[ACE]Не было времен, когда лишь одно слово сказанное тобой мне, остава перевод - [ACE]Не было времен, когда лишь одно слово сказанное тобой мне, остава английский как сказать

[ACE]Не было времен, когда лишь одн

Не было времен, когда лишь одно слово сказанное тобой мне, оставалось несбытым
Мне хватает терпения, я баловал тебя,
В своих объятиях..

Мне нравится твое обиженное лицо
Не отрекайся так от меня
Улыбаюсь, смотря на тебя я, о-о!
Не осуждай меня!
Не верь чудесам, ты, нет! Я..
Все равно не могу измениться!

М-м, все это стало проблемой для моей головы
М-м, ломаешь мозг, ничего не понимая
А-а! Не указывай, говоря
"не делай то", "не делай так"
Чего тебе не хватало, что не устраивало? Скажи..
О том, что тебя устраивает, не отдыхая
Я сделал достаточно, но не угодил тебе
В итоге ты закопалась (заинтересовалась) в своих дорогих вещах
И из-за неудовлетворения
Не насытившись, не наигравшись, не перестав
Вымотала ты меня, а-а!
Мне нравится твой характер
Но, твои запросы не влезают в мои мысли
Ау! Ладно, только ради тебя
Сегодня включая себя, я подарю тебе весь мир
Это так не кончается
Не говори мне свою обиду
Чего тебе не хватает?
О-о! Я все равно не могу измениться!

Это так не кончается
Не говори мне свою обиду
Чего тебе не хватает?
О-о! Я все равно не могу измениться!

Не осуждай меня!

Я все равно не могу измениться!
Я все равно не могу измениться!

Не мечтай так много, ревнуя меня к другим
Твое счастье, о котором ты мечтала, не у других, а лишь в тебе
И меня, хоть на миг сделай похожим на свое счастье
Обрати внимание на мои слова

Мне нравится твое обиженное лицо
Не отрекайся так от меня
Улыбаюсь, смотря на тебя я, о-о!
Не осуждай меня!
Не верь чудесам, ты, нет! Я..
Все равно не могу измениться!

Hey, stop! Поставь точку сомнениям!
Не жди меня сегодня, твои вопросы
Разные-разные вопросы
Прийдя, выносят мозг, только доводят до предела
Скажи мне, чего тебе от меня не хватает?
Слова ранили, да? Нет, не отрекайся
"Ты не обижайся, я и вправду люблю тебя" - говорю я, но все же
Е-а! У меня спрашиваешь каждый-каждый день, что я знаю?
Я знаю твой характер, но не соглашусь
А-а! Моя голова болит!
Не спрашивай меня удивленно!
"Почему у тебя болит голова?"!
Ты и сама нанесла вред моему сознанию!

Это так не кончается
Не говори мне свою обиду
Чего тебе не хватает?
О-о! Я все равно не могу измениться!

Это так не кончается
Не говори мне свою обиду
Чего тебе не хватает?
О-о! Я все равно не могу измениться!

