знакомы?» — «Я нынешней зимой с ним в Москве встре¬тился». (Тургенев) У. «К сожалению, сударыня, ни не ошиблись... Мальчик, действительно, слеп»...—«Я знала давно», — сказала она [мать] тихо. (Короленко) 10. «Надо идти!» — подумала она [Лиза], как только узнала о приезде Лаврецкой. (Тургенев)
11. Крошка Эмили преодолела свою застенчивость и сидела рядом с Давидом. 12. Старик машинально пзял рюмку, но руки его тряслись, и, прежде чем он донес ее к губам, он расплескал по¬ловину. (Достоевский) 13. Давид кончил завтрак и отодвинул свой Стул, когда мистер Мердстон остановил его. 14. Наташа подошла ко мне и молча протянула мне руку. Три недели как мы не видались. Я глядел на нее с недоумением и страхом. Как переменилась она в эти три недели! (Достоевский) 15. Я прожил за границей, главным образом во Франции и Италии, около пя¬тидесяти лот. (Сухомлин) 1G. ...Алехин надел плащ, и вышел на улицу. Было уже темно... Ветер усилился, стало еще морознее, но Алехин не чувствовал ни порывов ветра, ни холода. (Котов) 17. Он [Берсенев] вернулся и взялся за книгу. Раумера уж он давно кончил: он теперь изучал Грота. (Тургенев) 18. Солнце уже Ашпю пстшю, когда Рудми пришел к Лидюхииу пруду. {Турге¬нев) 19. Рудин подошел к ней и остановился. Такого выражения он еще не замечал на ее лице. (Тургенев) 20. Небо почти все очистилось, когда Наталья пошла в сад. (Тургенев) 21. Я уже заканчивал наброски своего выступления, когда в комнату про¬сунула голов4 бабка Настасья. (Тендряков) 22. «Послушай, Аня, — спросил Макскм у сестры по возвращении домой, — не знаешь ли ты, что случилось во время нашей поездки? Я вижу, что маль¬чик изменился именно с этого дня». (Короленко) 23. «Вы поете?» — промолвила Варвара Павловна. (Тургенев) 24. Она [Оля] здесь не живет почти два года... Она жила здесь раньше, почти два года тому назад. (Чаковский)
Источник: русский
Цель: английский
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
. Since them I klpel′kp dpln ... Mitja sleeps well. (Turgenev) 2. once Nezhdanov entered the front, Dmitry Sipyagin, who had already searched it..., introduced him to his wife. (' Tour of genev) 3. the Markets suddenly opened his eyes. "What did you say?"I say that Anna Sergeevna Odintsova here and brought to you doctor. (Turgenev) 4. and from her he learned that she grew up in St. Petersburg, but got married in the village where he lives for two years. (Chekhov) 5. "where is Arkady Nikolaevich?"asked mistress and learning that he was already more than an hour, sent for him. (
Turgenev) 6. ... Uncle Alex went somewhere like once in a while
/when she [Tanya] took the exams. (Slepukhin) 7. Hot tears to the Earth on the Chin. .. "What do you plan to couple, Zina?" — "from happiness, Alesha". (Kuprin) 8. "have you been acquainted with Baron?" — "I this winter with him in the Moscow meeting of experts. (Turgenev). "Unfortunately, No Ma'am, not a mistake. Indeed, blind boy "... — I knew a long time ago," she said [the mother]. (The Korolenko) 10. "Got to go!" — thought she [Lisa] as only learned about the arrival of the Lavreckoj. (Turgenev)
11. Baby Emily has overcome his shyness and sat next to David. 12. old man mechanically pzâl shot glass, but his hands were shaking, and before he brought it to his lips, he raspleskal of the lovinu. (Dostoyevsky) 13. David had finished breakfast and pushed back his chair, when Mr Merdston stopped him. 14. Natasha came up to me and handed me a hand. Three weeks as we are not vidalis′. I looked at her in bewilderment and fear. How it has changed in these three weeks! (Dostoyevsky) 15. I have lived abroad, mainly in France and Italy, about five ¬ tidesâti lot. (Aaa) 1 g. ...Alekhine donned the cloak and went outside. It was already dark. The wind increased, It is even moroznee, but Alekhine felt neither wind nor cold. (Cats) 17. He [Bersenev] came back and took up the book. Raumera it really long cumshot: he studied the Outhaul. (Turgenev) 18. The Sun is Ašpû pstšû, When Rudmi came to the Lidûhiiu pond. {Turge ¬ Neuve) 19. Rudin approached her and stopped. This expression it is not noticed on her face. (Turgenev) 20. The sky almost all cleansed, when She went into the garden. (Turgenev) 21. I have already finished the outline of his speech, when a room is about to put her golov4 grandmother Nastasya. (Tendrâkov) 22. "Listen, Anya, Makskm asked the sisters back home, do you know What happened during our trip? I see that has changed is the chick ¬ MAL from that day. (The Korolenko) 23. "You sing," said Varvara Pavlovna. (Turgenev) 24. She's not here's [She] lives for almost two years. She lived here before, almost two years ago. (Chakovskiy)
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
. Since them I klpelkp dpln ... Mitya sleeping well. (Turgenev) 2. Once Nezhdanoff entered the hall, Sipyagin which already searched it ... presented to his wife. ('Tour ¬ Genev) 3. Bazarov suddenly opened his eyes. "What did you say?" - "I say that Anna S. Odintsov here and brought to you doctor." (Turgenev) 4. And from her he learned that she grew up in St. Petersburg, but remarried in S., where he has lived for two years ... (Chekhov) 5. "And where is Arkady?" - Asked the hostess and. learn that it does not show more than an hour, sent for him. (^ Turgenev) 6. Uncle Sasha ... just went somewhere while
