Exercise 1. Translate into English.1. Приятно быть опять в Лондоне. 2. перевод - Exercise 1. Translate into English.1. Приятно быть опять в Лондоне. 2. английский как сказать

Exercise 1. Translate into English.

Exercise 1. Translate into English.
1. Приятно быть опять в Лондоне. 2. Очень было приятно поговорить с вами. 3. Вашей работой будет — ухаживать за цветами. 4. Моим единственным желанием было добраться до дома. 5. Она делала вид, что читает. 6. Девочка боялась, что ее поведут к зубному врачу. 7. Мы были рады, что поговорили с ним. 8. Он удивился, что его узнали. 9. Он не тот, кто мог бы это сделать. 10. Есть еще что-нибудь, что можно сказать в его защиту? 11. Не такой это был человек, чтобы передумать. 12. Думать было некогда. 13. Кто последний входил в эту комнату? 14. Вот план кинотеатра, который будет построен на этой площади. 15. Дайте мне время подумать. 16. У меня нет времени играть с тобой. 17. У ребенка нет никого, кто мог бы о нем позаботиться. 18. У меня нет никакого желания вмешиваться. 19. У вас есть что добавить? 20. Он бежал всю дорогу, чтобы успеть на поезд. 21. Они всю ночь жгли костер, чтобы их заметили проходящие суда. 22. Я все это говорю, чтобы меня правильно поняли. 23. Я не настолько хорошо его знаю, чтобы просить его помочь мне. 24. Рано тебе читать такие книги. 25. Я стоял слишком далеко, чтобы слышать, что она говорит. 26. Слишком она молода, чтобы принимать ее всерьез. 27. Вопрос слишком сложен, чтобы на него сразу ответить. 28. Ты теперь слишком большая, чтобы играть в куклы. 29. С ней трудно спорить. 30. Мяч было очень трудно поймать. 31. На нее приятно было смотреть. 32. Эту книгу невозможно достать. 33. Этому трудно поверить. 34. Необходимо идти туда сегодня. 35. Кошку нелегко было поймать. 36. Слишком жарко, чтобы идти гулять. 37. Они говорят о новом здании школы, которое будет построено в этом селе.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Exercise 1. Translate into English.
1. It's nice to be back in London. 2. it was very nice to talk to you. 3. your job is to take care of the flowers. 4. my only wish was to get home. 5. She was pretending to read. 6. The girl was afraid that it will lead to the dentist. 7. We were pleased that talked with him. 8. He was surprised that his learned. 9. it is not the one who could do it. 10. is there anything else that can be said on his behalf? 11. Not that this was the person to reconsider. 12. There was no time to think. 13. who last logged into this room? 14. here is the plan of the theater, which will be built on this area. 15. give me time to think. 16. I have no time to play with you. 17. a child does not have anyone who could take care of him. 18. I don't have any desire to get involved. 19. do you have anything to add? 20. He ran all the way to catch the train. 21. They burned a fire, all night to get noticed taking the Court. 22. all I do is talk to me properly understood. 23. I don't know him well enough to ask him to help me. 24. The Sooner you read such books. 25. I was standing too far away to hear what she says. 26. She Too Young to take it seriously. 27. the question is too complex to respond right away. 28. you are now too big to play with dolls. 29. It is hard to argue with. 30. it was very difficult to catch the ball. 31. it was a pleasure to watch. 32. it is impossible to get hold of this book. 33. This is hard to believe. 34. it is necessary to go there today. 35. the cat it wasn't easy to catch. 36. Too hot to go for a walk. 37. they talk about a new school that will be built in the village.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Exercise 1. Translate into English.
1. Nice to be back in London. 2 It was very nice to talk with you. 3 your work is - care for flowers. 4 My only desire was to get home. 5 She pretended to read. 6 The girl was afraid that it is steered to the dentist. 7 We were glad that we talked to him. 8 He was surprised that he was recognized. 9 He was not one who could do it. 10 Is there anything else that can be said in his defense? 11 Not so this was a man to change his mind. 12 There was no time to think. 13 Who is the last entered into this room? 14 Here is an outline theater to be built in this area. 15 Give me time to think. 16 I do not have time to play with you. 17 The child has no one who could take care of it. 18 I have no desire to interfere. 19 Do you have something to add? 20 He ran all the way to catch a train. 21 They burned all night bonfire to be noticed passing boats. 22 I am saying this to be understood correctly. 23 I do not know him well enough to ask him to help me. 24 Sooner you read such books. 25 I was too far away to hear what she says. 26 she is too young to take it seriously. 27 The question is too complex to answer it immediately. 28 You're too big to play with dolls. 29 Since it is difficult to argue. 30 The ball was very difficult to catch. At 31 she was pleasant to look at. 32 This book is impossible to get. 33 It is hard to believe. 34 It is necessary to go there today. 35 Kat was not easy to catch. 36 Too hot to go for a walk. 37 They speak of a new school building to be built in the village.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Please note 1. Translate into English.
1. Pleased to be once again in London. 2. It was a pleasure to speak with you. 3. Your work will be to take care of flowers. 4. My only desire was to return home. 5. It has done, that is reading. 6.She was frightened that her reaction to the dentist. 7. We were pleased that, talked with him. 8. He felt ashamed that he learned. 9. He is not the one who could do so. 10. There is still something that you can say in his defense? 11.Is not such a man, to reconsider. 12. Think about it once. 13. Who's the last logged in this room? 14. Here is the plan theater, which will be built in this area. 15. Give me time to think. 16.I don't have the time to play with you. 17. The child has no one, who could take care of it. 18. I have no desire to intervene. 19. Do you have anything to add? 20. He had fled all the way, to catch the train. 21.They all night burned Brome, noticed the ongoing court. 22. I have all of this I say, that I have correctly understood. 23. I am not so well his know, to ask him to help me. 24. Sooner you read such books. 25.I was too far away, so that you can hear that, she said. 26. It is too young to take it seriously. 27. The issue is too complex, so that it immediately to respond to. 28. You are now too large, to play a central role in the puppets. 29.It is difficult to disagree with it. 30. The ball was very difficult to catch. 31. On it was a pleasure to watch. 32. This book is impossible to reach. 33. That it is difficult to believe. 34. It is necessary to go there today. 35. It was, however, not easy to catch a cat. 36.Too hot to go walking. 37. They speak of a new school building, which will be built in the countryside.
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