1. Она наклеила на письмо несколько марок и бросила его в почтовый ящи перевод - 1. Она наклеила на письмо несколько марок и бросила его в почтовый ящи английский как сказать

1. Она наклеила на письмо несколько

1. Она наклеила на письмо несколько марок и бросила его в почтовый ящик. 2. Друзья всегда держались вместе. 3. Ключ заст¬рял в замке, и я не могла открыть дверь. 4. Вы сегодня заняты? — К сожалению, у меня вряд ли будет свободное время. 5. Смерть единственного сына была крушением всех его надежд 6. Есть в гостинице свободные номера? — К сожалению, все номера заня¬ты. 7. Лондонские туманы губительны для здоровья. 8. Все списали эти предложения? Я стираю их с доски. 9. У него была странная привычка потирать руки, когда он был взволнован. 10. Холод го¬лод и нужда подорвали здоровье Герствуда. 11. Оратор остановил¬ся, чтобы собраться с мыслями. 12. Вам не следует беспокоиться, он хорошо водит машину. 13. Звук выстрела нарушил тишину. Мистер Кэртел, который до этого времени мирно дремал в кресле, вскочил и стал оглядываться по сторонам. 14. Я не любил купаться в реке из-за сильного течения. 15. Учитель подождал, пока не стих¬ли разговоры, и только после этого продолжал объяснение. 16. Они прервали беседу, как только я вошел. 17. Он обещал по¬мочь мне, но не сдержал обещания. 18. Увидев меня, он презри¬тельно скривил рот и только кивнул головой в знак приветствия.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. She pasted labels on letter several brands and dumped it in the mailbox. 2. Friends always kept together. 3. intro Key ¬ râl in the Castle, and I couldn't open the door. 4. you busy today? — Unfortunately, I hardly will have free time. 5. the death of his only son was dashed all hope 6. In the hotel there are rooms available? "Unfortunately, all rooms Inc ¬ you. 7. London fogs detrimental to health. 8. all cancelled these proposals? I am erasing them from the Board. 9. He had a strange habit to rub their hands when he was excited. 10. Cold th ¬ Lod and destitution have undermined the health of Gerstvuda. 11. He stopped ¬ Xia to gather your thoughts. 12. you don't need to worry, it's good to drive a car. 13. Sound shot broke the silence. Mr Kèrtel, who up to this time peacefully dozing in a Chair, jumped up and began to look around. 14. I did not like to bathe in the river due to strong current. 15. the teacher waited until verse ¬ does talk, and only then went on to explain. 16. They interrupted the conversation, as soon as I walked in. 17. He promised to ¬ can I, but had not kept promises. 18. Seeing me, he prezri ¬ skrivil als mouth and only nodded his head in greeting.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. It is pasted to the letter of several brands and dropped it in the mailbox. 2. Friends are always kept together. 3. zast¬ryal key in the lock, and I could not open the door. 4. You are now engaged? - Unfortunately, I hardly have free time. 5. The death of her only son was the collapse of all his hopes 6. There are rooms available in the hotel? - Unfortunately, all rooms zanya¬ty. 7. London fog harmful to health. 8. All written off these proposals? I erase them from the board. 9. He had a strange habit of rubbing his hands when he was excited. 10. The cold and the need go¬lod undermined the health of Hurstwood. 11. He ostanovil¬sya to gather his thoughts. 12. You do not need to worry, it is good drivers. 13. The sound of shots broke the silence. Mr. Kertel, which up to this time peacefully dozing in a chair, jumped up and began to look around. 14. I did not like to swim in the river because of the strong currents. 15. The teacher waited until stih¬li conversations, and only then went on an explanation. 16. They broke off the conversation as soon as I walked in. 17. He promised po¬moch me, but did not keep his promises. 18. When he saw me, he prezri¬telno twisted his mouth and nodded his head in greeting.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. she's got your patch on a few brands and dropped it in the mailbox. 2. friends always stay together. 3. the key заст¬рял in the castle, and i couldn't open the door. 4. are you busy tonight? unfortunately,i don't think i have spare time. 5. the death of his only son was the collapse of all his hopes. there is a vacancy? unfortunately, all the rooms заня¬ты. 7. the london fogs harmful to health. 8.it was these proposals? i wash them off the board. 9. he had a strange habit stretched his hand when he was excited. 10. cold го¬лод and need have undermined the health герствуда. 11. he остановил¬ся,to collect my thoughts. 12. you do not have to worry about, he drives the car. 13. the sound of gunfire broke the silence. mr. кэртел, who until this time peacefully asleep in a chair, stood up and began to look around.14. i don't love to swim in the river because of the strong current. 15. the teacher had to wait until стих¬ли conversations, and only after that has continued to the explanation. 16. they interrupted the conversation, as soon as i walked in. 17. he promised по¬мочь mebut don't keep the promise. 18. seeing me, he презри¬тельно скривил mouth and just nodded her head as a sign of greeting.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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