Трёхфазная система электроснабжения — частный случай многофазных систе перевод - Трёхфазная система электроснабжения — частный случай многофазных систе английский как сказать

Трёхфазная система электроснабжения

Трёхфазная система электроснабжения — частный случай многофазных систем электрических цепей переменного тока, в которых действуют созданные общим источником синусоидальные ЭДС одинаковой частоты, сдвинутые друг относительно друга во времени на определённый фазовый угол. В трёхфазной системе этот угол равен 2π/3 (120°).

Многопроводная трёхфазная система переменного тока изобретена Николой Тесла. Значительный вклад в развитие трёхфазных систем внёс М. О. Доливо-Добровольский, который впервые предложил трёх- и четырёхпроводную системы передачи переменного тока

Каждая из действующих ЭДС находится в своей фазе периодического процесса. Также “фазы” — это носители этих ЭДС. В трёхфазных системах угол сдвига равен 120 градусам. Фазные проводники обозначаются в РФ латинскими буквами L с цифровым индексом 1…3, либо A, B и C

Преимущества трёхфазной системы электроснабжения:
• Экономичность передачи электроэнергии на значительные расстояния.
• Меньшая материалоёмкость 3-фазных трансформаторов.
• Меньшая материалоёмкость силовых кабелей, так как при одинаковой потребляемой мощности снижаются токи в фазах.
• Уравновешенность системы.
• Возможность простого получения кругового вращающегося магнитного поля, необходимого для работы электрического двигателя и ряда других электротехнических устройств.
• Возможность получения в одной установке двух рабочих напряжений — фазного и линейного, и двух уровней мощности при соединении на «звезду» или «треугольник».
• Возможность резкого уменьшения мерцания и стробоскопического эффекта светильников на люминесцентных лампах
Благодаря этим преимуществам, трёхфазные системы наиболее распространены в современной электроэнергетике.

Звезда – это такое соединение, когда концы фаз обмоток генератора (G) соединяют в одну общую точку, называемую нейтральной точкой или нейтралью. Концы фаз обмоток потребителя (M) также соединяют в общую точку.

Проводники, принадлежащие разным фазам, маркируют разными цветами. Разными цветами маркируют также нейтральный и защитный проводники. Это делается для обеспечения надлежащей защиты от поражения электрическим током, а также для удобства обслуживания, монтажа и ремонта электрических установок и электрического оборудования. В разных странах маркировка проводников имеет свои различия.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Three-phase power supply system is a special case of multiphase AC electric circuits systems, which have created a common source of sinusoidal ELECTROMOTIVE FORCE equal frequency shifted relative to each other in time for a phase angle. In the three-phase system, this angle is equal to 2π/3 (120°).Mnogoprovodnaâ three-phase AC system invented by Nikola Tesla. A significant contribution to the development of three-phase systems made of m. Mikhail Dolivo-Dobrovolsky, who first proposed the three-and četyrëhprovodnuû AC transmission systemsEach of the EMF is in its phase of periodic process. Also "phase" is media these EMF. In three-phase systems, the angle is 120 degrees. The phase conductors are denoted by Latin letters in the Russian Federation (L) with a digital index 1. 3, either (A), (B) and (C)The advantages of three-phase power supply system: • Economical transmission of electricity over long distances.• Lower material requirements 3-phase transformers.• Lower material requirements of power cables, because the same power consumption reduced currents in phases.• Balance system.• The ability to easily obtain a circular rotating magnetic field required to operate an electric motor and a number of other electrical devices.• Possibility of obtaining one installing two operating voltages is live and linear, and two output levels when connected to a "Star" or "triangle".• Possibility to decrease flicker and stroboscopic effect on fixtures fluorescent lamps With these advantages, three phase systems are most common in modern power industry.Star is such a link, when the ends of phases of windings of the generator (G) unite in one common point, called a neutral point or neutral. The ends of the winding phases (M) also connect to a common point.Conductors belonging to different phases, labeled in different colors. Different colors mark also neutral and protective conductors. This is done to provide adequate protection against electric shock as well as for ease of maintenance, installation and repair of electrical installations and electrical equipment. In different countries the marking of conductors have their differences.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Three-phase power supply system - a special case of multi-phase electrical circuits, AC systems, which operate by a common source of sinusoidal EMF of the same frequency shifted relative to each other in time to a specific phase angle. In a three-phase system, this angle is 2π / 3 (120 °).

Multiple Wire three-phase alternating current system invented by Nikola Tesla. A significant contribution to the development of three-phase systems introduced MO Dolivo-Dobrovolsky, who first proposed the three- and four-wire AC transmission system

Each of the existing EMF is in its phase of a batch process. Also, the "phase" - it supports these EMF. In three-phase systems, the phase angle is 120 degrees. The phase conductors are indicated in Russian in Latin letters L with a digital index 1 ... 3, or A, B and C

Advantages of three-phase power supply system:
. • Efficiency of power transmission over long distances
. • Less material consumption of 3-phase transformers
• Lower consumption of materials of power cables, as at the same power consumption is reduced currents in phases.
• balanced system.
• The ability to easily obtain a circular rotating magnetic field required for the operation of the electric motor and other electrical devices.
• The possibility of obtaining a single installation of two operating voltages - phase and line, and two levels power when connected to a "star" or "triangle".
• The possibility of a sharp decrease flicker and stroboscopic lamps effect on fluorescent lamps
Due to these advantages, three-phase systems are most common in modern electric power.

The star - is such a compound, when the ends of the generator winding phase (G) connect to a single point, called the neutral point, or neutral. The ends of the phase windings of the consumer (M) is also connected to a common point.

The conductors belonging to different phases are marked by different colors. Different colors also mark the neutral and protective conductors. This is to ensure proper protection against electric shock, as well as ease of maintenance, installation and repair of electrical installations and electrical equipment. In different countries, marking of conductors has its differences.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
three phase electric power is a particular case of multiphase systems, electrical circuits, alternating current, which are created by the source of same frequency синусоидальные emu, crazy friend on friend in time at a particular phase angle. in трёхфазной system, this angle is equal to 2π / 3 (120°).многопроводная трёхфазная ac system invented by nikola tesla. a significant contribution to the development of трёхфазных systems made. oh. доливо - dobrovolsky, who first suggested the three and четырёхпроводную ac transmission systemeach of the operating voltage is in the phase of a periodic process. the "phase" is a native of the emu. in трёхфазных systems shift angle is 120 degrees. фазные conductors are identified by the rf fields in the digital index of 1, 3, or a, b and cthe advantages of трёхфазной electricity system.the economical power transmission over long distances.the lower material requirements 3 фазных transformers.the lower material requirements power cables, as in the same power consumption decreasing currents in the phases.- equilibrium system.- the possibility of a simple receipt a round rotating magnetic field necessary for the work of the electric motor and other electrical devices.- the possibility of a two - фазного installation working voltages and line, and two power levels when connecting to the звезду» or triangle.- the ability to drastically reduce flicker and стробоскопического effect on fluorescent lamps lightingwith these advantages, трёхфазные system prevalent in modern electric power industry.the star is such a connection, when the ends of phase windings of generator (g) connected to a common point (neutral point or neutral. the ends of the phases of the consumer (m) also join together in a common point.the маркируют belonging to different phases, different colors. different colors маркируют as neutral and protective agents. this is done to ensure adequate protection from injury of electric shock, and also for the convenience of maintenance, installation and maintenance of electrical installations and electrical equipment. in different countries have their different marking agents.
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