У Акшай есть очень толстая подруга, которая всё время мешала нам жить нормально, они в одной группе. И знаешь что? Он сказал, что он теперь хочет быть с ней! Потому что они оба индусы и могут пожениться. Она всегда любила его, это правда, я всегда знала это. Но он точно не любит её, он знает её 3 года и никогда не любил, а теперь полюбил? Он уже сказал ей, что любит её, она такая дура, что поверила?! Что вообще происходит... Завтра мы встречаемся с ним, чтобы он дал мне мои деньги, но он ничего не хочет менять, он всё решил
Результаты (
английский) 1:
By Akshay is very stout friend who always prevented us to live normally, they are in the same group. And you know what? He said he now wants to be with her! Because they are both Hindus and can marry. She always loved him, it's true, I have always known this. But he just doesn't like it, he knows it 3 years and never liked and now would love? He told her that he loves her, she is such a fool that believe?! What's going on ... Tomorrow we meet with him, so he gave me my money, but he did not want to change, he decided to
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
We have a very thick Akshay friend who always prevents us from living normally, they are in the same group. And you know what? He said he now wants to be with her! Because they both Hindus and can marry. She always loved it, it's true, I always knew it. But he just does not like it, he knows it for 3 years and have never loved, and now loved? He had already told her that he loved her, she was a fool, believe that ?! What's going on ... Tomorrow we meet with him to give me my money back, but he did not want to change, he still decided to
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
The Акшаи there is a very thick girlfriend, which prevented all the time we are to live normally, they are in the same group. And you know what? He said that he now wants to be with it! Because they are both Hindus and can parents consented.She has always loved it, it is true, I always knew this. But it loves her, he knows her 3 years and has never loved, and now fell in love with? He had already told her that he loves her, she's such dura, that glorious?! That generally happens ...Tomorrow we meet with him, so he gave me my money, but he does not want to change anything, it all decided
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