S: Dr Hanway, this is Chris Denning, he has applied for the job.H: How перевод - S: Dr Hanway, this is Chris Denning, he has applied for the job.H: How английский как сказать

S: Dr Hanway, this is Chris Denning

S: Dr Hanway, this is Chris Denning, he has applied for the job.

H: How do you do, Dr Denning? Do sit down.

D: Thank you. How do you do?

H: Here is your resume and application form.

D: Yes, and I have also brought a reference from my previous job.

H: That's fine. May I see it?

(After looking through the reference.)

H:Your reference looks quite complementary. It says that you have been hard-working, loyal to your colleagues, able to take criticism and what is most important, have high professional qualifications and also a logical and creative mind.

D: That's very kind of my former boss. He also said that he would always be ready to re-employ me if things get better in the laboratory.

H: Well, he writes about it in the reference. But still I'd like to ask you a few questions.
D: Yes, of course.

H: Why have you decided to change your job?

D: I've been working there for two years and expected to get a promotion. But the laboratory failed to get any new grants or new proposals and so my promotion failed, too.

H: Tell me why are you interested in this sort of job?

D: I have some experience in dealing with semiconductors, especially in studying new semiconductor materials.

H: How long have you been working in this field?

D: For the last two years.

H: Have you had any other publications related to the proposed project within the last two years besides those mentioned in your resume?

D: I have one more written in collaboration with technologists. I also have two parents closely related to new semiconductor materials.

H: I see. You seen to meet our requirements. You are just the person we need.

D: You mean there is a chance. I will get the job?

H: Yes, I think is. In fact, I wonder if you could start next month.

D: Yes, of course. Thank you very much.

H: As to your salary. I am sure we can come to a satisfactory agreement.

D: I'm eager to start as soon as possible.

(After the interview is over.)

H: Before you start, Dr Denning, I'll also introduce you to your new colleagues and acquaint you with duties in detail. I'll also show you our equipment. Goodbye. It was very nice to meet you.

D: Goodbye. And thank you once again.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
S: Dr Hanway, this is Chris Denning, he has applied for the job.H: How do you do, Dr. Denning? Do sit down.D: Thank you. How do you do?H: Here is your resume and application form.D: Yes, and I have also brought a reference from my previous job.H: that's fine. May I see it?(After looking through the reference.)H:Your reference looks quite complementary. It says that you have been a hard-working, loyal to your colleagues, able to take criticism and what is most important, have high professional qualifications and also a logical and creative mind.D: that's very kind of my former boss. He also said that he would always be ready to re-closely monitor employ me if things get better in the laboratory.H: Well, he writes about it in the reference. But still I'd like to ask you a few questions.D: Yes, of course.H: Why have you decided to change your job?D: I've been working there for two years and expected to get a promotion. But the laboratory failed to get any new grants or new proposals and so my promotion failed, too.H: Tell me why are you interested in this sort of job?D: I have some experience in dealing with semiconductors, especially in studying new semiconductor materials.H: How long have you been working in this field?D: For the last two years.H: Have you had any other publications related to the proposed project within the last two years besides those mentioned in your resume?D: I have one more written in collaboration with technologists. I also have two parents closely related to new semiconductor materials.H: I see. You seen to meet our requirements. You are just the person we need.D: You mean there is a chance. I will get the job?H: Yes, I think is. In fact, I wonder if you could start next month.D: Yes, of course. Thank you very much.H: As to your salary. I am sure we can come to a satisfactory agreement.D: I'm eager to start as soon as possible.(After the interview is over.)H: Before you start, Dr. Denning, I'll also introduce you to your new colleagues and acquaint you with duties in detail. I'll also show you our equipment. Goodbye. It was very nice to meet you.(D): Goodbye. And thank you once again.
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