культура представляет собой сложный феномен, который включает в себя к перевод - культура представляет собой сложный феномен, который включает в себя к английский как сказать

культура представляет собой сложный

культура представляет собой сложный феномен, который включает в себя как материальные и социальные явления, так и различные формы индивидуального поведения и организованной деятельности. Реально мы можем наблюдать разнообразные ее проявления в виде различий в человеческом поведении и тех или иных типах деятельности, ритуалах, традициях. Мы видим лишь отдельные проявления культуры, но никогда не видим всю ее саму в целом. Наблюдая различия в поведении, мы начинаем понимать, что в их основе лежат культурные различия, и с этого начинается изучение культуры. В этом смысле культура представляет собой только абстрактное понятие, которое помогает нам понять, почему мы делаем то, что делаем, и объяснить различия в поведении представителей различных культур.
Культурная антропология рассматривает культуру как продукт совместной жизнедеятельности людей, систему согласованных способов их коллективного существования, упорядоченных норм и правил удовлетворения групповых и индивидуальных потребностей.
совместное долгое проживание групп людей на одной территории, их коллективная хозяйственная деятельность и оборона от нападений формируют у них общее миросозерцание, единый образ жизни, манеру общения.
В итоге формируется самостоятельная культурная система, которую принято называть этнической культурой данного народа.
Ее ядро составляет набор «правил игры», принятых в процессе их коллективного существования. В отличие от биологических свойств человека они не наследуются генетически, а усваиваются только методом обучения. По этой причине становится невозможным существование единой универсальной культуры, объединяющей всех людей на Земле. Таким образом, несмотря на свою очевидную реальность культура предстает в некотором смысле абстрактным понятием, ибо в действительности она существует только в виде множества культур разных эпох и регионов, а внутри этих эпох —в виде культур отдельных стран и народов, которые еще принято называть локальными и этническими культурами.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
culture is a complex phenomenon that includes both material and social phenomena, and various forms of individual behavior and organized activities. Actually we can observe a variety of its manifestations in the form of differences in human behavior and those or other types of activities, rituals, traditions. We see only isolated manifestations of culture, but never see all of it itself in General. Observe the difference in behavior, we begin to understand that they are based on cultural differences and culture begins with it. In this sense, culture is only an abstract concept, which helps us to understand why we do what we do, and explain the differences in the behavior of representatives of different cultures. Cultural anthropology considers culture as the product of a joint, coordinated system of people's ways of their collective existence, streamlined rules and regulations meet individual and group needs. Joint for a long accommodation of groups of people in one area, their collective economic activities and defense against attacks form they have general Outlook on life, a lifestyle, a way of communication.As a result, formed an independent cultural system, referred to as ethnic culture of this people.Its core is a set of "rules of the game", adopted in the process of their collective existence. Unlike the biological properties of the person they are not inherited genetically and assimilated only method of teaching. For this reason, it becomes impossible to exist one universal culture, uniting all people on Earth. Thus, despite its obvious reality culture appears somewhat abstract concept, because in reality it exists only in the form of many cultures from different eras and regions, and within those eras — in the form of cultures of individual countries and peoples who are still commonly referred to as local and ethnic cultures.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Culture is a complex phenomenon which involves both physical and social phenomenon, and various forms of individual behavior and organized activity. In fact, we can observe a variety of its manifestations in the form of differences in human behavior and of certain types of activities, rituals and traditions. We see only certain manifestations of culture, but never see all of herself in general. Observing the differences in behavior, we begin to understand that they are based on cultural differences, and this begins the study of culture. In this sense, culture is only an abstract concept, which helps us to understand why we do what we do, and explain the differences in the behavior of different cultures.
The cultural anthropology considers culture as the product of a joint human activity, a system of harmonized methods of their collective existence, ordered rules and regulations to meet group and individual needs.
joint long living people groups in the same territory, their collective business activities, and defense against the attacks of form have a common view of the world, a single way of life, style of communication.
As a result, formed an independent cultural system, which is called ethnic the culture of the people.
its core is a set of "rules of the game", adopted in the course of their collective existence. In contrast to the biological properties of the human, they are not inherited genetically, and absorbed only by training. For this reason, it is impossible the existence of a single universal culture that unites all people on Earth. Thus, despite its obvious reality culture is presented in a way an abstract concept, because in reality it exists only in the form of a plurality of cultures of different epochs and regions, and within these periods -in the form of cultures of individual countries and peoples that have called local and ethnic cultures.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
culture is a complex phenomenon, which includes both material and social phenomenon, and different forms of individual behaviour, and organized activities. actually we can observe various manifestations in the form of differences in human behaviour and those or other types of activities, rituals, traditions. we only see individual manifestations of culture, but never see all of herself as a whole. observing the differences in behavior, we begin to understand what they are based on cultural differences, and this is cultural. in this sense, culture is just an abstract concept, which helps us to understand why we do what we do, and explain the differences in the behavior of different cultures.cultural anthropology views culture as a product of the joint system of people agreed ways of collective existence, streamlined the rules and regulations of the collective and individual needs.joint long residence groups on the same territory, their collective economic activities and defense against attacks by their common миросозерцание, a way of life, way of communication.in the end is an independent cultural system, which is known as the ethnic culture of the people.its core is a set of "rules of the game", adopted in the process of collective existence. in contrast to the biological properties of the rights they are inherited genetically, and are assimilated only teaching method. for this reason, becomes impossible to exist a universal culture of all people on earth. thus, despite its apparent reality in a sense, culture is an abstract concept. in fact, it only exists in the form of many cultures from different eras and regions, and within these epochs in the cultures of peoples and countries that have adopted the name local and ethnic cultures.
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