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Мы оба причинили друг другу боль и

Мы оба причинили друг другу боль и оба очень сильно обидели друг друга, при этом совершенно этого не желая и даже не зная об этом, но беда в том, что мы сейчас не хотим признаваться в этом друг другу, считая, что виноват другой, но только не я. Я в свою очередь, готова признать, что была не права и прошу у тебя прощения. Но виновата я только перед тобой, а никак не перед твоими друзьями, виновата в том, что испытываю к тебе очень сильные чувства и не пойму взаимно это или нет? Этот вопрос меня мучает с того момента, как ты приехал в Волгоград, потому что в силу обстоятельств, независящих от нас мы не то, что не можем нормально общаться, мы даже не можем нормально поговорить о нас и наших отношениях. До твоего приезда в Волгоград, я была уверена, что все взаимно и очень хотела тебя увидеть и конечно, очень хотела близких отношений. В первую нашу встречу все было хорошо, а потом у меня начались месячные, а потом ты заболел, а потом я перестала вообще что-либо понимать... Ты мне объяснил ситуацию с Натальей, объяснил ее роль в твоей жизни, сказал, что не хочешь, чтобы я к ней ревновала тебя. Я тебя поняла и приняла эту ситуацию, потому что верю тебе, и у меня не было причин не верить тебе.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
We both have caused pain to each other and both are very badly hurt each other, it is absolutely not wanting and not even knowing it, but the trouble is that we do not want to admit it to each other, believing that to blame the other, but not me. I, in turn, was prepared to admit that was not right and ask you for forgiveness. But to blame I just in front of you and not in front of your friends, is that you have very strong feelings and don't understand mutually or not? This question of me hurts since you arrived in Volgograd because of circumstances beyond us we not that can not normally talk to, we can not even okay to talk about us and our relationship. Before your arrival in Volgograd, I was sure that all mutually and really wanted to see you and, of course, wanted to close relationships. At first our meeting all was well, and then I got my first period, and then you got sick, and then I stopped anything at all understand ... I explained the situation with Natalya, explained its role in your life, said he did not want me to do to it was jealous of you. I understood and accepted this situation, because I believe you, and I had no reason not to believe you.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
We both have caused each other pain and both very much hurt each other, it is completely not wanting or even knowing about it, but the trouble is that we do not want to admit it to each other, thinking that the other is to blame, but I just do not. I, in turn, is ready to admit that was not right, and I ask your forgiveness. But I am guilty only to you, and not in front of your friends, to blame for the fact that you have for a very strong feelings and I do not understand a one or not? This question torments me from the moment you arrived in Volgograd, because due to circumstances beyond our we are not what we can not communicate normally, we can not even talk properly about us and our relationship. Prior to your arrival in Volgograd, I was sure that all mutually and really wanted to see you, and of course, very much like a close relationship. In our first meeting it was good, and then I started having periods, and then you got sick, and then I no longer anything at all to understand me ... You explained the situation with Natalia, explained her role in your life, said he did not want me to her jealous you. I understand you and accept this situation, because I believe you, and I had no reason not to believe you.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
We both have caused each other pain and both are very much classmate each other, if this is the not wishing to and are not even aware of this, but a misfortune in that we now do not want to be recognized in that each other, consideringThat blame another, but only i am not. I in turn, was ready to accept that it was not right and I ask for you forgiveness. But I only blame before you, and not before thy friends, blame in that,That i am to you a very strong feelings and not'M mutually it or not? The question haunted me from the moment you come in Volgograd, because that because of circumstances, virtually of us all, we are not the,That we cannot properly communicate, we even cannot normally talk about us and our relationship. Prior to your arrival in Volgograd, I was sure that all mutually and very much like you to see and, of course,Very much like close relations. In the first our meeting all was well, and then I started monthly, and then you became sick, and then I was no longer at all that any understand ... I explained the situation with the Krylov,explained its role in your life, he said, that does not want to, so that I have to it Euphemia thee. I understood and accepted this situation, because I believe you, and I have not had a reason not to believe you.
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