В данном тексте мы читаем интервью Ингмара Бергмана ,знаменитого режис перевод - В данном тексте мы читаем интервью Ингмара Бергмана ,знаменитого режис английский как сказать

В данном тексте мы читаем интервью

В данном тексте мы читаем интервью Ингмара Бергмана ,знаменитого режиссёра,с Ч.Сэмюэлом,в котором Ингмар рассказывает о кино.Режжисёр поведал историю о том,почему он стал именно режиссёром,а не писателем,о том,должен ли зритель задумываться над фильмом,а не только чувствовать его,а также какую роль в его фильмах играет музыка.Бергман также говорит,что его цель-это развлекать не только себя,но и аудиторию,но он создаёт свои произведения не только доя развлечения,но и для пользы,и,чтобы установить контакт с другими людьми.На вопрос,почему в его фильмах так много диалогов,знаменитый режиссёр ответил,что общение происходит через слова,а слова очень важны.Ко всему прочему,мистер Бергман считает,что однажды у каждого человека наступает тот день,когда он чувствует,что-то понял свою профессию и делает свою работу профессионально и отлично.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In this text we read an interview of Ingmar Bergman, the famous Director, h. Samuel, in which Ingmar talks about cinema. Režžisër told the story about why he became a Director and not a writer, whether the Viewer to reflect on the film, and not just feel it, as well as what role music plays in his movies. Bergman also said that his goal is to entertain, not only myself but also the audience, but he creates his works not only for entertainment but also for good and to make contact with other people. To question why his films are so many conversations, the famous Director replied that communication takes place through the words, and words are very important. In addition, Mr. Bergman believes that one day every person there comes the day when he feels something realized their profession and does its job perfectly and professionally.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In this text we read an interview with Ingmar Bergman, the famous director, with Ch.Semyuelom, which tells the story of Ingmar kino.Rezhzhisёr told the story about why he became just the director, not the writer, about whether or not the viewer to reflect on the film, not only feel it, and what role it plays movies muzyka.Bergman also said that his goal is to entertain not only themselves, but also the audience, but he creates his works not only milking entertainment, but also for the benefit, and to establish contact with other lyudmi.Na question why his movies are so many dialogues, the famous director said that communication is through words, and words are very vazhny.Ko everything else, Mr Bergman says that one day everyone comes a day when he feels that he has understood his profession and does his job professionally and efficiently.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
in this text we read an interview with famous director ingmar bergman, ingmar ч.сэмюэлом, which tells the story of a кино.режжисёр told the story about why he was the director and writer, whether the audience to the film, and not just to feel it, and what role it plays in films музыка.бергман also said his goal is to entertain, not only themselves, but the audience, mr. he creates his works not only for entertainment, but also for the benefit of, or to establish contact with the other людьми.на question, why his films so many dialogues, the famous director said that communication occurs through the words, and words are важны.ко everything else, mr. bergman believes that one day every person comes the day when he feels something learned their profession and do his work professional and excellent.
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