Происходящее сегодня изменение физического состояния планеты сопровожд перевод - Происходящее сегодня изменение физического состояния планеты сопровожд английский как сказать

Происходящее сегодня изменение физи

Происходящее сегодня изменение физического состояния планеты сопровождается климатическими и биосферными адаптационными процессами. Эти процессы все более интенсивно сопровождаются климатическими и тектоническими катаклизмами. Профессор А. Дмитриев с коллегами уверен, что природные катастрофы — это не столько следствие идущих процессов, сколько результат полного непонимания человечеством своей роли и своего влияния на солнечно-земные и солнечно-планетарные связи, а значит, и на состояние своей планеты, да и других планет тоже. Ему вторит и доктор В.Плыкин: “Человечество излучает отрицательный информационно-энергетический поток, который достигает информационного слоя планеты, искажая информацию и нарушая ход планетарных процессов». Итог всей предыдущей человеческой деятельности подводит именитый психиатр, профессор С.Гроф: «История глупой обезьянки закончилась. Или мы кардинально изменимся, или погибнем!»
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
What is happening today is changing the physical state of the planet is accompanied by climatic and Human Adaptation processes. These processes are more intensively accompanied by climatic and tectonic disasters. Professor a. Dmitriev with colleagues confident that natural disaster — it's not so much a consequence of ongoing processes, how much the entire misunderstanding humanity of its role and its influence on the solar-terrestrial and solar-planetary communication and, hence, on the State of the planet and other planets too. It echoes and Dr. Plykin: "humanity emits negative information and energy flow information layer, which reaches the planet, distorting information and disrupting the course of planetary processes. A total of all previous human activity brings the eminent psychiatrist, Professor s. Grof: "history of stupid monkeys ended. Or are we fundamentally change or perish! "
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
What is happening today change the physical state of the planet's climate and biosphere is accompanied by adaptation processes. These processes are accompanied by more intense climatic and tectonic cataclysms. Professor A. Dmitriev and his colleagues believe that natural disasters - is not so much a consequence of the ongoing processes as a result of a complete lack of understanding of humanity's role and its influence on solar-terrestrial and solar-planetary communication, and therefore the state of his planet, and other planets, too. He was echoed by Dr. V.Plykin: "Humanity emits negative information and energy flow that reaches the information layer of the planet, distorting information and disrupting the course of planetary processes." The result of all previous human activity brings eminent psychiatrist, professor S.Grof: "The history of the silly monkey is over. Or we dramatically change, or die! "
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
this change in the physical state of the world today is climate and биосферными absorptive processes. these processes are accompanied by more intense climate and of tectonic events. professor as well. dmitriev with colleagues believe that natural disaster is not so much the result of trials as the result of the failure of humanity to its role and its influence on the solar terrestrial and solar planetary connection, and so on the condition of earth, and other planets, too. he both invokes and dr. в.плыкин: "humanity emits negative information and energy flow, which reaches the information layer of the planet, distorting information, and disrupting the planetary processes". the sum total of previous human activity brings famous psychiatrist, professor с.гроф: "stupid monkey story ended. or we fundamentally change or die. "
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