Матиас Вакернагель ввел понятие «экологического следа» и показал, что, перевод - Матиас Вакернагель ввел понятие «экологического следа» и показал, что, английский как сказать

Матиас Вакернагель ввел понятие «эк

Матиас Вакернагель ввел понятие «экологического следа» и показал, что, несмотря на все принимаемые меры, мы продолжаем «жить не по средствам» и с каждым днем всё дальше отходим от принципов устойчивого развития. Для меня это стало ключевым событием. На посту председателя правления крупной корпорации с филиалами в Азии и других частях света мне еще в середине 1990-х стало ясно, что развивающиеся страны захлестнет лавина международного товарного потока, которая неизбежно вызовет огромные потребности в энергии, сырье и металле.

Развивающиеся страны копируют нашу модель экономического успеха, строя инфраструктуру по системе, разработанной нами за последнее столетие, но которую тем не менее давно необходимо менять. А промышленно развитые страны продолжают жить, как и прежде. Наше сегодняшнее благополучие основано на потреблении энергии и ресурсов – за счет завтрашней экологической стабильности, мировой справедливости, за счет будущих поколений.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Mathias Vakernagel′ introduced the concept of "ecological footprint" and showed that despite all the measures taken, we continue to live beyond our means and every day farther away from the principles of sustainable development. For me this was the key event. As Chairman of the Board of a large corporation with branches in Asia and other parts of the world to me back in the mid-1990 's, it became clear that the developing countries will overwhelm the avalanche of international commodity flow, which would inevitably cause the enormous needs in energy, raw materials and metal.Developing countries copy our model of economic success, building the infrastructure for the system developed by us over the last century, but which nevertheless has to be changed. And the industrialized countries continue to live as before. Our current prosperity is based on the consumption of energy and resources at the expense of tomorrow's environmental sustainability, the global justice at the expense of future generations.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Mathias Wackernagel introduced the concept of "ecological footprint" and showed that, despite all the measures taken, we continue to "live beyond their means" and every day farther departing from the principles of sustainable development. For me it was a key event. As chairman of the board of a large corporation with branches in Asia and other parts of the world to me back in the mid-1990s it became clear that developing countries are overwhelmed by an avalanche of international flow of goods, which will inevitably lead to a huge demand for energy, raw materials and metal. Developing countries are copying our model economic success, building the infrastructure for the system, we have developed over the last century, but which nevertheless need to be changed for a long time. And industrialized countries continue to live as before. Our current prosperity is based on the consumption of energy and resources - at the expense of tomorrow's environmental sustainability, global justice, the expense of future generations.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Mathias Вакернагель has introduced the concept of "ecological footprint" and has shown that, in spite of all the measures taken, we continue to "to live, not on drugs" and with each passing day we all are shifting away from the principles of sustainable development.For me, this has become a key event. The presidency of the board of a large corporation with branch offices in Asia and other parts of the world I am still in the mid 1990s it had become clear,
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