Здравствуйте Януш.Благодарю Вас. Вас не испугало мое огромное письмо.  перевод - Здравствуйте Януш.Благодарю Вас. Вас не испугало мое огромное письмо.  английский как сказать

Здравствуйте Януш.Благодарю Вас. Ва

Здравствуйте Януш.
Благодарю Вас. Вас не испугало мое огромное письмо.
И Вы нашли время ответить.

У меня все хорошо сегодня.
Но если я не отвечу Вам быстро — знайте, что причины от меня не зависят,
а все дело в интернете и событиях в городе.
И я напишу при первой возможности. Говорю это на всякий случай.
Уточнить городские события всегда можно тут: http://www.0629.com.ua/news
Прошлую ночь я не смогла уснуть, несколько часов грохотала канонада и мигал свет.

Вы так много работаете. А кто для Вас готовит еду?
Мне Интересно, что Вы любите кушать, какие Ваши предпочтения в продуктах.
Я думаю, что у Вас жесткий ритм жизни, и важно кушать правильно и вовремя.
Интересно, как выглядит Ваша кухня.

Я пользуюсь http://zepter.in.ua/ их посудой уже 14 лет.
Эта посуда помогает заботиться о здоровье.
У меня есть и такая замечательная помощница : http://ezidri.in.ua/
сейчас сезон овощей, и я постоянно что-то сушу в своих уже 11 лотках.
Самое замечательное — это фруктовые конфеты и пастила.

Ваши занятия несравнимо прекраснее моих простых глупостей.
Я это понимаю.

Надеюсь услышать Вас в скором времени.

Хорошего дня и настроения

с уважением.

Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hello Janusz.Thank you Very Much. You are not frightened my great letter. And you took the time to answer. I have all good today. But if I don't answer you quickly — know that the causes are not from me, and the whole thing online and events in the city. And I will write as soon as possible. I say this just in case.Clarify the City events are always here: http://www.0629.com.ua/news Last night I could not fall asleep for a few hours and light blink decor Lake boats. Thank you so much work. And who prepares food for you? I find it interesting that you like to eat, what are your preferences in products. I think you have a hard life, and it is important to eat properly and on time.Wondering how your kitchen looks.I take http://zepter.in.ua/their kitchenware has already 14 years. This Cookware is helping take care of health.I have such a wonderful Assistant: http://ezidri.in.ua/ now the season vegetables and I constantly something land in their already 11 trays.Most remarkable is the fruit candy and candy.Your classes are incomparably more beautiful than my simple nonsense. I understand this.Hope to hear you soon.Have a nice day and moodswith respect. Tamara.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Janusz Hello.
Thank you. You do not scare me great letter.
And you took the time to respond. I'm fine now. But if I do not answer you quickly - you know that the reasons for not depend on me, but the whole thing on the internet and events in the city. And when I write the first opportunity. I say this just in case. Refine city events can always be here: http://www.0629.com.ua/news Last night I could not sleep a few hours and gunfire rattled flashing light. You work so hard. Who cooks for you? I wonder what you like to eat, what your preferences in food. I think you have a hard rhythm of life, and it is important to eat properly and on time. I wonder how your kitchen looks like. I use http: / /zepter.in.ua/ their dishes for 14 years. This dishes helps take care of health. I've got such a wonderful helper: http://ezidri.in.ua/ Now season vegetables, and I always something to land in its been 11 trays. The great thing - it's fruit candy and candy. Your class is incomparably more beautiful than my stupidity. I understand that. I hope to hear from you soon. Have a nice day and the mood with respect. Tamara.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Hello Janusz.
Thank You. You will not be deterred my great letter.
AND you have found the time to answer. Lord i am all well today.
But if I do not answer You quickly - know that the causes of me do not depend on,
And all this on the internet and developments in the city.
AND i write at the first opportunity. I say this in case.
clarify urban events you can always here: http://www.0629.соm.uа/news
last night I was not able to fall asleep,A few hours грохотала канонада and flash light. Lord You are so many are working on. And who prepares meals for you?
Me It is interesting, that you love sports, what are your preferences in products.
I think that you have hard rhythm of life,And it is important eat correctly and on time.
interesting, looks like your kitchen.lord I take http://zepter.in.uа/ their crockery is already 14 years old.
This cookware helps you to take care of health.
i have and this is a wonderful old : http://ezidri.in.uа/
It is now open season vegetables, and I am constantly that the land in their already 11 trays.
the most remarkable is the fruit candies and'.Lord your sheet incomparably more enjoyable my simple stupidities.
I understand that.

I hope to hear you soon.lord a good agenda and mood

with respect.

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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