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Я давно поняла, что кинематограф до

Я давно поняла, что кинематограф доставляет мне огромное количество положительных эмоций. Я очень люблю смотреть различное кино, больше всего мне интересны зарубежные фильмы. За это время я видела игру многих актёров, однако есть таланты, к которым я не могу быть равнодушной!
Хочу сравнить два великолепных актера это Robert John Downey Jr and William Bradley Pitt. История их жизни разная. Родители Роберта были обеспеченными и успешными людьми, которые смогли дать путь в Голливуд. Он учился в специальных актерских школах, посещал различные курсы в итоге получил актерское образование и продолжил карьеру. In contrast, Brad вырос в религиозной американской семье. Он учился в обычной школе, затем в университете учил журналистику, вел активную жизнь в университете. Однако после окончания университета по профессии работать он не пошёл, а отправился в Голливуд с целью начать актёрскую карьеру.
Robert Downey имел наркотическую зависимость из-за чего был уволен со студий, где он был занят на съёмках, а так же приговорен к тюремному заключению и принудительному лечению за хранение героина, кокаина и оружия. Однако, встретив девушку, а в последствии свою свою будущую жену, он начинал меняться ради любви к ней. Однако настоящее перерождение Роберт получает после его утверждения на главную роль в фильме «Железный человек». После выхода фильма киностудии буквально забрасывают актёра различными предложениями. Он находится на пике своей популярности.
In contrast к Brad Pitt пришел актерский успех не сразу. Он работал водителем, перевозчиком мебели и даже зазывалой в сети ресторанов «El Pollo Loco» и должен был в костюме гигантского цыплёнка приглашать прохожих посетить их заведение. Параллельно с этим он посещал актёрские курсы. Он снимался в различных фильмах, сериалах, телепередачах. В 1994 году в карьере Питта начала расти вверх. Он становился все популярнее и популярнее. Несколько лет возглавлял топ самых высокооплачиваемых актеров мира likewise Downey did. Both of them took the thirst place thirdly. Brad Pitt был один раз помолвлен и дважды женат. Самые продолжительные отношения у него были с Angelina Jolie. Пара прожила вместе 10 лет и 19 сентября 2016 они расстались.
I like both of these actors. Я не могу выделить кого-то из них и назвать номером один. Они оба сильные актеры, каждый имеет огромный опыт актерского искусства. Оба заработали ни один десяток миллионов долларов и снимался в самых топовых мировых фильмах! У каждого из них по несколько детей и есть семья. И если получится так, что в кино появится 2 разных фильма с этими актерами, то я пойду на оба в один день!
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I long ago realized that cinema gives me a tremendous amount of positive emotions. I really love to watch different movies I'm interested most of all foreign films. During this time I saw a game of many actors, but there are talents that I can't be indifferent! Want to compare two gorgeous actor is Robert John Downey Jr and William Bradley Pitt. The story of their lives is different. Robert's parents were well off and successful people who could give way in Hollywood. He studied at special schools, actor attended a variety of courses in the end received acting training and continued his career. In contrast, Brad grew up in religious American family. He studied at the normal school, then the University taught journalism, led an active life at the University. However, after graduation, by profession he never went to work and went to Hollywood to begin an acting career.Robert Downey had a drug addiction which was dismissed from the studios, where he was busy on the set, as well as sentenced to imprisonment and involuntary treatment for possession of heroin, cocaine and weapons. However, having met a girl, and later its his future wife, he began to change for the sake of love for her. However, the present degeneration of Robert gets its approval for the lead role in the movie "iron man". After the release of the movie the Studio literally throw the actor's various proposals. He is at the peak of his popularity.In contrast to Brad Pitt came to acting success. He was a driver, carrier, furniture and even zazyvaloj in the restaurant chain El Pollo Loco and had dressed as a giant chicken to invite passers-by to visit their establishment. In parallel with this he attended acting courses. He starred in various films, television series, television. In 1994 year Pitt's career began to grow up. He became more and more popular and popular. For several years he headed the top highest paid actors of peace likewise Downey did. Both of them took the thirst place thirdly. Brad Pitt was once betrothed and married twice. The longest-running relationship he had with Angelina Jolie. The couple lived together for 10 years and September 19, 2016 they parted. I like both of these actors. I can't select any of them and call it number one. They are both strong actors, each has a huge experience of acting art. Both earned no tens of millions of dollars and was filmed in the top world movies! Each of them has several children and have a family. And if that movie will appear 2 different movie with those actors, then I will go to both in one day!
