1.Английский язык, будучи языком германской группы, испытал с XI века  перевод - 1.Английский язык, будучи языком германской группы, испытал с XI века  английский как сказать

1.Английский язык, будучи языком ге

1.Английский язык, будучи языком германской группы, испытал с XI века сильнейшее и многократное воздействие французского. Около 55% слов в английском - заимствования из французского или из латинского при посредстве французского: весьма сильно влияние французского в синтаксисе и заметно в морфологии. 2.Понятие стиля у римских писателей периода империи было очень развитым и тонким. Оно относилось, кроме всего прочего, к литературной речи. 3. Умелое обращение со словами, знание бесконечных их оттенков и нюансов необходимо дипломату в его искусстве убеждения и перевода.4. Повсеместное распространение всеобщего образования и грамотности, сглаживание различий между городом и деревней привели к становлению общенационального языка с eго бесчисленными оттенками и нюансами. 5. Другой ученый эпохи Буур (Вouhours) писал, что французский язык «нашел секрет, как соединить краткость не только с ясностью и тоностью, но и с чистотой и благовоспитанностью; французский язык прибегает к метафоре только тогда, когда не может без нее обойтись, он ненавидит гиперболу, столь ценимую соседями». (Буур иронизирует над итальянским и испанским языками.)
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1.Angliysky language, being the language of the German group, has experienced from the XI century strong and repeated exposure to the French. About 55% of the words in English - borrowing from French or Latin by means of the French: a very strong influence of French syntax and morphology significantly. <br>2.Ponyatie style of the Roman Empire period, writers have been highly developed and subtle. It refers, inter alia, to the literary language. <br>3. The skillful handling of words, knowledge of the infinite shades and nuances necessary diplomat in his art of persuasion and translation. <br>4. Widespread general education and literacy, smoothing the differences between town and country has led to becoming a national language with the plug countless shades and nuances.<br>5. Another scholar era Buuren (Vouhours) wrote that the French "found the secret of how to connect not only with brevity and clarity tonostyu, but with cleanliness and good manners; French resorted to the metaphor only when it can not do without her, he hates hyperbole, as valued neighbors. " (Buuren mocks Italian and Spanish.)
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1.English, being the language of the German group, experienced from the 11th century the strongest and repeated impact of French. About 55% of the words in English are borrowed from French or Latin through French: very strongly influenced by French in syntax and noticeable in morphology. <br>2. The concept of style among Roman writers of the period of the empire was very developed and subtle. It related, among other things, to literary speech. <br>3. Clever handling of words, knowledge of their infinite shades and nuances is necessary for the diplomat in his art of persuasion and translation.<br>4. The ubiquity of universal education and literacy, and the smoothing of differences between the city and the village have led to the emergence of a national language with its innumerable shades and nuances. <br> 5. Another scholar of the Buur era wrote that the French language "has found the secret to connect brevity not only with clarity and tone, but also with purity and good manners; French uses metaphor only when he can't do without it, he hates the hyperbole so valued by his neighbors." (Buur ironizes over Italian and Spanish.)
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. English, as a German language, has been strongly and repeatedly influenced by French since the 11th century. About 55% of English words - borrowed from French or Latin French: very strong influence in grammar and significant form.<br>2. The style of Roman Empire writers is very developed and delicate. It mainly involves literary language.<br>3. A diplomat needs to be proficient in language processing, endless color and nuance in his persuasion and translation skills.<br>4. Education for all and literacy Narrowing the gap between urban and rural areas has formed a national language with numerous colors and nuances.<br>5. Vonus wrote that French "has found a secret: how to combine simplicity not only with clarity and intonation, but also with purity and Quietness"; Only when he can't live without it, he hates hyperbolas, so precious neighbors. Boor is ironic in Italian and Spanish.)<br>
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