Творчество гениального Рембрандта (1606—1669) — одна из вершин мировой живописи. Необычайная широта тематического диапазона, глубочайший гуманизм, одухотворяющий произведения, подлинный демократизм искусства, постоянные поиски наиболее выразительных художественных средств, непревзойденное мастерство давали художнику возможность воплощать самые глубокие и передовые идеи времени. Колорит картин Рембрандта зрелого и позднего периода, построенный на сочетании теплых сближенных тонов, переливающихся тончайшими оттенками, свет, трепещущий и концентрированный, как будто излучаемый самими предметами, способствуют необычайной эмоциональности его произведений. Но особую ценность сообщают им высокие, благородные чувства, которые придают будничным вещам поэтичность и возвышенную красоту. Рембрандт писал картины исторические, библейские, мифологические и бытовые, портреты и пейзажи; он был одним из величайших мастеров офорта и рисунка. Но в какой бы технике Рембрандт ни работал, в центре его внимания всегда стоял человек, с его внутренним миром, его переживаниями. Своих героев Рембрандт часто находил среди представителей голландской бедноты, в них раскрывал лучшие черты характеров, неисчерпаемое духовное богатство. Веру в человека художник пронес через всю жизнь, невзгоды и испытания. Она помогла ему до последних дней создавать произведения, выражающие лучшие устремления голландского народа.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Creativity of the genius of Rembrandt (1606-1669) is one of the peaks of world art. Extraordinary latitude the thematic range, deep humanism, oduhotvorâûŝij works, genuine democracy of art, constant search for the most expressive artistic means, excellence gave the artist the opportunity to embody the deepest and best ideas of time. Coloring pictures Rembrandt mature and late period, built on a combination of warm tones, shimmering superimposed by the most thin shades, light, trembling and concentrated as if emitted by objects, contribute to the extraordinary emotion it works. But the most valuable report them high, noble sentiments, which give ordinary things poetry and sublime beauty. Rembrandt paintings wrote historical, Biblical, mythological and everyday life, portraits and landscapes; He was one of the greatest masters of etching and drawing. But whatever the technique of Rembrandt worked, its focus has always been a man with his inner life, his experiences. His characters Rembrandt frequently found among Dutch poor, they opened the best features of characters, inexhaustible spiritual wealth. Faith in the individual artist carried through life, hardships and tests. She helped him until the last days to create works that express the best aspirations of the Dutch people.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Creative genius of Rembrandt (1606-1669) - one of the pinnacles of world art. The extraordinary breadth of the thematic range, deep humanism which animates works of art genuine democracy, the constant search for the most expressive artistic means excellence gave the artist the opportunity to embody the deepest and most advanced ideas of the time. The coloring of the paintings of Rembrandt and mature late period, built on a combination of warm tones of closely spaced, delicate shades of shimmering, light, vibrant and concentrated, as emitted by the objects, contribute to the extraordinary emotion of his works. But the special value they reported high and noble sentiments, which give everyday things poetic and sublime beauty. Rembrandt painted historical, biblical, mythological and everyday, portraits and landscapes; he was one of the greatest masters of etching and drawing. But no matter what technique of Rembrandt worked, in the center of his attention he was always a man with his inner world, his feelings. His heroes Rembrandt often found among the poor Dutch, they revealed the best traits of character, inexhaustible spiritual wealth. Faith in human artist carried through his life, hardships and tests. She helped him to his last days to create works that express the best aspirations of the Dutch people.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
Creativity Etchmiadzin Rembrandt (1606- 1669) is one of the vertices world painting. The extraordinary latitude thematic range, deepest humanism, Geys works, the true democracy of art,Continuing the search for the most impressive artistic means, stunning skills gave artist opportunity to embody the deepest and best ideas.Kura paintings Rembrandt's mature and late period, built on the combined warm laboratory tones, thunder subtlest shades, light, flickering flame and concentrated,As if it were emitted by the objects, have contributed to an astonishing then forgot his works. But of particular value reported by them high, noble sentiments,
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