Как привлечь клиентов?1) Раздавайте листовки.Для начала, Вам нужно при перевод - Как привлечь клиентов?1) Раздавайте листовки.Для начала, Вам нужно при английский как сказать

Как привлечь клиентов?1) Раздавайте

Как привлечь клиентов?
1) Раздавайте листовки.
Для начала, Вам нужно придумать яркий и запоминающийся дизайн листовки.Обязательно на Вашей листовке должны быть все Ваши контакты: адреса, контактные телефоны, интересная информация о Вашем товаре, который продаете, а также неплохо было бы придумать какую-то выгоду для клиента!
3) Воспользуйтесь медийной рекламой.
Это один из самых достойных способов заявить о себе! Вы можете разместить привлекательную информацию о своем товаре: на Билбордах, на троллах, в СМИ, дать объявления по телевидению. Огромный плюс медийной рекламы — это то, что ее можно применить при любом бюджете: при большом или маленьким.
4) Расскажите о своем продукте через знакомых.
Вы можете попросить все Ваше окружение: будь то друзья, одноклассники, одногруппники , различные знакомые, родственники, чтобы они рассказали о Вашем продукте! Этот способ имеет хорошие преимущества
5) Стимулируйте своих клиентов.
Надо запомнить одно – покупателя привлекает только одно – возможность сэкономить свои средства. Когда Вы вызываете в нем этот инстинкт – в дальнейшем, Вы можете запросто манипулировать им. Большинство людей выберут тот товар, на который будет распространяться скидка! Мы все ищем для себя выгоду! Возьмите это себе на заметку!
7) Дайте возможность дегустировать свой товар.
Вы должны дать возможность людям – попробовать свой товар, чтобы они загорелись желанием его купить! Если, например, Вы владелец кафе, то, например, к кофе вы можете бесплатно давать пробовать печенье !
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
How to attract customers?1) Hand leaflets.For starters, you need to come up with a bright and eye-catching design flyers necessary on your leaflet should be all your contacts: address, contact phones, interesting information about your product that you sell, and also it would be nice to come up with some sort of benefit for the customer! 3) Use display advertising.This is one of the most decent ways to express yourself! You can place an attractive information about your product: on billboards, on the trolls, in the media to give ads on television. Huge plus display advertising is that it can be applied in any budget: when a large or small.4) tell us about your product through a friend.You can ask all your surroundings, be it friends, schoolmates, classmates, various acquaintances, relatives, so they told about your product! This method has good advantages5) Stimulate its clients.It is necessary to remember one-buyer attracts only one-the opportunity to save your money. When you call this instinct in it-in the future, you can easily manipulate them. Most people will choose the product that will extend the discount! We are all looking for profit! Take note of it!7) Give the opportunity to sample their goods.You must enable people to try your product so they illuminate the desire to buy it! For example, if you are the owner of a cafe, for example, to give free coffee you can try cookies!
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
How to attract customers
1) Distribute flyers.
To start, you need to come up with a bright and catchy design listovki.Obyazatelno your leaflet should have all your contacts: addresses, contact numbers, interesting information about your product that is sold, and it would be nice to come up with some kind of benefit for the customer!
3) Use of media advertising.
This is one of the most decent way to express yourself! You can place an attractive information about their product: on billboards, on the trolley, in the media, to ads on television. The great advantage of media advertising - is that it can be applied for any budget: with a large or small.
4) Tell us about your product through a friend.
You can ask all your surroundings, be it friends, schoolmates, classmates, different friends, relatives, that they told about your product! This method has the advantages of good
5) Encourage your customers.
It is necessary to remember one thing - the buyer draws only one thing - an opportunity to save their money. When you call it this instinct - in the future, you can easily manipulate it. Most people will choose the product which will extend the discount! We're all looking for the benefit of themselves! Take it to your review!
7) Give the opportunity to taste their wares.
You have to give people the opportunity to - to try their product, so they felt an urge to buy it! For example, if you are the owner of the cafe, then, for example, to the free coffee you can give to try the cookies!
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
how to attract customers?1) pass out leaflets.for starters, you need to come up with a bright and catchy design листовки.обязательно your leaflet should be all of your contacts, addresses, contact numbers, interesting information about your product to sell, and it"d be nice to have some benefit for the client.(3) use the media publicity.this is one of the most decent way to express yourself. you can place an attractive information about your product: билбордах, троллах, media, an ad on television. a huge plus media advertising is that it can be applied in any budget, with large or small.4) tell me about your product through a friend.you can ask all of your environment, whether friends, classmates classmates, various acquaintances, relatives, to tell about your product. this method has a good advantage5) stimulate their clients.we have to remember one thing, the buyer is only able to save their money. when you call it the instinct is, in the future, you can easily manipulate them. most people will choose the product, which would be subject to the discount! we are looking for a profit. take that for the record.7) give the opportunity to savour his goods.you have to allow people to try your product that they"re fired up to buy it. for example, if you are the owner of the cafe, coffee, for example, you can free to try cookies!
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