В письме говорится о том , что Келли выросла в детдоме. Мне жаль Келли , так как она -Попала в детдом после автокотострофы , т.к ее родители умерли. Я удивлена, Келли не унывает и ищет во всем выгоду, у нее много друзей. Она не согласна с Сашей, т.к Саша жалуется на родителей и то что делит комнату с сестрой. Келли на оборот хочет сестру/ брата, потому что ей скучно одной. Она хочет вырости и пойти на работу и купить свой дом .
Я желаю Келли чтоб ее мечты сбылись и она купила свой дом, и вышла замуж .
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The letter stated that Kelly grew up in an orphanage. I'm sorry Kelly, because she got into the orphanage after avtokotostrofy, because her parents died. I am surprised, Kelly's pride and looking around the benefit, she has lots of friends. She did not agree with Sacha because Sacha complains about parents and what divides a room with his sister. Kelly on turnover of wants a sister/brother, because she bored one. She wants to get as tall and go to work and buy their house. I wish Kelly to her dreams come true and she bought her house, and married.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
the letter stated that kelly grew up in an orphanage. i'm sorry kelly as she went to the orphanage after автокотострофы since her parents died. i'm surprised, kelly унывает and looking around the benefit, she has a lot of friends. she did not agree with sasha, sasha complains because parents and that shares a room with my sister. kelly on the circulation's sister / brother, because she's the one. she wants to rise up and go to work to buy a house.i wish kelly for her dreams to come true, and she bought a house, got married.
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