Я заказала две блузки, размер "L", цвет - белый и чёрный. Качество ужасное обоих блузок! Торчат нитки из швов, пройма тянет, украшение пришито криво. Размер "L", относительно белой блузки, как видно на прилагаемом фото, не 88 см, а 80 см.
I ordered two blouses, size "L", white and black. Horrible quality both blouses! Stick threads from seams, armhole pulls, decoration prišito asked."L" size relative to white blouses, as seen in the accompanying photo, not 88 cm and 80 cm.
i ordered two shirts, size "l", the color is white and black. the quality of the terrible two blouses. are you of the seams, пройма's jewelry пришито crooked. size "l" on the white shirts, as you can see in the attached photosno 88 cm and 80 cm.