1) -Твоя манера вести себя отчуждённо мешает тебе сделать блестящую па перевод - 1) -Твоя манера вести себя отчуждённо мешает тебе сделать блестящую па английский как сказать

1) -Твоя манера вести себя отчуждён

1) -Твоя манера вести себя отчуждённо мешает тебе сделать блестящую партию! В итоге ты останешься старой девой!
-Я считаю, это лучше, чем наломать дров в этом вопросе и неудачно выйти замуж за какого-нибудь священника, как твоя сестра, которая смирилась со своей собачьей жизнью.
2) Я потеряла дар речи, когда он предложил мне прогуляться с ним в парке. Я не ожидала ничего приятного от этой прогулки, так как я раньше думала, что он любит важничать и злорадствовать над окружающими, поэтому сразу заняла оборонительную позицию. Я была ошарашена, когда увидела, как он прилагал все усилия, чтобы понравиться мне, и даже заискивал передо мной!
3) -Вечно ты боготворишь его! Он же всегда говорит неискренно, неужели ты этого не видишь? Как ты можешь всё так терпеливо сносить? Я бы на твоём месте разузнала о его прошлом, кстати, раз ты готова выйти за него замуж!
-Ты такая недоверчивая! Не надо приписывать ему все грехи!
4) -Если бы у него была голова на плечах, он бы постарался стать усердным работником, вместо того, чтобы искать дружбы декана и угодничать перед заведующим кафедрой.
-Должно быть, эта бумажная волокита мешает ему отличиться на работе! Но он прилагает все
усилия, чтобы написать научный труд об этом лингвистическом явлении!
5) Его трактат о новом виде насекомых произвёл сенсацию в мире науки. Но некоторые учёные возмущались тайком, что им приходится выслушивать, как он хвастает своим открытием и говорит, что он оказывает им услугу, делясь с ними своими знаниями. Но хотя они и накручивали себя этими возмущениями, на публике им приходилось усмирять свой гнев и примиряться с этим самодовольным нахалом.
6) Супружеская жизнь пугала её, необходимость подчиняться чьим-то желаниям казалась ей отвратительной, но она старалась не терять самообладания и смириться со своей участью. Когда он, наконец, сделал ей предложение, она взяла себя в руки и согласилась. И при более близком знакомстве с ним она поняла, каких она наломала дров, но было уже поздно.
7) Помнишь, как мы прогуливались по парку прошлым летом? Дождь лил как из ведра, но это никоим образом не докучало нам. Ты смотрел на меня своим загадочным взглядом, на твоих губах играла едва заметная улыбка, и ты шёпотом читал мне свои стихи. Ни холод, ни вероятность заболеть не пугали нас, и в нашем сердце не было места унынию.

Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1)-your way to behave very impersonal prevents you make a brilliant game! In the end you will remain an old maid!I think it's better than breaking anything in this matter and fail to marry a priest, like your sister, that is just fine with my dog's life. 2) I lost the power of speech when he invited me to walk with him in the Park. I did not expect anything good from this walk, as I had previously thought that he loves airs and gloat over others, so just took a defensive position. I was stunned when I saw how it made every effort to please me, and even Crouching in front of me!3)-Forever you bogotvoriš′ it! He always says welcome, do you not see? How can you all so patiently endure? I would in your place razuznala about his past, by the way, once you're ready to marry him!-You're so tough! No need to ascribe all sin! 4)-if he had a head on his shoulders, he'd try to become a diligent worker, instead of looking for a friendship of Dean and ugodničat′ to the head of the Department. -Must have this paper red tape prevents him from excelling at work! But he made every efforts to write a scientific paper about the linguistic phenomenon!5) His treatise on the insects made a stir in the world of science. But some scientists were secretly, that they have to listen to as he brags about its discovery and said that he supports the service by sharing your knowledge. But although they cheat these perturbations, in public they had restrained his anger and come to terms with this smug nahalom. 6) married life scared her, need to follow someone else's wishes seemed like her obnoxious, but she tried not to lose my temper and come to terms with their fate. When he finally proposed to her, she took herself up and agreed. And when the closer acquaintance with him, she realized what she nalomala the firewood, but it was too late.7) do you remember, as we walked through the Park this past summer? The rain came down in buckets, but that in no way bothered us. Have you looked at me with its enigmatic gaze on your lips played a barely noticeable smile, and you whisper read me your poems. Neither cold nor risk not frightened of us, in our heart there was no discouragement.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

1) -Your demeanor aloof prevents you make a brilliant party! As a result, you will remain a spinster!
-I think it's better than breaking anything in this matter and it is unfortunate to marry any priest, like your sister, who has reconciled with his dog's life.
2) I was speechless when he invited me to walk with him in the park. I did not expect anything from this pleasant walk, because I used to think that he likes to put on airs and gloat over others, so I took a defensive position. I was stunned when I saw how he was doing his best to please me, and even curry favor with me!
3) -Vechno you idolized him! He always said insincerely, do not you see? How can you all so patiently endure? I would in your place to find out about his past, by the way, if you're ready to marry him!
-You such incredulous! Do not ascribe to him all sins!
4) -If he had a head on his shoulders, he would have tried to become a diligent worker, instead of looking for friendship dean and head of the department before ugodnichat.
-Must have this red tape prevents him to excel work! But he is making every
effort to write a treatise on this linguistic phenomenon!
5) His treatise about a new kind of insect has made ​​a splash in the world of science. But some scientists secretly resented what they have to listen to how he brags his discovery and says he has them a favor by sharing their knowledge. But even though they themselves Screw these perturbations, in public they had to pacify their anger and come to terms with that smug impudent.
6) Married life frightened her, the need to submit to someone else's wishes seemed to her disgusting, but she tried not to lose self-control and to accept their fate. When he finally proposed to her, she pulled herself together and agreed. And become more familiar with him, she realized what she was breaking anything, but it was too late.
7) Do you remember when we were walking through the park last summer? The rain fell in torrents, but this does not bother us. You looked at me with his enigmatic look on your lips played a faint smile, and you whisper to me read my poems. Neither cold nor likely to develop not frighten us, and in our hearts there was no room for despondency.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]

1) -Your style to behave wounded Amfortas is preventing you to do excellent party! In the end you're ahead!" old a.d.!
-I believe this is better than наломать firewood in this issue and failed to marry any priest,As your sister, which resigned from its dog lives.
2) I lost dar speech, when he suggested that I walk with him in the park. I was not expecting anything from this pleasant walk, as I had previously thought,That he loves важничать hallmark and surrounding, therefore immediately took defensive positions. I was are shared, when she saw, as he has made every effort to ensure that like me, and even заискивал me!
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