Мне нравится несколько фильмов. Один из них - Это Хатико В фильме сним перевод - Мне нравится несколько фильмов. Один из них - Это Хатико В фильме сним английский как сказать

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Мне нравится несколько фильмов. Один из них - Это Хатико
В фильме снимался популярный американский актер Ричард Гир, и, на мой взгляд, это одна из его лучших ролей. Эта история о преданности и верности, о любви и дружбе. Она невероятно проста и трагична: профессор университета Паркер Уилсон находит потерянного щенка на станции, отправленного из Японии в Америку. Паркер очень привязан к своему новому другу. Каждый день Хатико сопровождает его на вокзал, когда он идет на работу, а вечером приходят, чтобы встретить его. Однажды, Паркер пошел на работу, где он перенес сердечный приступ, и он умирает... Семья профессора скорбит о потере, но Хатико продолжал каждый день приходить на станцию ​​и ждать Паркера с поезда. Хатико остаётся там жить. Его кормят работники вокзала. Через 10 лет, Хатико умирает на парапете, где он так много лет ждет Паркера. История о верной собаке Хатико действительно произошло в 30-х годах ХХ века. В честь этого бронзовая статуя Хатико была построена в 1934 году на железнодорожной станции Сибуя.
Вы часто можете услышать фразу : "собака лучший друг человека ". Эта история показывает нам, что это действительно так. Это очень трогательный фильм. Я советую всем посмотреть его.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I like a few movies. One of them is the Hachiko The film stars popular American actor Richard Gere, and, in my opinion, this is one of his best roles. This story about dedication and loyalty, about love and friendship. It is incredibly simple and tragic: University Professor Parker Wilson finds a lost puppy in the station, sent from Japan to America. Parker is very attached to his new friend. Every day Hachiko accompanies him to the train station, when he goes to work, and in the evening come to meet him. One day, Parker went to work, where he suffered a heart attack, and he dies ... Family mourns the loss of Professor, but of Hachiko continued to come to the station every day and wait for Parker off the train. Hachiko is still live there. It fed the workers of the station. After 10 years, Hachiko dies on the parapet, where it so many years waiting for Parker. The story of a faithful dog Hachiko really happened in the 30 's. In honor of this bronze statue of Hachikō was built in 1934 at the Shibuya train station. You can often hear the phrase, "a dog is man's best friend". This story shows us that this is indeed the case. This is a very touching movie. I recommend everyone watch it.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I like a few films. One of them - It's Hachiko
The film stars popular American actor Richard Gere, and, in my opinion, this is one of his best roles. The story of devotion and loyalty, about love and friendship. It is incredibly simple and tragic: a university professor Parker Wilson finds a lost puppy at the station sent from Japan to America. Parker is very attached to his new friend. Every day Hachiko accompanied him to the station, when he goes to work, and in the evening come to meet him. One day, Parker went to work, where he suffered a heart attack and dies ... Family professor mourning the loss, but Hachiko continued to come every day to the station and wait for Parker to train. Hachiko is still living there. His feeding station workers. After 10 years, Hachiko died on the parapet, where he had so many years waiting for Parker. The story of the faithful dog Hachiko really happened in the 30 years of the twentieth century. In honor of the bronze statue of Hachiko it was built in 1934 at the Shibuya train station.
You can often hear the phrase "the dog man's best friend." This story shows us that this is true. This is a very moving film. I advise everyone to see it.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I like a few movies. One of them is the Хатико
in the film has been removed a popular American actor Richard Gil, and, in my view, this is one of his best roles. The history of the devotion and loyalty, about love and friendship.It's extremely simple and tragic: university professor Parker Wilson finds lost our kennel at the station, sent from Japan to America. Parker is very tied to their new friend.Every day Хатико accompanies him to the railway station, where he is going to work, and in the evening we are going to meet it. Once, Parker went to work, where he suffered heart attack, and he dies ...The family of professor mourns the loss, but Хатико continued every day come to the station and wait for ​ ​Parker with a train. Хатико remains there to live. His fed workers train station. 10 Years, Хатико dies at bridges over Dnepr,Where he so many years waiting for Parker. The history of the faithful dog Хатико really happened in 30-s, twentieth century. In honor of the bronze statue Хатико was built in 1934, the Shibuya train station.
You often can hear phrase : "the dog best friend rights ". This history shows us that this is indeed the case. This is a very moving film. I hope this article has helped you all watch it.
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