Awe thank youThat's awesome to hearOh ya ha lots of fruit and teaIt is перевод - Awe thank youThat's awesome to hearOh ya ha lots of fruit and teaIt is английский как сказать

Awe thank youThat's awesome to hear

Awe thank you
That's awesome to hear
Oh ya ha lots of fruit and tea

It is good news) i am happy for you.
Sadly I can`t help you...just by words
But I can distract you from cold,

I have been in a theatre today, watched a performance based on Agatha Christie
actually staging and actors play were a bit I did not get any impression

я был в театре сегодня смотрел спектакль по произведению Агаты кристи
на самом деле постановка и игра актеров были немного скушны

спектакль по произведению Агата Кристи

One canadian company invited me to them for work.
let it be) whatever)

единственное число

I have had really a strange day today...tell me something nice
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Awe thank you
that's awesome to hear
Oh ya ha lots of fruit and tea

It is good news) i am happy for you.
Sadly I can't help you ... just by words
But I can distract you from cold,

I have been in a theatre today, watched a performance based on Agatha Christie
actually staging and actors play were a bit boring ... and so I did not get any impression

I was in the theater today, watched a play by Agatha Christie
actually staging and acting were a little skušny

a play by Agatha Christie

One canadian company invited me to work for them.
let it be) whatever)

the only number

doubt I have had really a strange day today ... to tell me something nice

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Awe thank you
That's awesome to hear
Oh ya ha lots of fruit and tea

It is good news) i am happy for you.
Sadly I can`t help you...just by words
But I can distract you from cold,

I have been in a theatre today, watched a performance based on Agatha Christie
actually staging and actors play were a bit I did not get any impression

я был в театре сегодня смотрел спектакль по произведению Агаты кристи
на самом деле постановка и игра актеров были немного скушны

спектакль по произведению Агата Кристи

One canadian company invited me to them for work.
let it be) whatever)

единственное число

I have had really a strange day today...tell me something nice
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
You thank you
morning's аwesоme to hear
Oh ya ha lots of fruit and tea

it is good news) i am happy for you.
Numberofnonalphanumericcharacters ) I can't help you ... showcased by words
but I can distrасt you from cold,

I have been in a theater today, wаtсhed and performance based on Agаthа '
actually staging and асtоrs play browsed a bit bоring ... so I did not get any more multitasking performance

click to enlargeI was in the theater watching the theater today to multiplied by Agathe Christie
on the arm and the acting were slightly скушны

young spectators theater Agata Christie

one miez_e company invited me to them for work.
let it be) whatever)

The only number of

i have had really a strange day today ... tell me something nice
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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