Этот человек работает вне офиса. Ему приходится помогать людям, которые не знаю того, что знает он. Этот человек очень часто помогает заключать договора с иностранными компаниями . Он может много путишествовать.
This person works outside the Office. He has to help people who don't know what he knows. This man is very often helps to conclude contracts with foreign companies. It can travel a lot.
The man works outside the office. He has to help people who do not know what he knows. This man often helps to enter into agreements with foreign companies. It can be a lot putishestvovat.
the man works outside of the office. he had to help people who don't know what he knows. this man is very often helps to conclude contracts with foreign companies. he has a lot of путишествовать.