/ when she [Tanya] taking exams ... (Slepuhin) 7. Hot tears fell on chin Alexandrov ... "What are you pla ¬ couple, Zina?" - "From happiness, Alyosha." (Kuprin) 8. "And the baron did you meet?" - "I have this winter with him in Moscow vstre ¬ tilsya." (Turgenev) W. "Unfortunately, madam, nor wrong ... boy really is blind ..." - "I knew a long time" - said she [mother] quiet. (Karalenka) 10. "We have to go!" - She thought [Lisa] as soon as I heard about the arrival Lavretsky. (Turgenev)
11. Tiny Emily overcame her shyness and sat next to David. 12. The old man mechanically pzyal glass, but his hands were shaking, and before he carried her to his lips, he splashed on ¬ Lovina. (Dostoyevsky) 13. David had finished breakfast and pushed back his chair, when Mr. Merdston stopped him. 14. Natasha came to me and silently handed me a hand. Three weeks we have not seen each other. I looked at her in bewilderment and fear. As she changed in three weeks! (Dostoyevsky) 15. I have lived abroad, mainly in France and Italy, about Fr Sa ¬ tidesyati exhibition. (Suhomlin) 1G. Alekhine ... put on a raincoat, and went outside. It was dark ... The wind was strong, was still frosty, but Alekhine felt no wind gusts, nor cold. (Cats) 17. He [Bersenyev] returned and picked up the book. Raumer long time since he had finished, he is now studying the Grotto. (Turgenev) 18. The sun was already Ashpyu pstshyu when Rudmi Lidyuhiiu came to the pond. {Turgenev nev ¬) 19. Rudin approached her and stopped. Such an expression he had not noticed on her face. (Turgenev) 20. The sky had cleared almost all out when she went into the garden. (Turgenev) 21. I already finished the outline of his speech when the room pro ¬ slipped golov4 grandmother Nastasia. (Tendriakov) 22. "Listen, Anya - Makskm asked my sister to return home - not whether you know what happened during our trip? I see that mal ¬ snip changed from this day. " (Karalenka) 23. "Do you sing?" - Murmured Varvara Pavlovna. (Turgenev) 24. She [Olga] does not live here for almost two years ... She lived here before, almost two years ago. (Chakovsky)
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
. Since they me клпелькп дплн ... Mitya sleeps well. (Listening) 2. As only Нежданов logged on to the front, Сипягин, which is already looking for it. .., introduced his wife. ( 'Tour¬генев) 3. Bazaars had suddenly revealed eyes. "What did you say?" - "I am not saying that Deputy Director Anna Odintsova here and his mother to you doctor". (Listening) 4. And from it he had learned that she had grown in Petersburg, but was married to a., where live is already two years ... (Chekhov) 5. "Where's the Arcadia director?" - asked hostess and. learning that he is not zoomed is already more than an hour, sent for him. (
Go Abroad) 6. ... Uncle Sasha where to the left at the same time,
/when it Tanya] suitable replacements examinations ... (Слепухин) 7.Hot tears закапали chin persecuted ... "What are you Pla¬" alas, Zina?" - "From happiness, Alesha". (Kuprin 8. "And from you familiar?" - "I am current in winter with him in Moscow interparliamentarian meeting¬fallen". (Listening) to, "Unfortunately,Woman sniffed and looked into, nor is not wrong ... The boy, indeed, слеп" ... - "I knew a long time", - she said (mother. quietly. (Accreditation) 10. "We have to go!" - thought it was about time she (Lisa), as only learned of his arrival Лаврецкои. (Dmitry Savin)
11.Chippings Emily overcame its coyness and sat next to David. 12. Old Man mechanically пзял nice library there, but his hands be shaken, and, before he conveyed it to long lasting, he расплескал on¬scheduled tentatively for Monday afternoon. (Dostoevsky) 13.David finished breakfast and an intricate its Chair, when mister Mr. Creakle's stopped it. 14. Natasha came to me and silently lent me a hand. Three weeks as we do not видались. I am helpless to it with dismay and fear.As tv newscasts it in those three weeks! (Dostoevsky) 15. I have lived abroad, mainly in France and Italy, for example about¬тидесяти lot. ( (On methodology) 1G. ... Moscow Office wearing raincoat, and went out to the street. It was already dark ... The wind grew stronger,It has become yet another морознее, but Moscow office has not felt any wind gusts, no cold air. (Cats) 17. He Roman Genrikhovich Bersenev,] returned and accounted for the book. Раумера it has long been finished: he now studied Grotto. (Listening) 18. The Sun is already Ашпю пстшю,When Рудми came to Лидюхииу pond. {Турге¬Neuve) 19. Foreign music lovers walked up to it and stopped. Such an expression he had not observed her face. (Listening) 20. The sky is almost all, Richard, when she went to the garden. (Listening) 21.I have now retired the outline of my statement, when in a room (done it intentionally head4 Benoni Lisa. (Тендряков) 22. "Hear, Anh, asked Макскм the sisters on their return home, - don't know whether or not you,What happened at the time of our visit? I see that delegations subsidized prices of oil has changed the agenda". (Accreditation) 23. "You can hum?" - промолвила Alek unusual abilities. (Listening) 24. It Sally] here do not live in almost two years ... She lived here before,Almost two years ago. (Чаковскии)
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