в Данной статье 19 век обозначен как

в Данной статье 19 век обозначен ка

в Данной статье 19 век обозначен как " век кофе". И с этим ложно поспорить,так как именно на этот период идет активное внедрение и использование кофе в жизни человека. Идеальным климатом для выращивания кофейных деревьев являются провинции Рио- де- Жанейро. Это объясняется тем, что в этих провинциях в течение года выпадает нужное количество осадков,которое так необходимо для правильного роста кофе.
Сушка кофе занимала обычно достаточно долгое время и это, как мне кажется,был очень тяжелый труд.Сушились зерна кофе на открытом воздухе на солнце,там же и обрабатывалось кофе.Для этого использовался труд женщин-рабов.
Кофе начало все шире и шире распространяться и набирать популярность. Сохранение торговли кофе служило основным аргументом для задержки отмены рабства в Бразилии.
Но такая популярность этого дерева повлекла за собой проблемы, такие как вырубка других деревьев,для расширения площади под кофейные деревья, а это,в свою очередь, повлекло нарушение климата и почвы.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
This article 19 21 is designated as the "century of coffee". And with that falsely argue, because at this time there is an active implementation and the use of coffee in a person's life. Ideal climate for cultivation of coffee trees are the province of Rio de Janeiro. This is because in these provinces during the year is the right amount of precipitation,that is so necessary for proper growth of coffee coffee Drying.
usually takes quite a long time and that, to me, was very hard work. Dried coffee beans outdoors in the Sun,ibid. and processed coffee. the employment of women was slaves.
Coffee beginning more and more to spread and gain popularity. Saving coffee trade served as the main argument to delay the abolition of slavery in Brazil.
But such popularity of this tree has caused problems such as cutting down other treesto expand the area under coffee trees, and this, in turn, led to violation of the climate and soil.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In this article, the 19th century is marked as the "age of coffee." And this is false to argue, as it was during this period there is an active introduction and use of coffee in human life. Ideal climate for growing coffee trees are the province of Rio de Janeiro. This is because in these provinces during the year falls right amount of precipitation, which is so necessary for the proper growth of coffee.
Drying coffee usually takes quite a long time and it seems to me, was a very hard trud.Sushilis coffee beans outdoors on sun, and treated in the same kofe.Dlya this unused labor of women slaves.
Coffee start wider and wider spread and gain popularity. Saving trade coffee served as the main argument for delaying the abolition of slavery in Brazil.
But the popularity of this tree has led to a problem, such as cutting other trees to expand the area under coffee trees, and this, in turn, led to a violation of climate and soil.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
In this article 19 century marked as " century coffee". And with this false bet,as it is in this period is an active implementation and use coffee in the life of the human.The ideal climate for growing coffee trees are province of Rio de Janeiro. This is due to the fact that, in these provinces in the course of the year, falls off the desired amount of precipitation,Which is so it is necessary for the correct growth coffee.
drying coffee ranked is usually enough for a long time, and this is, as it seems to me,it was a very heavy labor.Сушились grain coffee in the open air in the sun,Ibid. , and clears coffee.The work of women and slaves.
Coffee start growing wider and wider spread and to recruit in popularity.Save trade coffee served as the main argument for delay the abolition of slavery in Brazil.
But the popularity of this tree has entailed the problems, such as logging other trees,For an expansion in the area under coffee trees, and this, in turn, would entail a violation on climate change and the soil.
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