да,я сказала,что я не дура. но я имела в виду, что я не настолько глупа,чтобы рассчитывать, что у нас могло бы быть что-нибудь большее,чем дружба, потому что ты сказал,что ты итальянец,что ты далеко и что ты не будешь жить здесь вечно. как я могла надеяться на что то большее в таких условиях? но я не имела в виду,что ты неудачник с которым у меня не будет ничего больше дружбы. если бы мы жили в одном городе, то мы могли бы стать больше чем друзьями. И это было бы круто. И я не была бы против. Дело не в тебе,а в том,что я тут,а ты там. Я ебанутая русская,а ты стеснительный итальянец
Результаты (
английский) 2:
Yes, I said that I was not stupid. but I mean, I'm not stupid enough to expect that we could be something more than friendship, because you said you were Italian, you're far away and you're not going to live here forever. How could I hope for something more in such conditions? but I did not mean that you're a loser with whom I would be nothing more than friendship. if we lived in the same city, we could be more than friends. And it would be cool. And I would not be against it. It's not you, but the fact that I'm here and you're there. I hit hard Russian, Italian and you're shy
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
Yes,i said,that I do not dura. But I had in mind that I am not so cat,so that count, that we could be something more than friendship, because what you said,that you are italian,That you are far away and that you will not have to live here forever. As I have been able to hope for that the more in such conditions? But I did not have in mind,that you betrayed him with which I will not be anything more than friendship.If we lived in the same city, we could become more than friends. And this would be cool. And I would not have been against. The case is not in you,as well as the fact that I am here,and you're there. I ебанутая diocese,and you're стеснительныи italian
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