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I have long understood that cinema gives me a huge amount of positive emotions. I really like to watch different movies, most of all I'm interested in foreign films. During this time I have seen many actors play, but there is talent, which I can not be indifferent!
I want to compare two great actor is Robert John Downey Jr and William Bradley Pitt . The story of their lives different. Robert's parents were rich and successful people who could give the way to Hollywood. He studied acting in special schools, attended various courses eventually received acting training and continued his career. In contrast, Brad grew up in a religious American family. He studied in a normal school, then taught at the University of journalism, led an active life in the university. However, after graduation he went to work not by profession, and went to Hollywood to begin an acting career.
Robert Downey had a drug addiction due to which he was dismissed from the studios, where he was busy on the set, as well as sentenced to imprisonment and forced treatment for possession of heroin, cocaine and weapons. However, I met a girl, and later his wife, his future, he began to change for the sake of love for her. However, the present rebirth Robert received after its approval for the lead role in the film "Iron Man". After the release of the film studio is literally bombarded with different actor offers. He is at the peak of its popularity.
In contrast to Brad Pitt came to acting success immediately. He worked as a driver, carrier and even furniture greeter in restaurant chain «El Pollo Loco» and was in a suit of a giant chicken to invite passers-by to visit their establishment. Parallel to this, he attended acting classes. He starred in various films, television series, television shows. In 1994, Pitt's career began to grow up. He was becoming more and more popular. Several years as head of the world's most top-paid actors likewise Downey did. Both of them took the thirst place thirdly . Brad Pitt was engaged once and married twice. The longest relationship he had with Angelina Jolie. The couple lived together for 10 years and 19 September 2016, they parted.
I like both of these actors. I can not single out any one of them and called the number one. They are both strong actors, everyone has a great experience of acting. Both have earned none tens of millions of dollars and starred in most of the world's top films! Each of them has several children and have a family. And if it turns out that in the movie will be 2 different films with these actors, then I will go to both in one day!
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i realized that cinema gives me plenty of positive emotions. i really love watching various movies, i'm more interested in foreign films. during this time, i saw a play many actors, however, have talent, which i can't be indifferent.i want to compare two beautiful actor is robert john downey jr and william bradley pitt. the story of their life qualities. robert's parents were wealthy and successful people, who were able to give way to hollywood. he studied at the special acting schools, attended various courses in the end got degree in theater and continued his career. in contrast, brad grew up in a religious american family. he studied at the normal school, then the university taught journalism led an active life in the university. however, after graduating from university in the profession work he went, and went to hollywood to begin актёрскую career.robert downey had the drug dependence, which was dismissed from studios, where he was busy filming, as well as the sentenced to imprisonment and involuntary treatment for possession of heroin, cocaine and weapons. however, when the girl, so my future wife, he began to change for the sake of love for her. however, now the robert receives after approval for the leading role in the movie "iron man". after the release of the movie studio literally fill actor's various proposals. he is at the peak of its popularity.in contrast to brad pitt's acting success immediately. he was the driver, carrier, furniture and even an online restaurant "el pollo Loco» and was dressed as a giant chicken to invite people to visit their place. in parallel, he attended acting classes. he starred in various movies, dramas, tv programs. in 1994, in the career of pitt began to grow up. he was bigger and bigger. a few years led the top most highly paid performers in the world likewise downey. both of them took the thirst place thirdly. brad pitt was once betrothed and married twice. the longest relationship he had with angelina jolie. the couple have lived together for 10 years and 19 september 2016, they broke up.i like both of these actors. i can't spare any of them and call the number one. they are both strong players, everyone has the experience of acting. both earn no ten million dollars and was in the top of world movies. each of them on a few children and have a family. and if it so happens that in the film shows two different film with these actors, i'm going on both in one day.
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