1.у меня нет близких родственников,но много дальних родственников.
2.катя самая младшая. её старшая сестра Аня на три года старше её. она студентка университета. а самая старшая сетра женя замужем и работает инженером. её муж тоже инженер. он хорошо ладят друг с другом.
3. лена-моя лучшая подруга. мы с ней одного возраста. мы обе изучаем биологию в университете.
4. он твой близкий родственник? -нет,дальний. но мы с ним большие друзья.
5. моя младшая сестра увлекается игрой на гитаре и коллекционированием марок.
6. мой старший брат женат. у него своя семья. он женат на своей однокурсницу. они поженили три года тому назад. их двухлетняя дочурка- моя любимая племянница.
7. катя такая упрямая. она всегда поступает по-своему, невзирая на советы окружающих.
8. поверь мне,это не сойдёт тебе с рук!
9. я опять поссорилась с родителями. на этот раз они не одобрили мою причёску.
10. вы должна стыдиться своего поступка.
11. не бойтесь высказывать своё мнение.
12. я уважаю своих родителей,хотя у нас различные взгляды на современную жизнь.
13. в данной ситуации я не могу принять ничью сторону.
14. мои родители не разрешают мне гулять допоздна. она всегда ругают меня за это.
15. ему опять удалось избежать наказания.
16. всякий раз,когда я ссорюсь с родителями, мой дед защищает меня.
17. я хорошо лажу сосвоей сестрой. мы не всегда сходимся во взглядах,например, в отношении моды и музыки, но я всегда могу на неё положиться.
18. в детстве я никогда не могу избежать мытья посуды. это была моя маленькая обязанность по дому. если я забывад мыть посуду,родители бранили меня за это.
19.мой младший брат любит слушать громкую музыку. я ничего не могу с этим поделать, и мне приходиться мириться.
20. я поняла,что он поддерживает николая,а не меня в этом вопросе.
21.посмотри на того мальчика: ещё такой маленький,а ведёт себя совсем как взрослый.
22. как трудно жить,когда не можешь достучаться до самого близкого тебе человека.
23. петя-самый маленький в семье. его никогда не наказывают за плохое поведение. боюсь,что он вырастет таким испорченным.
24.я часто вспоминаю нашу жизнь в деревне.
25. много лет назад у девушек было довольно строгое воспитание.
26. я похож на отца. я люблю поступать по-своему,но все-таки я чаще,чем он,прислушиваюсь к мнению других.
27. бабушка мне рассказывала,что мой дядя был в семье как бельмо в глазу
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. I have no close relatives, but many distant relatives.2. Katya is the youngest. her older sister Anna for three years older than her. She is a university student. and the eldest Setra Zhenya married and works as an engineer. her husband is an engineer. they get along well with each other.3. Lena-my best friend. We are the same age. We both are studying biology at the University.4. it's your close relative? -No, far. but we're great friends.5. my little sister enjoys playing the guitar and stamp collecting.6. my brother is married. He has his own family. He is married to his her. in 1986 they were three years ago. their two-year-old daughter-my favorite niece.7. Katja is stubborn. It always comes in its own way, despite the advice of others.8. trust me, it is not acceptable to you with!9. again I quarreled with his parents. This time they approved my hairstyle.10. you should be ashamed of his act.11. don't be afraid to voice your opinion.12. I respect their parents, although we have different views on contemporary life.13. in this situation, I can't take sides.14. my parents don't allow me to walk until late. She always scolded me for it.15. He again managed to avoid punishment.16. whenever I ssorûs′ with my parents, my grandfather protects me.17. I'm good sosvoej sister. We do not always agree in opinions, for example, in regard to fashion and music, but I can always rely on it.18. as a child I can never avoid washing dishes. It was my little responsibility at home. If I wash the dishes, zabyvad parents scolded me for it. 19. my little brother likes to listen to loud music. nothing I can do about it, and I have to put up.20. I realized that he supported, Nicholas, not me in this matter.21. look at the boy: even a little, and behaves exactly like an adult.22. how hard is it to live when you can not get through to the nearest one to you man.23. Peter-the smallest in the family. It is never punished for bad behavior. I am afraid that he will grow up in a broken.24. I often remember our life in the village.25. many years ago in girls was fairly strict upbringing.26. I'm like a father. I love to do in their own way, but all the same I am more often than it, listen to the opinions of others.27. Granny told me that my uncle was in the family as a thorn in the eye
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1.You have no close relatives, but many distant relatives.
2.katya youngest. her older sister Anya three years older than her. she is a university student. and the eldest Setra Eugene married and works as an engineer. her husband is also an engineer. he get along well with each other.
3. Lena, my best friend. we had the same age. we both studied biology at the University.
4. it is a close relative of yours? No, distant. but we are great friends.
5. my younger sister is interested in playing the guitar and stamp collecting.
6. My elder brother is married. he has his own family. He is married to his classmate. They married three years ago. their two-year dochurka- my favorite niece.
7. rolling so stubborn. it always comes in its own way, despite the advice of others.
8. Believe me, it does not come down to you with it!
9. I once had an argument with his parents. This time they did not approve of my haircut.
10. you should be ashamed of his act.
11. Do not be afraid to express their opinion.
12. I respect their parents, even though we have different views on modern life.
13. in this situation, I can not accept a draw aside.
14. My parents will not let me walk late. she always blamed me for it.
15. he again managed to avoid punishment.
16. whenever I quarrel with my parents, my grandfather protects me.
17. I get along well sosvoim sister. we do not always see eye to eye, for example, with regard to fashion and music, but I can always rely on it.
18. as a child I can never avoid washing dishes. It was my little household duties. zabyvad if I wash the dishes, parents scolded me for it.
19.moy younger brother likes to listen to loud music. nothing I can do about it, and I have to put up with.
20. I realized that it supports Nicholas, not me in this matter.
21.posmotri to the boy: a little more, and behaves just like an adult.
22. how difficult it is to live when you can not reach the closest person to you.
23. Peter-the smallest in the family. he was never punished for bad behavior. I'm afraid that it will grow so spoiled.
24.ya often remember our life in the village.
25. Many years ago, the girls were pretty strict upbringing.
26. I like his father. I like to do in their own way, but still, I more often than it is to listen to the opinions of others.
27. Grandma told me that my uncle was in the family as a thorn in the eye
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