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Как осчастливить англичан: некоторые полезные советы.
Во всех странах есть неписаные правила поведения в обществе. За последние 30 лет англичане стали куда более естественнее, чем можно вообразить, читая учебники. Многие из ритуалов, расписанные там, канули в Лету. Тем не менее, что люди должны вести себя определенным образом в той или иной ситуации.

Если вы договариваетесь о встрече в 10 часов, англичане приходят ровно в 10. Но если речь идет о приглашении в гости, то они постараются прийти на несколько минут позже. У деловых людей всегда перегруженное расписание. Если вы приглашены на встречу с 10.30 до 11.00 часов, вы обязаны уложиться в отведенные полчаса.

Как есть и пить.
Всякая личность и каждый дом настолько неповторимы, что трудно предсказывать, что вас ждет. Однако, у английского гостеприимства есть свои особенности. Если вас пригласили вечером в гости, то вас там обязательно накормят, но еда не будет стоять на столе к моменту вашего прихода. Сначала люди беседуют, знакомятся, потягивая какой-нибудь напиток. Называйте людей именами, под какими их вам представили. Если вы не знаете как что есть, каким прибором воспользоваться, то не бойтесь сделать ошибку и не стесняйтесь спросить. Трапеза наверняка будет состоять из двух блюд. Хозяева следят за тем, чтобы всем досталось поровну яств и часто сами угощают гостей. Если вы неголодны, попросите небольшую порцию. За столом вам предложат пива или вина. Не подливайте себе ни пива, ни вина самостоятельно. После еды гости рассматривают картины, музицируют, просто беседуют. Англичане никогда не скажут вам, что пора уходить, но если ваши хозяева не близкие друзья, лучше не засиживаться после 11 вечера.

Англичане дарят подарки родственникам и близким друзьям по случаю дня рождения и на рождество. Можно принести подарок человеку, пригласившему вас в гости, но это необязательно. В Англии не принято одаривать тех, с кем нам было приятно провести время. В Небольшая открытка с благодарностью и пожеланиями ценится не меньше, чем подарок.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
How to make Englishmen: some useful tips.In all countries there are unwritten rules of conduct in society. Over the past 30 years, the British became much more spontaneous than can be imagined while reading the tutorials. Many of the rituals, painted there, sunk into oblivion. However, that people should behave a certain way in a given situation. Punctuality.If you arrange a meeting in 10:00, the British come exactly at 10. But when it comes to inviting the guests, they will come in a few minutes later. Business people have always overloaded schedule. If you are invited to the meeting from 10.30 to 11.00 hours, you shall meet within half an hour. How to eat and drink. Every person and every house is so unique that it is hard to predict what awaits you. However, English hospitality has its own peculiarities. If you are invited guests in the evening, then you there is sure to be fed, but food will not stand on the table at the time of your arrival. At first, people talking, sipping some drink. Call people names under which you have presented. If you do not know how that is, how the appliance use, then don't be afraid to make a mistake and do not hesitate to ask. The meal probably would consist of two meals. Owners shall ensure that all got equally Viands and often treat guests. If you negolodny, ask a small portion. At the table you can enjoy a beer or glass of wine. Not podlivajte neither beer nor wine alone. After the meal, guests consider paintings, preferably play music, just talk. Englishmen never will tell you that it's time to go, but if your hosts are not close friends, it is better not to stay too long after 11 pm. Gifts. British give gifts to family and close friends on his birthday and at Christmas. You can bring a gift to the person inviting you, but this is optional. In England it is not accepted to give those with whom we had a good time. In a small thank you card and wishes is valued no less than the gift.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
How to bring happiness to the English: some useful tips.
In all countries, there are unwritten rules of behavior in society. Over the past 30 years, the British began a much more natural than you can imagine, reading textbooks. Many of the rituals, painted there, have sunk into oblivion. However, people should behave in a certain way in a given situation. Punctuality. If you make an appointment at 10 o'clock, the English come at exactly 10. But when it comes to the invitation to visit, they will try to come to a few minutes later. Business people are always crowded schedule. If you are invited to the meeting from 10.30 to 11.00 hours, you have to keep within the allotted half hour. How to eat and drink. Every person and every house is so unique that it is difficult to predict what awaits you. However, the British Hospitality has its own peculiarities. If you are invited to visit in the evening, then you are sure to feed you there, but the food will not be on the table at the time of your arrival. First, talk to people, get acquainted while sipping some drink. Call people names for what they have presented to you. If you do not know how it is, how to use the device, do not be afraid to make a mistake and do not hesitate to ask. The meal certainly will consist of two dishes. The home team will see to it that everyone got equally dishes and themselves often treat guests. If you are non-fasting, ask for a small portion. At the table, you will be offered a beer or wine. Do not blow off some currently no beer, no wine themselves. After the meal, guests consider the picture, play music, just talking. The British will never tell you that it's time to go, but if your home is not close friends, it is better not to stay after 11 pm. Gifts. The British give gifts to relatives and close friends birthday and Christmas. You can bring a gift to the person who invited you to visit, but this is optional. In England decided to bestow those with whom we had a good time. In a small card with gratitude and wishes valued no less than a gift.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
both happy english, some useful advice.
in all countries there are unwritten rules of conduct in the society. over the past 30 years, the british have become far more natural than you can imagine, reading books.many of the rituals, painted the entrance there are history. however, people must behave in a particular way in a given situation.

if you make an appointment in 10 hours.the british come at 10. but if it's invitation to visit, they will come back in a few minutes later. business people always overworked schedule. if you are invited to a meeting with 10:30 to 11:00.pm, you have to get within half an hour.

how to eat and drink.
every person and every house is so unforgettable, that it is hard to predict what awaits you. however,do english hospitality has its own characteristics. if you have been invited to visit the night, you have to feed, but the food will not be on the table at the time of your arrival. at first, people talk, read,sipping a drink. call people names, under which you submitted. if you don't know what that is, how to use the instrument, don't be afraid to make a mistake and don't hesitate to ask.meal that will consist of two dishes. they ensure that all were equally delicious meals and often they are the guests. if you неголодны, ask a small portion. for the table you get a beer or wine.let's not add any beer or wine alone. after the meal, guests view the picture, preferably play music, just talk. the british never tell you what time to leave, but if your masters are not close friends.better not stay after 11 pm.

the presents.
english give presents to relatives and close friends on the occasion of the birthday and christmas. can i bring a gift to man, пригласившему you visitbut this is not necessary. in england, by giving to those with whom we had a good time. in a small card with gratitude and wishes is not less than the present.
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