Не осуждай меня!
Не осуждай меня!
Не осуждай меня!
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
[ACE]There was no time when only one word you said I was nesbytym I have the patience, I spoiled you,In his arms ...[ALEM]I like yours the offended person Not so otrekajsâ of me Smiling, looking at you I, Oh!Don't judge me!Do not believe in miracles, you're not! I..Still can't change![A .. Z]M-m, all this has been a problem for my headM-m, you break the brain, understanding nothing Ah! Not speaking about "don't do that", "do not do" What you lacked that didn't suit? Tell me. ..That you're comfortable, not restingI have done enough, but not pleased theeIn the end you zakopalas′ (interested) in their expensive things And because of dissatisfactionNot enough, not after, not ceasing toExhausted me, Ah!I like your characterBut, your requests are piling in my thoughts Ay! Okay, just for the sake of you Today, including myself, I'll make you feel the whole world(RRAA!)Chorus:So ne konchaetsyaDon't tell me its offenseWhat do you lack?O-o! I still can't change!So ne konchaetsyaDon't tell me its offense What do you lack?O-o! I still can't change! [A .. Z]Don't judge me![ALEM]I still can't change!I still can't change![BALA]Not a dream so much, being jealous of me to otherYour happiness, which you dreamed of, not others, and thee onlyAnd me, at least for a moment do it similar to your happinessPay attention to my words[ALEM]I like yours the offended person Not so otrekajsâ of me Smiling, looking at you I, Oh!Don't judge me!Do not believe in miracles, you're not! I..Still can't change![ZaQ]Hey, stop! Seal point doubts!Don't wait for me today, your questionsMiscellaneous-miscellaneous questionsThen, take out the brain, only the lead up to the limitTell me what you from me missing?The words wounded, Yes? No, not otrekajsâ"You're no offense, I really love you"-I say, but stillE-a! I ask everyone, every day, what do I know? I know your character, but do not agree Ah! My head hurts! Do not ask me surprise!"Why do you have a headache?"!You and damage itself my conscience!(ARGH!)Chorus:So ne konchaetsyaDon't tell me its offenseWhat do you lack?O-o! I still can't change!Chorus:So ne konchaetsyaDon't tell me its offense What do you lack?O-o! I still can't change! [A .. Z]Don't judge me!Don't judge me!Don't judge me!
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
There were times when only one word you said to me was nesbytym
I have the patience, I indulge you
in my arms .. [ALEM] I like your face offended not to renounce because of me smiling, looking at you, I, Oh! Do not blame me! Do not believe the miracles, you are not! .. I still can not change! [AZ] Um, all this has become a problem for my head Um, break the brain could not understand Oh! Do not tell, saying "do not do it," "do not do that," What you did not have that did not suit? Tell me .. That suits you, without resting I did enough, but do not hit you in the end you bury the (interested) in their expensive things and because of the dissatisfaction can not be satisfied, not played enough, without ceasing to exhaust you me, a- well! I like your character But your questions do not fit in my mind Ay! Okay, just for you today including myself, I'll give you the whole world (RRAA!) Chorus: It's not the end Do not tell me his resentment Why do not you have enough? Oh! I still can not change! It's not the end Do not tell me his resentment Why do not you have enough? Oh! I still can not change! [AZ] Do not blame me! [ALEM] I still can not change! I still can not change! [BALA] Do not dream so much jealous of me to others Your happiness of which you dreamed not others, but only you and me, for a moment do like their happiness Pay attention to my words [ALEM] I like your offended person does not renounce because of me smiling, looking at you, I, oh! Do not blame me! Do not believe the miracles, you are not! .. I still can not change! [ZaQ] Hey, stop! Put an end to doubts! Do not wait for me today, your questions Different kinds of questions, Arriving, removal of the brain, but is adjusted to limit Tell me what you want from me is not enough? The words hurt, right? No, do not renounce "Do not be offended, I really love you" - I say, but all the same eh! I ask everyone, every day, that I know? I know your character, but do not agree Ah! My head hurts! Do not ask me surprised! "Why do you have a headache?"! You yourself crippled my mind! (ARGH!) Chorus: It's not the end Do not tell me his resentment Why do not you have enough? Oh! I still can not change! Chorus: It's not the end Do not tell me his resentment Why do not you have enough? Oh! I still can not change! [AZ] Do not blame me! Do not blame me! Do not blame me!

переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
was a time when only one word that you left me, несбытым
i have enough patience, i spoil you,
in my arms...

i like your a petulant face

smile not recant it from me.looking at you and i, oh!
don't judge me!
don't believe the miracle, you're not! i -
still can't change!

m - m, it has become a problem for my head
m - m, break the brain, nothing don't know
ah! don't tell, saying "don't do that.""don't do that". what do you need that for? say, "what you want, not relaxing. i made a lot, but not up to you. in the end, you buried my nose (interested) in their expensive things.and because of dissatisfaction with the
not gone, not наигравшись, abandoning the
took it out of you, ah!

but i like your character, your request is not fit in my mind
hello! okay, just for the sake of you
today, including myself,i'll give you the whole world
(RRAA!) chorus:

it's not running out. don't tell me your resentment
what's wrong with you?
oh! i still can't change!

it's not running out. don't tell me your resentment
what's wrong with you?
oh!i still can't change! A.Z

[] don't judge me!

i still can't change! - i still can't change! BALA]

[not so much, jealous me to other
your happiness you dreamed about, not othersbut only you. and me, for a moment, do a happiness
pay attention to my words

i like your a petulant face

not recant so i smile, looking at you and i, oh!
don't judge me!
don't believe in miracles, you, no! i -
still can't change!

[ZaQ) hey, stop! put a doubt! "don't wait up for me tonight, your questions
different - different questions
coming, make brain, just get to the limit
tell mewhat do you miss me?
the words hurt, right? no, not recant. "you don't get offended, i really love you," i say, but still
e as well. you're asking me every day that i know? - i know your nature, but don't agree
ah!my head hurts! - don't ask me surprised!
"why have you got a headache?" you have been hurt. "my conscience!

it's chorus: don't tell me your resentment is

what's wrong with you?
oh!i still can't change!

it's chorus: don't tell me your resentment is

what's wrong with you?
oh! i still can't change! A.Z

[] don't judge me!
don't judge me!
don't judge me!
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