Спорт помогает человеку быть в хорошей физической форме, а кроме того  перевод - Спорт помогает человеку быть в хорошей физической форме, а кроме того  английский как сказать

Спорт помогает человеку быть в хоро

Спорт помогает человеку быть в хорошей физической форме, а кроме того он воспитывает характер и силу воли. Занятия спортом способствуют укреплению здоровья. Даже простая зарядка утром под любимую музыку заряжает энергией на весь день.

Я всегда любил активные развлечения. Сколько себя помню, всегда играл в разнообразные подвижные игры. И получал от этого невероятное удовольствие! Поэтому я пошел заниматься таэквондо. Это очень интересный вид спорта, в котором необходимо проявлять быструю реакцию, хорошую координацию движений, концентрацию. Когда я в бою - это непередаваемые ощущения! Мне нравится этот вид спорта, потому что в нем очень сильные перегрузки, он очень травматичен, развивает гибкость, координацию, выносливость и силу мышц.

Кроме наслаждения и физического здоровья, занятия спортом подарили мне много интересных людей, с которыми я познакомился на тренировках и соревнованиях, и теперь часто общаюсь. Очень важно иметь единомышленников и тех, кто разделяет твои предпочтения, с кем можно поговорить и поделиться впечатлениями.

А еще занятия спортом дают почувствовать радость собственных достижений. Вот не получалось у тебя когда-то и мячик через сетку перебросить, а теперь - занимаешь призовые места на соревнованиях! И ты понимаешь цену приложенных усилий и работы над собой. А кроме того, осознаешь, что настойчивость хорошо помогает в достижении любых целей.

Не обязательно быть профессиональным спортсменом, чтобы получать пользу и удовольствие от занятий спортом. Многие из людей бегают по утрам, кто-то ходит на аэробику и фитнес, кто-то играет в футбол или занимается каратэ. Главное, чтобы это нравилось.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Sport helps a person to be in good physical shape, but he also brings up character and willpower. Sports help to strengthen health. Even simple charging in the morning with your favorite music energizes the whole day.I've always loved active entertainment. How many can remember, always played in a variety of outdoor games. And received from this incredible fun! So I went to practise Tae kwon do. This is a very interesting sport in which you need to show quick response, good coordination of movements, concentration. When I'm in battle is inexpressible sensation! I like this sport, because it is very strong, he is very travmatičen overload, develops flexibility, coordination, endurance and muscle strength.Besides enjoying and physical health, sports gave me a lot of interesting people with whom I met at the trainings and competitions, and now often talk. It is very important to have adherents and those who share your preferences with whom you can talk and share experiences.But even sports give to feel the joy of their own achievements. Here you have failed once and the ball over the net to transfer, and now occupy the top places in competitions! And you know the price of the effort and work on yourself. In addition, one realizes that perseverance helps in achieving any purpose.You don't have to be a professional athlete to benefit and pleasure of the sport. Many of the people running around in the morning, someone goes to aerobics and fitness, someone who plays soccer or karate. The main thing is that they liked.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Sport helps a person to be in good physical shape, and in addition it brings up the character and strength of will. Sports promote health. Even a simple charge in the morning to your favorite music energizes the whole day. I've always loved the active entertainment. How many can remember, always played in a variety of outdoor games. And it benefits from this incredible fun! So I went to engage in taekwondo. This is a very interesting sport in which you must be quick response, good coordination, concentration. When I'm in a fight - it's an incredible feeling! I like this kind of sport, because it is very strong overload, it is very traumatic, develops flexibility, coordination, endurance and muscle strength. Besides enjoyment and physical health, exercise gave me a lot of interesting people, with whom I met at the training and competition and now often communicate. It is very important to have like-minded people who share your preferences with whom you can talk and share experiences. And sports give to feel the joy of their own achievements. That did not work you once and throw the ball through the net, and now - won prizes at competitions! And you know the price of the effort, and work on oneself. And besides, you realize that persistence is very good in achieving any purpose. It is not necessary to be a professional athlete to benefit and pleasure from sports. Many of the people running around in the morning, someone goes to aerobics and fitness, who is playing soccer or karate. The main thing that liked it.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
sport helps man to be in good physical shape, and furthermore, it builds character and will power. sports promote health. even a simple exercise in the morning under the favorite music charging energy for the whole day.i've always loved active entertainment. as long as i can remember, always played in a variety of mobile games. and get this unbelievable experience! so i went to games. this is a very interesting sport, in which the need for quick response, good coordination of movements, the concentration. when i'm in battle is inexpressible feeling! i love this sport, because it's very strong overload, it develops very травматичен, flexibility, coordination, endurance and strength of the muscles.besides the enjoyment and physical health, sports gave me a lot of interesting people i met in training and competitions, and now often talk. it is important to have like-minded people and those who share your preferences with someone to talk to and share experiences.and sports are the joy of my own accomplishments. i couldn't have you ever, and a ball over a net form, now get the prizes in competitions. and you know the price of efforts undertaken and work on yourself. in addition, realize as well helps to achieve any goals.you don't have to be a professional athlete to benefit and enjoy the sport. many of the people running in the morning, someone goes to aerobics and fitness, someone is playing football or doing karate. the main thing is to enjoy it.
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